Natural food better than vaccinations?



  • PanteraGirl
    PanteraGirl Posts: 566 Member
    Bump....I'd like to follow this thread and see where it goes.....interesting topic.

    I refused to receive the H1N1 vaccine when it came out....and have never gotten a flu shot.....I only got shots that I needed to go to school and for my I was in the child and youth work field.

    There is such a debate....I do fear vaccines as I am convinced that my brother received a wrong vaccine and now he is plagued with a rare condition. The vaccine he received was never documented by the there is no proof that he ever received it other them his word. It sucks.

    I'm gonna keep following this thread...I'm interested in what every one has to say.
  • PanteraGirl
    PanteraGirl Posts: 566 Member
    On a different tack, I work as a medical transcriptionist and the health care system I work for is requiring ALL employees to get the flu shot this year or lose our jobs as of January 1. We have to "protect the patients." However, as I type the visit notes of these same patients, I see that about half of them choose to not get a flu shot themselves. I have not heard that any of our facilities are going to refuse to see patients who have not been vaccinated to "protect the other patients." I guess I lose my right to make the decision about what goes in MY body because I happen to have a healthcare related job, even tho I work from home and will never set foot in a clinic or hospital in a professional sense.

    Want to bet on who loses the right to decide about this next? How about anyone employed in a school setting--teachers, janitors, school lunch ladies, bus drivers? How about grocery store workers--they handle your food? How about anyone working in a restaurant? How about all police and firefighters? Hell, why not just require it of EVERYONE--that way we are ALL "safe."

    I agree w/the posters who said polio shots and the like are a good idea; flu shots, however, are a crap shoot as far as whether they will even cover whatever viruses happen to be around that year. AND you have to have one every year; it's not "one and done." Had this rule been in place when I started, I would never have taken this job. Is it fair for me to have to give up 7 years at this job and look for another one b/c some genius decided it would look good to say "oh, look, ALL our employees are vaccinated!" Do I sound angry and somewhat bitter? That's b/c I am. The patients can decide whether or not to take a med, have a procedure, get a vaccine. I lost that right somehow.

  • darklord48
    darklord48 Posts: 114 Member
    Measles is on the rise again because of parents that read incorrect information linking Autism to vaccinations. There is no correlation between the two. Yes, eating healthy will help keep you from getting sick, but it is not as effective as a vaccination.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,687 Member
    To those that don't want to have their children get them, that's fine, but you can't blame the school system for not making them a mandatory qualification to attend. Kids are usually at the most risk since immunity is still being built up.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,687 Member
    To those that don't want to have their children get them, that's fine, but you can't blame the school system for not making them a mandatory qualification to attend. Kids are usually at the most risk since immunity is still being built up.
  • Grokette
    Grokette Posts: 3,330 Member
    Measles is on the rise again because of parents that read incorrect information linking Autism to vaccinations. There is no correlation between the two. Yes, eating healthy will help keep you from getting sick, but it is not as effective as a vaccination.

    I think a lot of Doctors beg to differ on this and personally so do I. My aunt was told that my cousins Autism was directly caused by his vaccinations received as a baby and a toddler.

    She has stopped vaccinating and he has improved some what. She is working on his eating now and he seems to be more attentive.
  • mrsmccullen07
    I do want to put this out there I personally know alot of parents that do not vaccinate (well over 20) and in all of our discussions about vaccination they have never stated the possibility of it causing autism as the reason they choose not to vaccinate. I am sure there are lots of parents that say that but I am even more certain that there are even more parents that do not vaccinate their child for personal reasons and ultimately it is our decision as parents to choose what we allow to be done to our child and I have said this before but I do not feel that any parent that is responsibly choosing to not vaccinate there child is being irresponsible it is a very personal decision it is defintly not one size fits all personally I am not going to ever vaccinate a child (I will vaccinate them when they are teenagers when I feel they are ready and only if I feel its necessary which I do not think will happen). I do not think I am a irresponsible parent I love my children more than anything in this world I stay home with them and they are literally my life I can not bear the thought of injecting a vaccination into them that could cause serious side-effects and while it may not be widely talked about in public or on TV I think alot more children and adults have had reactions to vaccinations that what seems to be represented in the numbers I see published everywhere.

