I am new and have some concerns...

tristan83 Posts: 51 Member
edited September 20 in Health and Weight Loss
I started here one week ago. I changed the way I eat including no more caffeine, no more frozen foods, no more beer (I miss you!) and only one take out meal a week in moderation. I was feeling great yesterday with my progress because I have been eating fresh foods and whole grains with lots of water and being a little more active than normal. I am concerned because in the last week I have gained weight! :-( Can I please get some insight to what I am doing that may be incorrect or some tips on what to do to lose the weight I am wanting to lose? I don't want this to be overnight and I want it to be a long term change to eating right but right now I am wanting to hit up the vending machine and eat away my woes.


  • lina1131
    lina1131 Posts: 2,246 Member
    Can you post and example of your daily menu?
  • cymills
    cymills Posts: 133 Member
    I read a great deal of what you have given up...I have to ask why? I have never given anything up - since starting 4-5 weeks ago.
    If you cut out food that you usually eat - it appears you will crave it & drive yourself crazy. I eat frozen food, and way more processed foods they all will tell you - you should. I have a hectic lifestlye, crazy commute and long hours - so i eat foods out of convenience most times. I have lost close to 10 lbs! I focused on keeping calories in check. My eating habits may change..??
    Do not deprieve yourslef of too much - nor make drastic changes all at once. Ease up - the weight did not come on overnight...so....
  • catfan
    catfan Posts: 90 Member
    Just a real quick question--Are you tracking all your food? I only ask because once I started tracking every bite that went into my mouth I was shocked about some of the supposed "healthy foods nutrional" value..
  • squoozyq
    squoozyq Posts: 305
    Increased fibre and water darlin', nothing to worry about. If you are also exercising where you were not, you are gaining some muscle tone in place of fat, and muscle weighs more even if it's only a few ounces at this point.
    Good luck! You are doing the right thing!
  • tristan83
    tristan83 Posts: 51 Member
    Can you post and example of your daily menu?

    I hope this translates well from copy to paste!

    Breakfast Calories Carbs Fat Protein
    South Beach Diet - High Protein Cereal Bar - Chocolate, 1 bar 140 15 5 10
    Add Food | Remember Meal 140 15 5 10
    Kashi - Tasty Little Cookies - Oatmeal Dark Chocolate, 1 Cookie 130 20 5 2
    Fresh Produce - Sliced Tomato, 1 slice 3 1 0 0
    Oroweat 12 Grain Bread - Bread, 2 slice 200 36 3 8
    Sargento - Deli Style Provolone Cheese , 1 Slice 70 0 5 5
    Oscar Mayer - Deli Style - Turkey Breast - Oven Roasted Thin Sliced, 6 slices 50 1 1 10
    Spinach - Raw, 6 leaf 14 2 0 2
    Add Food | Remember Meal 467 60 14 27
    1 Cup Whole Milk - Vitamin D Milk, 1 cups 75 6 4 4
    Generic - Honey Nut Cheerio's, 2 cup 220 44 3 6
    Kashi - Tasty Little Cookies - Oatmeal Dark Chocolate, 1 Cookie 130 20 5 2
    Add Food | Remember Meal 425 70 12 12
    Fresh Fruit - Banana Small 6" to 6-7/8", 1 whole 90 23 0 1
    South Beach Diet - High Protein Cereal Bar - Peanut Butter, 1 bar 140 15 5 10
    Add Food | Remember Meal 230 38 5 11

    Totals 1,262 183 36 60
    Your Daily Goal 1,200 165 40 45
    Remaining -62 -18 4 -15
    Calories Carbs Fat Protein

    I feel satisfied and happy with what I am eating but I want to make sure I am doing this in a healthy fashion that will show results down the road.
  • awilde4
    awilde4 Posts: 16 Member
    Are you pmsing? I gain about 8lbs for 1 week each month like clockwork. I've learned to just ignore that week for now while trying to up my water intake and lower how much salt i consume... i'm trying to reduce the water retention but have not had any luck yet.
  • tristan83
    tristan83 Posts: 51 Member
    Just a real quick question--Are you tracking all your food? I only ask because once I started tracking every bite that went into my mouth I was shocked about some of the supposed "healthy foods nutrional" value..

    Yes! I track EVERYTHING. I have this app on my phone so I play it like a game to make sure I am tracking everything. :-)
    Increased fibre and water darlin', nothing to worry about. If you are also exercising where you were not, you are gaining some muscle tone in place of fat, and muscle weighs more even if it's only a few ounces at this point.
    Good luck! You are doing the right thing!

