katysmith77 Member


  • thanks everyone! some really good tips to try out! I guess I need to make sure I 'save up' as many calories as possible in the day and stick to wise drinks choices. oh yeah, and steer well clear of the kebab shop at the end of the night :)
  • Hi all, i've been on here about a year on and off, just keep losing my motivation! but as of yesterday i'm completely determined to stick to it. i'm just trying to gradually make changes to how I eat and keeping fit. feel free to add me, I could really do with the support so i don't give up again!
  • i know some people probably don't agree, but i find finishing my salad lunch with a coffee really seems to fill me up. my worst time is after dinner, i agree! that's my weakest moment. sometimes i find it better to eat something like soup or some crackers when I get home and have my dinner late, or to have my dinner when…
  • buttery salty popcorn for me, i eat one piece and i'm like a woman possessed until it's all gone... as in the whole multipack of micro popcorn eek! air popped popcorn is just not the same!
  • Thanks everyone for such motivational words! I'm going to take that all on board and try to alter a few smaller things like reducing portion size and swapping bad snacks etc, i guess the all or nothing approach isn't for me (as i've been so unsuccessful doing it this way) and I need to make gradual changes. I've started…