    My dad pushes me hard to vaccinate and he was born in 1956 and I know he has never gone in for any vaccinations(since the age of 16 and I dont know what he got before then) and he is healthy but he seems to think I am doing some horrible crime by not vaccinating my children and here is how I explain it to him .. I chose to conceive my child and I carried and nourished my child within my body I love my child and there is no way I will take them to the doctor and inject them with something that could potentially kill them or change who they are I can live with the chance that they could catch a serious disease more than I could live with them being permanently harmed by something I choose to have injected into their bodies. I dont call that irresponsible I call that love .. I am sure every parent loves their child just as much as I do but my love prevents me from being able to do something potentially dangerous to my child.

    And the school/vaccination arguement is insane in my opinion I am not at all impressed with the public school system it is just a standardized daycare system IMO and my children will NOT be attending public school
  • servilia
    servilia Posts: 3,452 Member
    I do want to put this out there I personally know alot of parents that do not vaccinate (well over 20) and in all of our discussions about vaccination they have never stated the possibility of it causing autism as the reason they choose not to vaccinate. I am sure there are lots of parents that say that but I am even more certain that there are even more parents that do not vaccinate their child for personal reasons and ultimately it is our decision as parents to choose what we allow to be done to our child and I have said this before but I do not feel that any parent that is responsibly choosing to not vaccinate there child is being irresponsible it is a very personal decision it is defintly not one size fits all personally I am not going to ever vaccinate a child (I will vaccinate them when they are teenagers when I feel they are ready and only if I feel its necessary which I do not think will happen). I do not think I am a irresponsible parent I love my children more than anything in this world I stay home with them and they are literally my life I can not bear the thought of injecting a vaccination into them that could cause serious side-effects and while it may not be widely talked about in public or on TV I think alot more children and adults have had reactions to vaccinations that what seems to be represented in the numbers I see published everywhere.

    My dad pushes me hard to vaccinate and he was born in 1956 and I know he has never gone in for any vaccinations(since the age of 16 and I dont know what he got before then) and he is healthy but he seems to think I am doing some horrible crime by not vaccinating my children and here is how I explain it to him .. I chose to conceive my child and I carried and nourished my child within my body I love my child and there is no way I will take them to the doctor and inject them with something that could potentially kill them or change who they are I can live with the chance that they could catch a serious disease more than I could live with them being permanently harmed by something I choose to have injected into their bodies. I dont call that irresponsible I call that love .. I am sure every parent loves their child just as much as I do but my love prevents me from being able to do something potentially dangerous to my child.

    And the school/vaccination arguement is insane in my opinion I am not at all impressed with the public school system it is just a standardized daycare system IMO and my children will NOT be attending public school

    I'm very glad your children will not be attending public school. I wouldn't want unvaccinated kids in the same school with my children (if I had any). Based on your own writing skills I do believe some formal tutoring would be beneficial for your kids, or are you planning to teach them grammar/spelling/writing yourself? I'm not trying to be mean here, but seriously..
  • liquidsnape
    Healthy eating does not protect against HPV, Tetanus, Hepatitis B or Polio. Or several other communicable diseases. Just Saying. If it were true than people who ate healthy for a lifetime and didn't get vaccinations would never catch a flu.
    I'm sure lots of you want kids dying from whooping cough again lets stop vaccinating babies for that
  • mrsmccullen07
    I do want to put this out there I personally know alot of parents that do not vaccinate (well over 20) and in all of our discussions about vaccination they have never stated the possibility of it causing autism as the reason they choose not to vaccinate. I am sure there are lots of parents that say that but I am even more certain that there are even more parents that do not vaccinate their child for personal reasons and ultimately it is our decision as parents to choose what we allow to be done to our child and I have said this before but I do not feel that any parent that is responsibly choosing to not vaccinate there child is being irresponsible it is a very personal decision it is defintly not one size fits all personally I am not going to ever vaccinate a child (I will vaccinate them when they are teenagers when I feel they are ready and only if I feel its necessary which I do not think will happen). I do not think I am a irresponsible parent I love my children more than anything in this world I stay home with them and they are literally my life I can not bear the thought of injecting a vaccination into them that could cause serious side-effects and while it may not be widely talked about in public or on TV I think alot more children and adults have had reactions to vaccinations that what seems to be represented in the numbers I see published everywhere.