    Is there a good way to supplement fiber in the diet without making myself bloated at first? I was thinking I needed to up that part of my diet.
  • miqisha
    miqisha Posts: 1,534 Member
    I agree with tristan83....why are you depriving yourself of stuff you love....and so drastically...it could all be done in stages....

    You can eat meals and drink what you love, as long as you do it in moderation

    There is a possibility you are not eating enough food...First ensure you are eating atleast 1200 calories....however based on your weight and height, you may need to be eating way more than 1200 calories, so you may need to up your calories a bit

    I treat myself to ice cream every sunday...I still eat carbs and processed foods...however I eat whole grain carbs....and I dont eat process food everyday....but I dont deprive myself of stuff, I love.

    Some people on here can cut it out compeltely....but they will tell you they did it over time...some people it took them as much as 3 years to convert to full healthy eating.

    So dont restrict yourself so drastically...because you will miss it so bad....that you may tend to break your diet much easier than someone who took their time....
  • MonicaD
    MonicaD Posts: 5
    If you're exercising, you could be adding muscle mass. Muscle weighs more than fat so you can notice a slight increase in weight at first. It's a good thing though - muscle burns more calories than fat so it's good to add muscle. I agree with what others said too though - you don't have to eliminate everything; gradual changes are easier to stick with. Also, if you cut your calories too drastically you can actually slow your metabolism which isn't good. Not all frozen foods are bad - just check the labels. As for beer, you can try buying the lower calorie kinds. It's not quite the same, but I've found it to be a good compromise - I'm not willing to give some things up! :smile: Hang in there!
  • firegirlred
    firegirlred Posts: 674 Member
    Couple of thoughts. Where is your sodium at? I am sodium's biggest fan when it comes to a workout, and I will tell everyone else on here the benefits of sodium. HOWEVER, I'm sensitive to how much I eat and tend to bloat easily.

    As a previous poster mentioned, if it is that time of month, you might be retaining water naturally.

    If you're drinking enough water every day now, and you didn't before, you might be retaining water.

    If you were severely restricting your calories in the past, your body might be hanging on to calories.

    I'm not a doctor, so I can't diagnose, but there are MANY reasons that you are heavier now. Stick it out and be patient. And don't be tempted to eat less because this won't work. Just keep working at it-you're doing a great job. You'll see that loss soon.
  • yazi_livefit
    yazi_livefit Posts: 51 Member

    Just keep in mind that while you are tracking your calories and have your calorie intake goal set, if you look under exercise you also have an exercise goal set for the week. So do not expect to start dropping weight if you do not break a sweat for it as well. Make sure that you note your exercise to your diary do push-ups, add a 15 minute brisk walk as day, or even if you decide to clean the house for an hour, you can add that too. Do not weight yourself every day because our weight fluctuates, it could make a different if you had to go to the bathroom before you got up on that scale ha ha funny, but believe me- empty your stomach before you do it ! :)

    Do not get discouraged, just stick to it- it is a wonderful thing- you will see the results!!!
  • yazi_livefit
    yazi_livefit Posts: 51 Member

    I saw your daily menu, and I see lots of sugars hon! While kashi bars and california "diet" cookies might seem too be helping in weight loss they are loaded with sugars. Cereal and protein bars could have up to 30 grams of sugars, not to mention carbs. Learn to read your labels! Not just for calories but sugars, fat and carbs. These all influence your weight loss.

    There are so many healthy substitutes-- have a sweet tooth no problem! klondike 100 cal ice cream, or sugar free cookies, light fat free whipped cream. Fruit, Fruit, Fruit!!! And for snacks use vegetables-- it's Spring, Take advantage of it!! When it comes to meat, use lean meat like chicken and instead of ground beef use ground turkey- it is much leaner and lower in fats. There are so many ways around getting too much of the bad stuff without feeling bummed out or starving yourself without it!

    Any more questions, feel free to email me!
  • bksteve26
    bksteve26 Posts: 216 Member
    Its muscle. I gained when I first started too and then Bam! my weight started falling off. Dont stress too much about the first couple weeks. Continue to work out...maybe a little harder than you are now...and keep counting cals! It will happen...i promise.
  • tristan83
    tristan83 Posts: 51 Member

    I saw your daily menu, and I see lots of sugars hon! While kashi bars and california "diet" cookies might seem too be helping in weight loss they are loaded with sugars. Cereal and protein bars could have up to 30 grams of sugars, not to mention carbs. Learn to read your labels! Not just for calories but sugars, fat and carbs. These all influence your weight loss.

