Weight fluctuation

I have lost a total of 29 lbs. so far, but have been doing my regular exercise all week while also eating correctly all weel. I weighed myself today, come to find out I have gained 3 lbs. - can anyone explain this as my goal has been losing 2 lbs. per week - just a tad bit frustrated at the 3 lb. weight gain since I have been eating/exercising correctly all week. Can anyone help me understand why this is so I do not get frustrated and lose my motivation. Thanks a ton!


  • JWoodyard07
    JWoodyard07 Posts: 55 Member
    I am in the same boat. I started 2 weeks ago and lost 4 pounds only to gain 3 back and it is not budging:( I would say just drink more water and do what you're doing.
  • Wish I could help you out. I'm in the same boat. I'm to lose 2 pounds a week and it's not happening. Kinda making me mad when I step on scale and see I've 2 pounds. I just don't get it. :explode:
  • akaChuck
    akaChuck Posts: 233 Member
    Same here! Wish I had the magic answer...
  • rob504
    rob504 Posts: 79
    Just a thought, try a different set of scales at the gym for instance. I did this and was pleasantly surprised to find my scales were out.
  • DiabeticAlien
    DiabeticAlien Posts: 240 Member
    It could be that you have put on more muscle mass than you think. Muscle weighs more than fat. After losing 29 lbs and then gaining 3...I would think that may be what has happened. Also, our weight fluctuates naturally. By as much as 8 lbs a day...per DAY. So it can be up or down, and have zero correlation to what you have done in the past. Stick it out, be tough, don't let it get you down.
  • tamarab3
    tamarab3 Posts: 64
    I looked at your diary and you are netting negative calories. I think you need to eat more for the amount of exercise you are doing. The body needs fuel to keep going or it will hold on to everything you put into it.
  • hottottie11
    hottottie11 Posts: 907 Member
    Stop relying on the scale as the only measurement of weight loss success. Your body can fluctuate +/- 5 lb. Try incorporating other measurements such as inches lost, body fat percentage, before and after pics, etc. etc. Don't stress your self out from the scale.
  • Qarol
    Qarol Posts: 6,171 Member
    Once you've lost a good bit of weight, I think it's nearly impossible to sustain the 2lb loss per week. Every week. Some weeks, you will not lose. I've had to learn that the hard way. Your body is adjusting to what you're doing. Don't let one week's weigh-in bump you off track. It's not a plateau until you've not lost for 3 weeks.
  • Hi Marty, I think that the problem may be due to the heat...I have been in the same situation...and I have found that I have fluctuated within the 4 to 6 lb. range over the past few weeks. I live in SC and we have had some atrocious heat, and that will cause you to retain water. Also our bodies change and sometimes with that change we may retain fluid which will cause a little weight gain. But No worries, it will soon fade and you will soon begin to lose weight...I have also found that if you switch up exercise frequently your body will not get used to one workout but be geared up to burn more energy when you introduce a new workout. You have done excellent to loose 29lbs...Keep it up, don’t give up, you've made it this far and you can continue to make it further. Drink water to help your body eliminate itself, that will help with the weight lose. :happy:
  • mommyrox05
    mommyrox05 Posts: 238
    I'm thinking that maybe with the consistant exercise you are gining muscle mass. Just make sure that you are drinking enough water and getting plenty of rest. Soundls like you are doing the right things...! Ohhhh, and make sure that you are watching your sodium intake as it can cause you to reatain water weight. Hope that this helps. And keep your chin up, you are doing a great job! :happy:
  • I wouldn't beat myself up over it- Three pounds is not a ton- and could be water weight- Have you checked your sodium intake over the last week? I typically find if I havent lost or have gained that when I look over my food diary I had gone over on my sodium several days during the week. Either way, make sure to take your measurements as well as weight, b/c the scale isn't as accurate as the measuring tape. I mean, if you gain three lbs, then measure and see that you've lost an inch in your waist, but 2 inches in your arms- you can chalk it up to muscle gain to be proud of instead of worrying over the weight. Good luck and dont stress- one off weigh in doesn't doom you to failure!! just keep at it!
  • innerfashionista
    innerfashionista Posts: 451 Member
    If you are eating the same foods and working out the same, your body has reached a state of equilibrium and it will be harder to lose weight. If you're on a strick 1200 calories and not eating your workout calories, you're not eating enough and your body is holding onto weight. It's also possible that because of all the workout, your muscles are retaining water necessary to repair them. A day off might be in order.

    As you get closer to your goal weight, it becomes harder to lose and your body requires more fuel. I recommend increasing to 1lb/wk loss and see if this helps. Even with my goals at 1 lb/wk I still lose more than that. Also, increase the intensity of your workouts. It sounds like your body has become complacent.