    My dad pushes me hard to vaccinate and he was born in 1956 and I know he has never gone in for any vaccinations(since the age of 16 and I dont know what he got before then) and he is healthy but he seems to think I am doing some horrible crime by not vaccinating my children and here is how I explain it to him .. I chose to conceive my child and I carried and nourished my child within my body I love my child and there is no way I will take them to the doctor and inject them with something that could potentially kill them or change who they are I can live with the chance that they could catch a serious disease more than I could live with them being permanently harmed by something I choose to have injected into their bodies. I dont call that irresponsible I call that love .. I am sure every parent loves their child just as much as I do but my love prevents me from being able to do something potentially dangerous to my child.

    And the school/vaccination arguement is insane in my opinion I am not at all impressed with the public school system it is just a standardized daycare system IMO and my children will NOT be attending public school

    I'm very glad your children will not be attending public school. I wouldn't want unvaccinated kids in the same school with my children (if I had any). Based on your own writing skills I do believe some formal tutoring would be beneficial for your kids, or are you planning to teach them grammar/spelling/writing yourself? I'm not trying to be mean here, but seriously..

    I have mentioned my grammar/spelling/writing skills are lacking on the forums I apologize for not taking the time to punctuate and spell every single work absolutely correct for your benefit. I will be teaching my children and I actually have a college degree and I have passed each of my english classes with "A" so I feel that I am more than capable of teaching my children !
  • mrsmccullen07
    Also I wanted to explain my last sentence since I had to submit quickly to attend to my baby ........ I personally believe that the only reason that any vaccination thread turns into a debate on whether a child should be allowed to attend school is because that is the only valid arguement most people feel they have (in the general population not really referring to the comments in this thread) When my son was 8 weeks old and I took him to our first pediatrician I had to go through the same talk with 2 nurses and a doctor and the biggest thing they kept throwing at me was he wouldn't be able to attend school well that is a out-right lie that most parents believe and honestly at 8 weeks old I wasn't even thinking about school I have until my child is 7 to decide whether I want him in public school therefore I do not have to vaccinate my brand new weak infant I can wait until he is older and healthy and much much stronger !! I was a little harsh in saying my child will never attend public school because if we were lucky enough to live somewhere with decent schools I would consider it since as a parent I look at things from the perspective of how they will benefit or harm my child and in all honesty my four year old would LOVE school he loves to learn and he loves people but I will not send him to the school here .... also I am always happy to hear other's thoughts on matters that are important to me because at any time my thoughts could change about vaccinations as could yours !!

    My first son was born by emergency c-section after 6 hours of pushing (med-free) and he was given expressed milk for 2 weeks but was also given formula from birth because that is what felt right to me at the time but by the time my second son was born I had learned so much from my personal experiences with my first that I decided to do things differently my second son was born vaginally med-free and he was not given any standard hospital treatment (Vitamin K , Hep B , Erithomycin Eye Ointment , Circumsion, Bath right after birth etc.) he was breastfeed for 10 months and I cried for hours on the day he got his first sippy cup of formula every step of the way from the day I went to my first doctors appointment until the day we weaned was a fight and I stood my ground because it was what I felt was right for me and my baby ... the only reason I am telling you this is because I also stood my ground and fought for what I felt was right for me and my first baby and as you can see my thoughts about what felt right changed and it may again with the next baby -- and yours may too !! And anyone that has never had a child that wants to tell me EXACTLY what they will do for their child is just dreaming because you can not plan that you could give birth to a very healthy baby who within 2 hours of receiving his Hep B goes into grand mal seizures and suffers a stroke which causes 4 hemorrages on the brain and you could then learn from a specialist that it is known quite well that Hep B causes seizures .................. (as does pitocin which I had to begin fighting to avoid 3 months before I even gave birth)
  • PlanetVelma
    PlanetVelma Posts: 1,231 Member
    My own experience: My child was exposed to another child who had the chicken pox and <<ewww> ring worm. I didn't know until it was too late and the parent admitted that the child was not vax'd. I thought, no sweat, my kid is fully vaccinated - right? Not 5 days later did she have, at first what I thought was mosquito bites... lo and behold - it was CP. Vaccinations will not "prevent", but will make the symptoms a lot less severe. A few days after that her big sister got them too but less severe than her sister. The younger one who was exposed to the chicken pox first was also exposed to right worm, and she got that on her forearms.
    Now I get why you simply cannot vax your child due to his allergies. I have a friend who experienced the same. What I have a problem with is negligent parents with otherwise healthy children who don't.

