Ravenclaw Common Room



  • psb13
    psb13 Posts: 629
    this is sooo exciting!! trunk is packed, ready to go!! see you all at platform 9 3/4 on the 1st!! :bigsmile:
  • cherubcrnp
    cherubcrnp Posts: 730 Member
    Hello Ravenclaw! So what do you all think of another inter-house competition? Gryffindor and Hufflepuff have invited us to join them for an October challenge. What do you say??

    Sounds good to me!!!!

    Pam aka Cherubcrnp
  • Samiwhereareyou
    Samiwhereareyou Posts: 281 Member
    Im so excited to be getting the houses back together. I know personally when I was sorted into ravenclaw in the beginning before the movie came out I was feeling out of place cuz I always felt like a hufflepuff But now that we can pick what houses we would like to be in I could never leave. I love you ravenclaws and I am ready to win head girl!!! Do we have a headmaster in charge of everyone??
  • Samiwhereareyou
    Samiwhereareyou Posts: 281 Member
    ohhh I feel so deliciously nerdy!!!!
  • azsuzi
    azsuzi Posts: 1,169 Member
    Im so excited to be getting the houses back together. I know personally when I was sorted into ravenclaw in the beginning before the movie came out I was feeling out of place cuz I always felt like a hufflepuff But now that we can pick what houses we would like to be in I could never leave. I love you ravenclaws and I am ready to win head girl!!! Do we have a headmaster in charge of everyone??

    A convert!! :D I'm glad you're staying - I'd really miss you! :flowerforyou:

    Bronwen, Head of Gryffindor House has taken the roll of headmaster and I volunteered to be her back-up. Seems like we have everything in place. Even Slytherin is re-forming!

    We'll weigh in this Sunday to conclude our August House challenge and then next week the inter-house challenge will begin! And just in time too - I've been on quite a little binge today and no exercise! :noway:
  • azsuzi
    azsuzi Posts: 1,169 Member
    Ok - here's the list of Ravenclaws I have so far. Let me know if I missed anyone.


    And here's the email I sent out to some of our new or absent members with information about the upcoming inter-house challenge:
    Hello fellow Ravenclaw!

    A Hogwart's inter-House challenge will begin on September 1 and run through September. Ravenclaw will be competing against Gryffindor, Hufflepuff and Slytherin. Here's how it will work:

    We will earn house points by the minutes of exercise we do each week. The house with the highest total at the end of the month will win the House Cup. The two individuals from the whole school with the most House Points will be named head boy and head girl.

    We will have weekly Quidditch matches based on percentage of weight lost. The house with the highest percentage will win the Quidditch Cup for the week.

    Within Ravenclaw House, we will continue to have our own weekly challenges to earn in-house points. The person with the highest weekly in-house points will be named Prefect for the week. You earn 1 point each day you meet the weekly challenge and 1 point for each day you visit the Common Room and leave a note for your fellow Ravenclaws.

    If you want to join the fun, our first inter-house weigh in will be September 2 - 5 and the clock starts running for your minutes of exercise on the 5th.

    Then, each day, visit the common room and let us know how you're doing or just drop in and say hi.

    Each weekend, visit the common room and post your current weight, minutes of exercise for the week and number of in-house points earned.

    Hope to see you on the 2nd! (or before!!)

    ~Ravenclaw Head of House~
  • nekoemi
    nekoemi Posts: 121 Member
    Greetings fellow Ravenclaws.

    I just found this group and it seems like a blast! I'm ready to hop aboard the Hogwarts Express for the September challenge.

    Let's get at it and win that Inter-House Cup! :smile:
  • psb13
    psb13 Posts: 629
    good morning fellow Ravenclaws!! i'm so excited about joining with the other houses for competition again!! an extra warm welcome to our new friends (especially desj16 who i see is also a fellow Phillies fan). i'm off for an early bike ride before the bad weather hits then school shopping with daughter. thinking of those of you in irene's path and hoping you are safe.
    happy saturday to all. :bigsmile:
  • azsuzi
    azsuzi Posts: 1,169 Member
    Happy Saturday Ravenclaw! Hope all of you East Coasters are safe and sound as Irene pays you a visit! I'm hoping that the hubby and I can escape the heat here today and take a day trip to the mountains. It will be good to see something other than desert!!

