pez1234 Member


  • Squats are awesome !!
  • I have a Fitbit charge HR and run my calorie data from it, although I use mfp to log my foods. I have dropped 6kg since 27 December when i started properly logging my food. I set the charge for a kilo a week loss. I wouldn't say it's the most accurate device but it's a hell of a lot better than nothing and with mfp it…
  • I tried 5HTP and found it useless, although tryptophan worked well, helps me sleep soundly although I feel it gives me much more vivid dreams which sometimes cause me to wake. Seek medical advice before taking either 5HTP or tryptophan if you're on any anti depressants . I don't know what your. Food intake is like but if…
  • I suffered with lower back problems for years. I have very few days of pain now. I started by making sure to stretch my hamstrings, psoas, hip adductors/ abductors quads ( basically all of those muscles around the pelvis/ lower back/upper legs). The iliopsoas group is the most important to stretch ( in my opinion) it…
  • I don't know what your weight routine is but I'd consider moving your deadlifts to back day if you have one. You'll be able to go heavier on the squats and deads on separate days. More productive too. Make sure your big muscle moves squats, deads, bench press are the first in your work out consider dropping some of the…
    in DOMS Comment by pez1234 June 2014
  • Are you eating enough dietary fat? Obviously I'm not a female, but my wife experienced similar problems when she was underweight. Make sure your macros are in order and calorie intake is adequate.
  • Awesome job in the face of pretty significant barriers. How do you feel now? Is the loss of weight contributing to your recovery?
  • Sounds like general fatigue, a little protein around work out time and an isotonic sports drink will probably help, if you're exercising hard you might have to add some calories. If you are consistently coming in below your net calorie goal you're probably going to continue to feel like this (especially if you have set it…
  • It's amazing how much younger and healthier you all look, there is certainly an aura of vitality around the after photos that was non-existent in the tired looking before shots. Inspirational.
  • The 5x5 are your working sets. Generally there are a number of warm up sets before you get to the 5x5 So a body part routine will look something like this-: 2sets of 5reps with a light weight 1 set of 5 reps slightly heavier 1 x set of 3 reps slightly heavier again 1 set of two reps slightly heavier Then 5 x5 of your…
  • Kangaroo is awesome, less than 2gms of fat per 100grams when you buy fillet. I always sear the outside in a hot pan, then into 160-180 degrees (celsius) preheated oven for 10-15mins depending on thickness, you can cook this way and get it into the medium well range, but still juicy, but previous poster is correct if you do…
  • You need to eat foods that provide great bulk for less calories, fruit and veges. I like to take a desert spoon of psyllium husks mixed with 1/2 glass of orange juice, stir it in and drink it quick or the husks will turn to gel. Follow that up with a glass of water or two give it five minutes and eat your sandwich for…
  • I like Grinspoon, great variation, try the album 'Best In Show', there's the odd slow one on the album but there's some great crunchy guitar and mad lyrics in some of the songs, I recommend Lost Control, 100 miles, DC x 3, Chemical heart (only cause its a great song), Bleed You Dry, Champion, More Than You Are, Black…
  • No bulk!!! You can try adding some psyllium husks or similar natural fibre supplement taken with a couple of glasses of water.
  • Are you exercising everyday? You might be over training, I'd cut the exercise to 45 minutes a day at most and see how you feel after a week.
  • Watch the documentaries Fresh and Food Inc and you'll see why US food production is DANGEROUS, and farmers need subsidies to survive, those big dirty corporate greed tanks are screwing you people and the farmers forcing you to eat *kitten* food. Australia's not far behind by the way! While the makers of those docs have an…
  • Good on you mate, you look tops.
  • Good on you mate, you look tops.
  • I'd give the tablets a miss unless the doctor says they are essential, Iron tablets on a calorie restricted diet might cause frightful constipation, there are some really good liquid herbal iron supplements available in Australia but I'm sure you can probably get them globally, floravital or floradix were both used by my…