awilde4 Member


  • I was in the same boat! I was pretty frustrated but kept at it. I was happy to see at about the 6 week mark I'd lost 8 pounds but by week 8 I'd lost THREE! inches off my hips. Slow and steady wins the race. Just keep at it. You can do it!
  • I've been in a few weddings and bought my dress for one and paid the seamstress for the other (bride bought the material) For my own wedding I bought the material and the seamstress was my step mother so she didn't charge. How traditional is the wedding? How old are the bridesmaids? I think it's pretty common now to have…
  • Can I ask how you know how much is 'enough'? for example, I started doing some of the arm machines at my gym and was trying to challenge myself but have no clue. I'm doing usually 25 or 30 pounds on overhead stuff but I think 40 or 50 on a different pull down machine, it's just easier. (sorry don't know the real names) In…
  • I did crossfit for about 6 months and loved the results. Be warned! You will work hard, you will sweat buckets and you will get sore ;) I had a fantastic instructor though that took it very, very seriously. Classes were no more than I'd say a dozen people... 15 tops. he spent all his time demonstrating and correcting form…
  • if i just plug circuit training into the exercise logger i get 239 calories burned so it sounds close...
    in 30DS HRM Comment by awilde4 May 2012
  • I lost about 30lbs last year and then hurt my back and literally spent the summer lying on my living room floor. I gained back about 15 pounds.
  • I started yesterday! I found it not as hard as her 6weeks to 6pack which I had to stop doing. I was SO sore! Today my legs are certainly feeling the squats and my arms the push ups. Other than that though, it's a good overall feeling, like I got something done. I'm not afraid to to it again tonight anyway. I'm going to try…
  • I"m building one this summer too! I've been looking at 'square foot gardening' where you just add lattice pieces to mark out 1ft by 1ft squares. I have some of my seeds already starting inside, can't wait for the spring to come.
  • Any good parks nearby for the bigger ones to play? I used to do laps of the playground while my 2 played on the slide and swings.
  • I have a B.A in psychology
  • I noticed that for about the first month the scale was pretty stubborn. I second the vote for watch your measurements. I think you will be pleasantly surprised there after the first month or 6 weeks.
  • Are you pmsing? I gain about 8lbs for 1 week each month like clockwork. I've learned to just ignore that week for now while trying to up my water intake and lower how much salt i consume... i'm trying to reduce the water retention but have not had any luck yet.