

  • I was going to say the same thing- we can all offer advise, but the best advise is to listen to your body and do what you feel up to- whether it be a full workout, light walk, or laid up on the couch with your feet up- I have done all of these during my TOM depending on how I've felt. Good luck!!
  • Ew. Are you asking as a joke or because boogers are a regular part of your diet? Jk, thanks for the laugh this morning! ;-)
  • I was about to say the same thing- most coffee chains offer skinny versions of their drinks that are super yummy- McDonalds even has sugar free flavored syrups that you can add to a regular coffee to give you flavor without the cals. just ask the next time you go to get your coffee. I'm sure they'll have something yummy…
  • The food individually isn't too bad- for kids. School systems typically have guidelines for the meals offered, so that well rounded meals are offered every day. And most children are picky eaters and will only eat one or two items off their plate. The problem comes in when extra is piled on a teachers tray or when…
  • definately pack your lunch- the school food is awful!! my 6 year old even gained weight eating it!! She brown bags now, and that helps control portion sizes. Also- if you have access to a snack machine, they are the devil! Make sure you leave your change at home and stock a drawer or cabinet with some healthy munchies,…
  • I havent looked at your diary to see what you eat, but I'd say if you're still hungry on a regular basis you should try to eat more protein and fiber through the day. They take longer to digest so you'll feel full longer. but for a quick fix? try a protein bar or a glass of milk- that usually works for me. Good luck!! :-)
  • To be honest, I think that a shopping trip is in order. You said that this is an important meeting, and your outfit should reflect that. If it is business, maybe an unpleated black pant suit; if you would prefer a dress, go with something a bit more tailored. Stick to solids in muted tones, neuturals are a best bet. You…
  • I wouldn't beat myself up over it- Three pounds is not a ton- and could be water weight- Have you checked your sodium intake over the last week? I typically find if I havent lost or have gained that when I look over my food diary I had gone over on my sodium several days during the week. Either way, make sure to take your…
  • You are not alone!! I sat down with my little measured out serving of potato chips recently, and ended up going back and eating half the bag. Then I sat down and made my self so miserable that I "drowned my sorrows" in chocolate. I now know that I am incapable of "moderation" when it comes to junk food- I've just had to…
  • have you tried spagehetti squash? you can use it in place of pasta- and season it different ways. you can even put pasta sauce on it and pretend its noodles. worth a shot!
  • Going to wine tastings is a great idea- grab a few pals and make a day of it. Definately counts as a mental health day in my book!!
  • I agree with this- empty calories dont do anything for your body. I'm working on decreasing processed foods and increasing more natural foods in my house right now. I'm just sneaking it in in little bits so my fam doesn't notice too much! That being said, this was my favorite line out of the article: "Alcohol intake had an…
  • I havent even started to lose yet (at least, no weigh ins yet...) and my hubby is already starting to make comments about him not liking skinny women and that i better not loose too much. I was getting mad at first, but then I just realized that any enabler is just fueled by their own emotions and insecurities. I have been…
  • Wow, with as much red pepper flakes as I use on all my food, I should stay cancer free.... And if its been helping me consume less calories, I'd hate to see how big I would be without!!! lol
  • Heather, I know its hard- been there too! Just try to focus on the reason that you said you joined- to be a good example for your son. I've been trying to focus on that part more than the weight issue- hard, but makes it easier when I think about the more important issue of being a good role model for my kids. I'm just…
  • I have led armchair aerobics at a previous job I had- I know that it sounds like it does nothing but I toned up quite a bit just by leading the class. You can find step by step instructions online by googling it. you dont get much cardio, but you can get that by walking or swimming. if you have a state park near you with a…
  • love this!! too funny! congrats on being part of the other 50%!
  • I guess this should start coming up in those early dating conversations... do you hope to get married one day? Have children? would you leave your wife if she got fat? City life or suburbs? ....:noway:
  • I agree with you, and thats why I dont have my food journal available for public viewing. What I eat and how much is nobody's business but my own. However, if you have it available for viewing, some people are going to comment on what and how much you eat. You might want to consider switching your settings so that only…
  • www.skinnytaste.com has all kinds of great recipes, and gives nutritional info for all of them. Only tried a few so far, but all have been good!
  • Haha! I think I'll try both (audio book first)! I think they're both good ideas! And he'd find the name calling funny, so I'll probably include that too. Thanks!!
  • Congratulations! Any suggestions on how to motivate my husband? He's basically resigned himself to "genetics".... and considering most of his family members on his dad's side haven't made it past 50, I'm definately worried.
  • Yay Heather! I'm just starting too- my kids are a big reason for me too. I knew I needed to do something when Marli acted suprised that I went outside and played hide and seek for an hour with her. She said, "Mommy, you never run around with me outside!" That was definately a wake up call for me, the fact that I wasn't…