Frannswaz Member


  • I agree with this!
  • I was just about to google that.Thanks for the info----puts everything into perspective:smile:
  • I know I've been M.I.A. guys. Crazy time trying to get everything done past few days and check in with you. I soooo want to have a ROYAL RANT about work !!!!!!!...but time will not permit ........ARRRRGGGGGG....!!!! Hope that this week I'll do much better. I've been reading about everyone's progress. Ya-AY!! Going make…
  • Your body like nature hates a vacuum. So as you lose the fat from your body will fill the space in those cells with water and so maintain its the scales won’t move even though to fat is gone. It’s not so much that you’ve gained muscle because it takes a while for your body to create the increase muscle…
  • Bump!! I'd like to know too I've got 8lbs of fat to lose to get within the 'fitness' range of the BMI. @navjhaj: Thanks for that advice! I mainly use the stat. bikes, elliptical, row machine --pretty much everything in the gym at intervals and with resistance. I also lift weights that after I do three sets of 15 I can't…
  • GOOD POINT jjdevore: That's very true. If you do sweat a lot exercising or working in the heat you need more sodium and other 'salts' ---your body needs the electrolytes from sodium and potassium. You'll cramp up otherwise and you can pass out. There's lots of sodium and potassium in fruit and vegetables anyway so adding…
  • I AGREE!.I rarely consume more than 500mg of sodium per day. Anything over that seems like way too much for me. Obviously if I have a pizza or something it will be much higher but I tend not to cook with salt and add it to my meal when its done ---just a pinch or two. Sugar is the same I'll use a 1/4 teaspoon in my oats,…
  • Checking back in to see how everyone has done. IMPRESSIVE!!! Inches loss, dress sizes down, record calories burned---the lot! @Malissa: Hope baby feels better. Congrats on the weight loss! @Not Goddess: Your WAIST is back---good work! @Jenlwb: I will deffo let you know how it goes next month going up 5LBs then waiting to…
  • Hey everyone: @jrhstarlight: I agree with Maggie that has got to be the burn of the month!! @jen: I know how conflicted you can be when you lose a pound but not in the place you would prefer. Are you crazy excited and nervous all rolled into to one yet?? A whole inch off the belly button area ----andI CAN SEE YOUR ABS!!…
  • @Maggie: So it was you I saw soaring in the sky on my way to the gym this evening!! Nice one:smile: So today: 617 calories - running, yoga and weight training. Its getting a little chilly which means three struggles ----comfort/warming foods ----aka CARBS!!!! .....HOT DRINKS---the more tea (proper tea ---english breakfast,…
  • Hey guys!! Did YOGA today ----first time in ages ----for a calorie burn of 146 in 40 minutes. I so forgot how hard yoga can be!! It was good though plus I got in some light strength training and lunges----oh my @acarter ---lunges really do hurt!! I shall have to practicesomehow I don't tink this constant stumbling around…
  • Hi belly burners. You're all doing really well! @miss_shinobi: Outstanding!! @jen: you're right coconut milk has a crazy about of calories but its so good for you! @armaretta: I think you've inspired me to knoit something...Lol...I learned how when I was 11 not sure if I even remember how to hold the needles....Hmmm...that…
  • Good going guys!! SO far so good right @Maggie: Enjoy the wedding!! @skinnyinnotime: Yes I am. Its another nice day out too. What luck!! @Ametta: Don't ya just love little exercise gadgets---that sounds fun. By the by just curoius about what you're knitting...Lol @acarter: I know how that is ...think snow and…
  • Same here...Lol:smile:
  • Sounds good. Just remember not to 'shock' your body with one huge meal when you break the fast ease into the eating. Plus if you drink coffee then you're going to be on a day long caffiene high which doesn't help your body much especially with no fuel to drive it. I know you like coffee----I do too---but next time how…
  • Good consistency with the calories fellow belly burners:smile: Almost halfway through Week 2Whoop whoop !! @Skinnyinnotime: It was right!! Nice and bright well into the evening. Got a late start today but managed 649 calories in 90 minutes including burpees----which I DETEST. I challenged myself to do one exercise that I…
  • @Maggie: FROST!!!!...???.....and here I was up saying what a warm day it looks like for today. I have to say yesterday the wind was 'icy'! Oh just bring it on then time for a change of wardrobe anyways. @jrhstarlight; That's an amazing burn.! The food is always a problem...not necessariarily a bad one though..Lol…
  • Hi guys!! My calorie burn today was 773. I'm stoked because this included a full 30 minute run which I have not done in absolute ages. Somewhere along the line I just couldn't get me head around lifting my feet and I reverted to cycling which I love. Today though after my belly burn 15 minutes on the stat bike I headed…
  • @cookie241: So far so VERY good!! Plus you've got netball tomorrow. Makes me want to join a clubhockey though I'm total rubbish at netball:laugh:
  • I've tried both methods. Only drawback is that you absolutely have to measure the number of calories you plan to get from exercise and plug that into the goals and stick to it. If you exercise more than what works out as 'active' accoridng to your calorie burn you could eat those extra exercise calories and the MFP plan…
  • Hi all !!:smile: I'm exclamation crazy too Maggie as you mayhave noticed...Lol. WHY CAN'T I EAT MY 1200 calories? I think my difficulty in eating the calories is that as it turns out what I am eating is quite high in fibre and of late high in protein. Before I started adding some protein - even a few almonds or something -…
  • Strength training or weight lifting whichever term is less daunting for you...Lol. Hit the weights at a level that is a real challenge to your muscles. The weight should be heavy enough so that lets say yo do three sets of 15 by the las rep you know you cannot do another rep period. This will build you muscle improve you…
  • Yeah I agree with skinnyinnotimejust make sure to come back to us we want to hear all about the fun you're going to be having !!
  • So everyone did really well this weeksome of us have to tell the rest of us the belly burn secret with such excellent results with whole inches lost. Hope you're proud!! BRING On to Week 2!! :smile:
  • @amaretta: Ya burned the belly that's for sure. :laugh: An inch off is FAB-u-lous!! I think I will try to monitor my potassium intake because just as it happens I've had more potassium rich foods this month and haven't had too much of a problem with the dreaded bloat.
  • :smile: Hey cookie241that's BRILLIANT!!
  • Well HELLOyou did real lost INCHES!!!! We are PROUD of you girlie girl!!:smile:
  • Lol....1870 in a day. To be honest these days I'm finding it a chore to eat my exercise calories. I'm fine with my pre-exercise goal but I know I have to eat the extra calories because I tried not eating them and gained weightthat was not cool!! So you lost inches which is GREAT never mind where from. Maggie also wrote…
  • That's true about not gaining muscle on a deficit I remember reading that too...I forgot that. Hmmm but if you're not building it you must at least be working it hard which should still mean repair and increased water absorption. I'm going to have another look around the message boards and the internet see what I can…