    Enjoy your day and see you at weigh in tomorrow!
  • tigersmoondiva
    tigersmoondiva Posts: 93 Member
    I misposted this in the main common room! WHOOPS!

    I just got your email! Exercise minutes - YAY! I take Shotokan - and sensei asks me to practice about an hour a day. (He's hardcore.....complete with ridiculousness short nails and starched uniforms;)

    I also LOVE Dance Central - (anyone else have Dance Central for Kinect? If there are a couple people interested I'd be willing to set up Xbox live for some exercise minute rolling DANCE PARTIES!) I know people are doing it with Zumba - but I don't have Zumba. (Micheal Jackson: The Experience or Dance Master might be feasible too - I can at least maybe rent for a week at a time. Let me know! Let's have some fun!
  • _gwen
    _gwen Posts: 501 Member
    Welcome First Years!
  • psb13
    psb13 Posts: 629
    happy sunday to all!! hope everyone on the coastline made it through the night safely. we're about 2 hours west of Philadelphia and have some pretty windy conditions here-can't imagine what it's like along the coastline!! good day to stay inside and do some healthy cooking for the week and do an inside workout!! that's my plan for the day. lost track of house points (one of those busy weeks), but i'm happy to report a 1.2lb loss taking me to 180.2!!! hoping to be out of the 180s next week!! :bigsmile:
  • lottee1000
    lottee1000 Posts: 447 Member
    Boo hiss.. bad news on my weigh-in this week- am back up to 185. So nowhere near my August goal either. Will have to try harder in September.

    Woo hoo to a new house competition though!!!
  • _gwen
    _gwen Posts: 501 Member
    Boo hiss.. bad news on my weigh-in this week-

    I'm in the same boat lottee1000. I blame it on the new scale. I really have no idea if I gained or lost, but I don't think the scale really could swing 3.8lbs on it's own. Who knows...I'll see what the world looks like next week.

    +7 for logging in
    +7 for a 4 color rainbow meal
    +0 for focusing on an area

    last week: 191
    this week: 194.8
    gained 3.8
  • _gwen
    _gwen Posts: 501 Member

    I have an idea on how to handle the MIA in our house without having to drop anyone on the list.

    How about if you don't report a weight-in, you are in detention. None of your personal house points contribute to the weekly inter-house goals. You get out of detention by reporting two conseceturive weigh-ins. For Ravenclaw house only competitions, what counts would be up to you, whatever is easiest bookkeeping wise.

    Since you are using a spreadsheet, it should be a simple matter of sorting by weigh-in, or creating a filter. (depends on how you want to do it-there are lots of ways to skin a spreadsheet)

    This accommodates new house members who join mid-month. They won't necessarily have a previous weigh-in. Of course, they would be First Years, not in detention. It also accommodates our monthly goals, since you can still report interim weight loss and make progress for your monthly goals, so if someone just misses a week, no big deal.

    No need to remove anyone from the register unless they explicitly ask or they close their account.

  • cherubcrnp
    cherubcrnp Posts: 730 Member
    Ok - here's the list of Ravenclaws I have so far. Let me know if I missed anyone.


    And here's the email I sent out to some of our new or absent members with information about the upcoming inter-house challenge:
    Hello fellow Ravenclaw!

    A Hogwart's inter-House challenge will begin on September 1 and run through September. Ravenclaw will be competing against Gryffindor, Hufflepuff and Slytherin. Here's how it will work:

    We will earn house points by the minutes of exercise we do each week. The house with the highest total at the end of the month will win the House Cup. The two individuals from the whole school with the most House Points will be named head boy and head girl.

    We will have weekly Quidditch matches based on percentage of weight lost. The house with the highest percentage will win the Quidditch Cup for the week.