    I do not believe that a parent that has done research and chooses to not vaccinate is being negligent we are all allowed to do what we feel is best for our children and I do not think any parent should criticize or automatically assume a parent that doesn't do what they do is negligent. I would be willing to bet that parents that dont vaccinate have spents hours and hours researching vaccinations and most parents that do vaccinate have no clue what they are vaccinating their child with ... I am sorry but I have to believe that a parent that stays up long hours reading and researching about vaccinations has to be a loving parent and while their views are different from yours they are just as good a parent as your are !!

    So you're saying that there is no such thing as a negligent parent because it makes you uncomfortable?
  • sarah_ep
    sarah_ep Posts: 580 Member
    Why are vax important? Two words: herd immunity.

    ^^ THIS!!!
  • PlanetVelma
    PlanetVelma Posts: 1,231 Member
    Not getting your children vaccinated is irresponsible. Vaccines save lives, there really isn't any sane disputing of that. Eating well is invaluable and hopefully will help protect people from illness, but food is not medicine. It is fuel. Even the healthiest eaters can come down with a cold, or measles, or cancer.

    I don't vaccinate for flu or even chickenpox, as some illnesses are needed to build up your immune system, but some, like smallpox....kind of needed eradicating!


    My son receives the flu vaccine because he has asthma, he was required by the CA school system to receive varicella (chicken pox) or he could not attend school. I wasn't happy about it, but he had to have it so he could attend school.

    Smallpox, measles, mumps, POLIO - all those diseases are not to be toyed with.
  • PlanetVelma
    PlanetVelma Posts: 1,231 Member
    I do want to put this out there I personally know alot of parents that do not vaccinate (well over 20) and in all of our discussions about vaccination they have never stated the possibility of it causing autism as the reason they choose not to vaccinate. I am sure there are lots of parents that say that but I am even more certain that there are even more parents that do not vaccinate their child for personal reasons and ultimately it is our decision as parents to choose what we allow to be done to our child and I have said this before but I do not feel that any parent that is responsibly choosing to not vaccinate there child is being irresponsible it is a very personal decision it is defintly not one size fits all personally I am not going to ever vaccinate a child (I will vaccinate them when they are teenagers when I feel they are ready and only if I feel its necessary which I do not think will happen). I do not think I am a irresponsible parent I love my children more than anything in this world I stay home with them and they are literally my life I can not bear the thought of injecting a vaccination into them that could cause serious side-effects and while it may not be widely talked about in public or on TV I think alot more children and adults have had reactions to vaccinations that what seems to be represented in the numbers I see published everywhere.

    My dad pushes me hard to vaccinate and he was born in 1956 and I know he has never gone in for any vaccinations(since the age of 16 and I dont know what he got before then) and he is healthy but he seems to think I am doing some horrible crime by not vaccinating my children and here is how I explain it to him .. I chose to conceive my child and I carried and nourished my child within my body I love my child and there is no way I will take them to the doctor and inject them with something that could potentially kill them or change who they are I can live with the chance that they could catch a serious disease more than I could live with them being permanently harmed by something I choose to have injected into their bodies. I dont call that irresponsible I call that love .. I am sure every parent loves their child just as much as I do but my love prevents me from being able to do something potentially dangerous to my child.

    And the school/vaccination arguement is insane in my opinion I am not at all impressed with the public school system it is just a standardized daycare system IMO and my children will NOT be attending public school

    I'm very glad your children will not be attending public school. I wouldn't want unvaccinated kids in the same school with my children (if I had any). Based on your own writing skills I do believe some formal tutoring would be beneficial for your kids, or are you planning to teach them grammar/spelling/writing yourself? I'm not trying to be mean here, but seriously..

