vsecret921 Member


  • my motto is: take advice but in the end DO WHAT WORKS BEST FOR YOU :)
  • I felt the same way too. I just started running again and I cringed every time a car went by. But then a car passed me with a few very heavy ppl in it eating ice cream and I thought "I'm doing something about my weight and not riding in a car eating!" Ever since then I didn't care. And i know I was being judgmental, but I…
  • a great little snack id my twist on caprese salad. mozzarella basil leaves cherry tomatoes instead of slicing it all up and throwing it on a salad take on small piece of cheese, one basil leaf, and one cheery tomato and put it on a toothpick. Then put them all on a plate and drizzle with evoo. AMAZING and easy to eat! (you…
  • haha My mom used to buy this stuff and try to push it on me. Well I went over there one day and wanted toast and that was all she had. So I toasted it with butter and to say it wasn't so bad!
  • I had no reason NOT to run. i just started the other day the c25k program. I love it! i was laying in bed the other morning around 615 an was on Facebook and saw a few of my friends posted that were going for their morning run. As i turned on the tv I thought to myself I really should go run, but I'll do it tomorrow. Then…
  • Happy Birthday and just wake up tomorrow after your sugar and calorie coma and go for a nice walk :)
  • I have just started running and have been doing the c25k and love it! Good luck :)
  • Thanks for the tips!!
  • :) I just started the c25k program and I'm feeling good! I am eating more fruits and veggies :) and Just stuck my bread "stuff" in the freezer so i have to think really hard if I want it!
  • That's what I was looking at was the new program. And I saw that once you got to the end of the program you slowly added in some carbs.
  • it's good to see everyone's outlook! Thanks :)
  • For the last couple posters it looks like you are all saying the same thing. just limi the carbs. I don't eat white bread I have changed to wheat. So perhaps I will just limit my carb intake and not go the Atkins route. Thanks for all the advice!!! i just don't want to do something to my body now that will have long term…
  • Thanks! I think that is more what I am looking to do - is a modified version. I used to eat pasta almost every day but once i got married I went to Maui for 2 weeks and didn't have 1 pasta dish and since January I think I've had pasta 4 times. I think I just need to go cold turkey.
  • Thanks everyone! So is looking at the program it is basically eliminating carbs. So all those other people out there that are "cutting carbs" are basically doing the atkins diet in a sense?
  • won't it help me with my carb cravings? I crave them and I find that my diet is so carb loaded
  • I count the warm up and cool down too! I get 2.04 miles. Great job!!! One more day for wk 1 :)
    in c25k Comment by vsecret921 July 2012
  • Oh okay thanks. I was told by someone to eat them all back but I think since I am not an avid running (img doing c25k) that I'd be better off not eating them all.
  • Thanks :) do I need to change my settings in I put my own calories in? I chand it a slight amount from what MFP said I should be eating
  • First off sorry for my misspelling my iPad as a mind of is own. I ate back the calories that I burned that's what people have told me to do. Should I have not?
  • Thanks for all the comments!!! I'm not looking forward to such a leap but I'm going to take it day by day instead of dwelling on it or I'll stop!
    in c25k Comment by vsecret921 July 2012
  • Thanks!! I went 2.04 miles. It felt really good :) I'm glad you're still excited!!!
    in c25k Comment by vsecret921 July 2012
  • Thanks! I know a lot of people say to do things for your health, but I need a reason besides health - and it is to feel comfortable on the beach in Mexico :)
  • I'm glad to know I wasn't the only one!!! I just downloaded the c25k podcast for my nano. but it was a nice visual! i had mapped out with my car last night (on the way to get chinese.....) how far it was to the end of the road which was a mile. But the poles are a good visual :)
  • The real kicker for me was laying there thinking "I'm the only one hindering my weight loss" and the fact that last night my husband said we're going to Mexico in Feb :) but i had to be done with excuses and also I had to realize that I know tomorrow will NEVER come
  • Thanks! I'll check out amazon. My husband has an iPod Touch that I bought him and now doesnt use because he got an Iphone - maybe I'll use that since its a little lighter :)
  • I tried and i guess on the newest ones you can't put apps on it. it comes with just the music apps, Nike+, and clock. I will look again online because that would be very helpful! Someone i had talked to before said to download the podcasts and it would work basically the same. So maybe I'll try that! THANKS EVERYONE!!!!!
  • Thanks guys! only thing about the c25k app is my iphone is so big! my nano clips right on and is the size of a half dollar :) But maybe i should buy a holder for my phone!
  • Yeah I'm not really a fan of them either. But i figured it would give me a little strength that I wouldn't otherwise get. Thanks for your opinion :)