    Within Ravenclaw House, we will continue to have our own weekly challenges to earn in-house points. The person with the highest weekly in-house points will be named Prefect for the week. You earn 1 point each day you meet the weekly challenge and 1 point for each day you visit the Common Room and leave a note for your fellow Ravenclaws.

    If you want to join the fun, our first inter-house weigh in will be September 2 - 5 and the clock starts running for your minutes of exercise on the 5th.

    Then, each day, visit the common room and let us know how you're doing or just drop in and say hi.

    Each weekend, visit the common room and post your current weight, minutes of exercise for the week and number of in-house points earned.

    Hope to see you on the 2nd! (or before!!)

    ~Ravenclaw Head of House~

    I am excited!!!!!!!!! Would you mind posting what we earn in-house points for....my mind is going....LOL

    Pam aka Cherubcrnp
  • azsuzi
    azsuzi Posts: 1,169 Member
    I am excited!!!!!!!!! Would you mind posting what we earn in-house points for....my mind is going....LOL

    Pam aka Cherubcrnp

    Hi, Pam. This week the challenges were to eat at least one meal each day with 4 colors and target exercise an area of your body that you tend to neglect. These will change weekly and I think I'm going to drop it to one challenge each week when we start the inter-house competition.

    Also, the ongoing challenge is to leave a post in the Common Room (this thread) each day. You earn 1 point each day for each challenge that you meet.
  • azsuzi
    azsuzi Posts: 1,169 Member
    Good morning Ravenclaw!

    Sad to report that I had a slight gain as well - up half a pound to 160.5 :( I'm going to have to go back to the way I was eating before my husband's diet was changed - I hate to do that though because he'll have to watch me eat the things he's craving. But his diet is necessary for him - not for me. I found myself binge eating the last few days and snacking on my son's chips and was back into the candy bowls at work. The only thing I can figure is that my dietary needs were not being met and my body was sabotaging my efforts by craving junk!

    For those of us who gained, its a good thing it happened this week and not after the inter-House challenge starts!

    Points this week:
    4 color meals: 5
    target exercise: 5
    posting: 7
  • azsuzi
    azsuzi Posts: 1,169 Member

    I have an idea on how to handle the MIA in our house without having to drop anyone on the list.

    How about if you don't report a weight-in, you are in detention. None of your personal house points contribute to the weekly inter-house goals. You get out of detention by reporting two conseceturive weigh-ins. For Ravenclaw house only competitions, what counts would be up to you, whatever is easiest bookkeeping wise.

    Since you are using a spreadsheet, it should be a simple matter of sorting by weigh-in, or creating a filter. (depends on how you want to do it-there are lots of ways to skin a spreadsheet)

    This accommodates new house members who join mid-month. They won't necessarily have a previous weigh-in. Of course, they would be First Years, not in detention. It also accommodates our monthly goals, since you can still report interim weight loss and make progress for your monthly goals, so if someone just misses a week, no big deal.

    No need to remove anyone from the register unless they explicitly ask or they close their account.


    Hi, Gwen. Thanks for the suggestions. I like the idea of calling no-weigh-ins "detention". I'll even mark it as that on our weekly reports! :laugh:

    Everything will be tracked as an average for purposes of the inter-house competition (counting only those who report in). That way, if someone doesn't weigh in one week, their "detention" will not hurt the overall house results. Their weekly weight loss can't be counted in the Quidditch matches unless there are 2 consecutive weigh-ins. However, as long as a total of minutes exercised is reported at the end of the challenge, I can use that for the House Cup.

    To keep confusion to a minimum, what do you all think about calling our inter-house exercise minutes "house points" and our in-house challenges "OWLs"? That is one of the things that was suggested at the staff meeting. It would be easier than saying "House Points" and "in-house points".
  • psb13
    psb13 Posts: 629
    To keep confusion to a minimum, what do you all think about calling our inter-house exercise minutes "house points" and our in-house challenges "OWLs"? That is one of the things that was suggested at the staff meeting. It would be easier than saying "House Points" and "in-house points".

    i'm all for keeping confusion to a minimum!! i like the idea of earning "OWLs"