Healthgirl78 Member


  • I have been having that happen more recently. The last 2 cycles have been strange to me that way. I have gone 24 hours with no bleeding and then... "oh Hai! I'm back... but just for a few more hours." I don't understand it and was curious to see if anyone else experiences this. It is new to me. I am not on any medications.…
  • I have been getting sugaring done. Depending on what the heck my body is doing depends on how long it lasts. Nothing permanent though. :( It has greatly reduced my jawline growth but my chin.... forget it. I get a dang goatee sometimes if I don't pluck daily. I get about a week to two weeks with sugaring my chin. I was…
  • As a kid my mom used to do a hot water and vinegar rinse once a week because my hair and scalp were so bad. I think it is 1 TBSP per 2 cups? I am not sure why things are a bit better for me now, but I still do a rinse once a month after a regular shampoo. Do you use conditioner? I only use conditioner on the ends so it…
  • This radio show sounds like it has some fantastic info! I am spending time on this site to see what I can learn.
  • I just want to say (((hugs))) and I am with you. It has been a very frustrating ride for me as well. I get tired of eating meat- (aka high protein) and end up with my face in sugar when I get depressed that nothing seems to be changing in the right direction. I personally am I trying to go back to being a vegetarian. I…
  • I also want to add to this that there are certain nutrients that need some kind of heat to release them or allow them to be digested and absorbed. I know someone who went the route of juicing, going raw as much as possible, but still cooked some veggies. She says all her symptoms stopped or were dramatically reduced! I am…
  • Now that you throw an hour of exercise in the mix you are changing the rules. I would have serious issues and be non-functional on that plan. 600 cals of sugar plus that much physical activity would burn up any muscle I had and I would be a very unhealthy individual. My blood sugar would be so whacked out. Without exercise…
  • This statement is not accurate. As someone who is insulin resistant, I could eat at a calorie deficit by consuming mostly sugary carbs and I won't lose a pound. I will gain- a lot. I am interested in being healthy, so sugar is not my choice of fuel and I am more focused on proper nutrition. That being said, the QUALITY of…
  • Feel free to add me ! Not on any meds now. Stopped the pill once and for all because it made me crazy. I have been various ones for almost 12 years. Coming off the pill has been a good choice for me mentally, but I am fighting a battle with weight and cravings. I need support in the food arena. I am trying to kick…
  • Love the dress size goal! I'd like to drop 2 sizes also or about 15 lbs? I definitely want to need smaller sizes.
  • Also voting for OhSheGlows! I use Sun Warrior Rice Protein powder and also consume lots of beans, lentils, and quinoa. It is important to try and get complete proteins- like rice and beans, etc. 1500 calories burned just from exercise?? That's a lot! I'd say use a protein powder and add extras like hemp seed and cocao. Any…