    I have mentioned my grammar/spelling/writing skills are lacking on the forums I apologize for not taking the time to punctuate and spell every single work absolutely correct for your benefit. I will be teaching my children and I actually have a college degree and I have passed each of my english classes with "A" so I feel that I am more than capable of teaching my children !

    Honestly when you don't use proper puncutuation and use run on sentences (we won't talk about your 10 sentence paragraphs) I flat won't read it.

    I'm sure there are other people who are the same way.

    It's too hard on the eyes to read something so bunched together.
  • SueInAz
    SueInAz Posts: 6,592 Member
    Not quoting all of that because it's starting to get too long. :)
    Honestly when you don't use proper puncutuation and use run on sentences (we won't talk about your 10 sentence paragraphs) I flat won't read it.

    I'm sure there are other people who are the same way.

    It's too hard on the eyes to read something so bunched together.
    I respectfully have to agree with the above. Claiming to have gotten As in English, but forgoing the use of paragraphs, commas and periods, makes it difficult to assign any credulity to the statements being made by the poster. I get a few sentences in, give it up as a bad job, and go on to the next post.
  • servilia
    servilia Posts: 3,452 Member
    Not quoting all of that because it's starting to get too long. :)
    Honestly when you don't use proper puncutuation and use run on sentences (we won't talk about your 10 sentence paragraphs) I flat won't read it.

    I'm sure there are other people who are the same way.

    It's too hard on the eyes to read something so bunched together.
    I respectfully have to agree with the above. Claiming to have gotten As in English, but forgoing the use of paragraphs, commas and periods, makes it difficult to assign any credulity to the statements being made by the poster. I get a few sentences in, give it up as a bad job, and go on to the next post.

    I agree. I can't and won't waste my time reading gibberish.
  • HotMamaByVday
    HotMamaByVday Posts: 343 Member
    Not quoting all of that because it's starting to get too long. :)
    Honestly when you don't use proper puncutuation and use run on sentences (we won't talk about your 10 sentence paragraphs) I flat won't read it.

    I'm sure there are other people who are the same way.

    It's too hard on the eyes to read something so bunched together.
    I respectfully have to agree with the above. Claiming to have gotten As in English, but forgoing the use of paragraphs, commas and periods, makes it difficult to assign any credulity to the statements being made by the poster. I get a few sentences in, give it up as a bad job, and go on to the next post.

    Glad I am not the only one.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,687 Member
  • skinnyack
    I do believe there are natural dietary cures to many sicknesses, as well as them being largely preventable via diet and lifestyle- not all, but some. I don't believe we can compare our current times to anything "before"- we have many more environmental stresses (pollution, dietary, and otherwise) but we also have advanced as far as environmental protections (housing, food availabilty, sanitary conditions). Are we comparing to the grassland days? Early 1900s? I don't think there is a way to. I research vaccines all the time, I research medical articles all the time. I try to read on both sides. From what I've read I personally don't trust Pharmaceutical companies ingredients- I believe these may cause the seizures my friends baby has. I also don't trust mainstream media to go against a major corporate sponsor to report what may actually be happening- can't blame them, $$$ talks right? I most likely will not vaccinate, i will definitely not vaccinate with the current 20 shots before 2 plan- that's more than anyone could handle! I am perfectly aware that should I ever have kids, I will probably have to homeschool or do another type program. I don't want my kids going to school as I believe there may be a chance that some strains of viruses will become the dreaded "super bug" for lack of a better term and in general I believe enclosing people in too small of a space with a sedentary lifestyle and circulated air is neither a good teaching environment nor healthy. Also as a former school teacher, I don't believe that anyone at a school has the right to force a vaccination for admission, nor is this the best use of BILLIONS of dollars. Our country has long since stood behind our rights to education, our rights to control our bodies, our right to raise our children as we feel fit. Are we going to let vaccination become the new "segregation?" Listen to how some of you are speaking- kinda sounds like it right? Overall I believe that the power that made our body, heals our body. Call it science/nature, call it God... I don't care. We heal from within when our bodies and minds are right. You all take care of yourselves and love those babies (vaccinated or not!)!