

  • A heel bruise has sidelined me for a couple weeks, had to cut back to 10mi/wk compared to my normal 20+mi/wk .I have a 5k scheduled for Nov 26. Then I begin my half-marathon/marathon training 13.1 6 months out and 26.2 a year out with hopefully lots of 5 and 10ks in between
  • you are probably losing fat but not in the areas you want to at first. just keep what you are doing, cut back on working the arms if you feel too big there.
  • I usually go for either the Chicken Breast or Turkey burger on a lettuce "bun". You get a nice bit of protein and low fat and carbs. Are you going to Red Robin by chance? Mine lets you substitute the french fries (avoid if you can one serving is over 400 calories) for a side salad, broccolli or cantelope. Order extra…
  • you can use this freeware to see what songs in your current library BPM is
  • Healthy eating does not protect against HPV, Tetanus, Hepatitis B or Polio. Or several other communicable diseases. Just Saying. If it were true than people who ate healthy for a lifetime and didn't get vaccinations would never catch a flu. I'm sure lots of you want kids dying from whooping cough again lets stop…
  • reminds me of when I went to Cheesecake Factory 2 weeks ago, I was freaking out when I heard we were eating there, luckily I found out they recently added a skinnylicious menu with entrees under 500 calories so I could actually eat there. LOL. I have been dying to eat at 5 Guys but am holding it off until I lose at least…
  • Where I am we have a Sugar Free oatmeal that is a store brand. I buy it at Meijer they have a Apple Cinnamon and Maple Brown Sugar both a 100 calories a pack, I usually add a banana or a teaspoon of fibersupplement to it and then drink a quart of water, I work early mornings so that usually keeps me going for about 4-5…
  • C25k is a great strategy, I have actually been modifying it since I began running personal 5ks on almost every run, I did 3 10ks this week and an additional 4miles and 2 miles the other 2 days I ran this week. this from someone who got winding after about .50 miles close to 2 months ago. Best of luck to you and your…
  • raw with some fat free salad dressing or steamed with some lemon pepper season
  • i quit 12/07/2010 cold turkey used to smoke half a pack a day. once i quit i stopped getting so sick. i dont even miss it
  • High Fiber Oatmeal with a Banana gets me through the morning until 10am then it is another banana or a cliff bar if I am really hungry and plenty of water.