    There are so many healthy substitutes-- have a sweet tooth no problem! klondike 100 cal ice cream, or sugar free cookies, light fat free whipped cream. Fruit, Fruit, Fruit!!! And for snacks use vegetables-- it's Spring, Take advantage of it!! When it comes to meat, use lean meat like chicken and instead of ground beef use ground turkey- it is much leaner and lower in fats. There are so many ways around getting too much of the bad stuff without feeling bummed out or starving yourself without it!

    Any more questions, feel free to email me!

    Thank you for the advice! I will adjust my shopping list a bit. I am excited to try these new options. :-)
  • Lisa1971
    Lisa1971 Posts: 3,069 Member
    What everyone else said. Hang in there!

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Calorie Counter
  • aippolito1
    aippolito1 Posts: 4,894 Member
    More fruits & veggies!

    And I disagree about everyone saying it's muscle - you've only been at this one week, you can't gain muscle that quickly. I would say watch your sodium also, drink a TON of water and just give yourself some time. Some lose weight quickly when they first start and some don't.

    Let your body adjust to the changes you've made and keep making healthier decisions and you'll see results.
  • tristan83
    tristan83 Posts: 51 Member
    So from what I have gathered I need to slowly start focusing on the following:
    1. More Fiber
    2. More Water
    3. Excercise
    4. Watch Sodium
    5. More Fruit!
    6. More Veggies!
    7. Lower the sugar intake but don't deprive myself.

    Does anyone have any tips for good, quick breakfast options? :huh:
  • sniffles
    sniffles Posts: 295
    So from what I have gathered I need to slowly start focusing on the following:
    1. More Fiber
    2. More Water
    3. Excercise
    4. Watch Sodium
    5. More Fruit!
    6. More Veggies!
    7. Lower the sugar intake but don't deprive myself.

    Does anyone have any tips for good, quick breakfast options? :huh:

    Oatmeal! With eggs. And a piece of fruit and/or fruit juice (100% fruit not the stuff with added sugar/glucose).
  • tristan83
    tristan83 Posts: 51 Member
    Oatmeal! With eggs. And a piece of fruit and/or fruit juice (100% fruit not the stuff with added sugar/glucose).

    Can you make Oatmeal the night before and then reheat it in the microwave? I have an hour commute every morning so waking up and cooking oatmeal and sitting down to eat would take way to long. I really like oatmeal though so I think I could do that! Do you make it with milk or water?

    When you say eggs do you mean just egg whites or the entire egg?

    Thanks for the help everyone! I feel smarter already (and motivated too)!
  • TheMaidOfAstolat
    TheMaidOfAstolat Posts: 3,222 Member
    So from what I have gathered I need to slowly start focusing on the following:
    1. More Fiber
    2. More Water
    3. Excercise
    4. Watch Sodium
    5. More Fruit!
    6. More Veggies!
    7. Lower the sugar intake but don't deprive myself.

    Does anyone have any tips for good, quick breakfast options? :huh:

    As for the lower the sugar...while I'm not going to tell you what you should eat I would recomend cutting the overly processed fake crud. I can't stand when I hear people spout off telling others to eat cool whip and skinny cow icecream (read the ingredients and you'll see why). While I'm not a purest about eating clean I try my best (I do cave for some items).
    As for breakfast...make a big batch of oatmeal and portion it out in baggies for the week or you could make hard boiled eggs for the week (I don't eat them personally) it's a great way to get in protein. Maybe you could make waffles or pancakes for the week as well. This is a recipe I make often. It's off allrecipes.com...and I add fruit to mine...blueberries or sliced strawberries.
    2 eggs, beaten
    1 3/4 cups skim milk
    1/4 cup canola oil
    1/4 cup unsweetened applesauce
    1 teaspoon vanilla extract
    1 cup whole wheat pastry flour
    1/2 cup flax seed meal
    1/4 cup wheat germ
    1/4 cup all-purpose flour
    4 teaspoons baking powder
    1 tablespoon sugar
    1/4 teaspoon salt
    1.In a large bowl, whisk together the eggs, milk, oil, applesauce, and vanilla. Beat in whole wheat pastry flour, flax seed meal, wheat germ, all-purpose flour, baking powder, sugar, and salt until batter is smooth.
    2.Preheat a waffle iron, and coat with cooking spray. Pour batter into waffle iron in batches, and cook until crisp and golden brown.
    Nutritional Information 6 servings
    Amount Per Serving Calories: 238 | Total Fat: 11.8g | Cholesterol: 72mg
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