

  • Great post! I agree! I am one of those that cannot cheat. I fall completely off the wagon, and its a struggle to get back on it.
  • I am new here too, started 3 days ago! I lost over 30 pounds (a year ago) on my own (gained 10 back over a year) and now ready to do the final push to get to my goal weight.
  • My goal for the week is 3500 Mon: 567 calories burned: 1 hour - Pilates class; 30 minutes- Circuit Training; 12 minutes - Elliptical Trainer Tues: 656 calories burned: Aerobics, Calisthenics, Elliptical Trainer Wed: 656 calories burned: Circuit Training and Elliiptical Trainer Thur:calories burned (how they were burned)…
  • To yogavegan - Congratulations on the weight loss!
  • My goal for the week is 3500 Mon: 567 calories burned: 1 hour - Pilates class; 30 minutes- Circuit Training; 12 minutes - Elliptical Trainer Tues: 656 calories burned: Aerobics, Calisthenics, Elliptical Trainer Wed: calories burned (how they were burned) Thur:calories burned (how they were burned) Fri: calories burned (how…
  • I am new to myfitness pal, and would love to join in on the challenge. My goal for the week is 3500 Mon: 567 calories burned: 1 hour - Pilates class; 30 minutes- Circuit Training; 12 minutes - Elliptical Trainer Tues: calories burned (how they were burned) Wed: calories burned (how they were burned) Thur:calories burned…
  • I work out in the morning after my 1st cup of coffee, but no food. Then I eat breakfast after I shower and get ready for work. I have not noticed any ill effects. I just don't want to get up earlier than 4:30 so I can eat a little something, then work out.