mell4now Member


  • My doctor gave me an option to give it a try. So far it's been working awesome. There is something about being on it that seems to take the edge off of my unstoppable appetite and cravings where NOTHING else was working. I tried everything, increasing lean proteins switching to whole grains, cutting out sugar adding in…
  • That is a helpful perspective that I am actually working on... Just this week I began to make her homemade snack bars, and smoothies to replace a lot of her prepackaged stuff especially at home. We usually use the packaged stuff to keep on hand for situations where it is not ideal to have the fresher counterparts :smile:…
  • Thank you for those who are on the same page that took the time to comprehend the ENTIRE context of my post without even needing to elaborate with a "play-by-play"of her entire daily food offerings. Maybe I should have rephrased the title to say EXCESSIVE junk. I also accept that some might disagree, but I'm a little bit…
  • She does get the occasional treat. We do give her gher pizza, hot dog or chicken nuggets as part of her meal several times a month. She gets to have a cookie here and there. We let her have a small portion of her Easter basket ( from grandma bunny) after supper We just don't make a habit out of it because she( like any…
  • Trying to respond to all... The "junk food distributors" come in the form of family, friends and previously in a private home based daycare setting. I actually packed about a weeks worth of semi healthy non perishable snacks such as single serve veggie and fruit bowls, and bring a fresh lunch, fruit and cheese every day…
  • I love my grandmother, I just hate her obsession with body images. She is an extremely generous person as well and spends close to $800/yr on each or her 6 grandchildren between the holidays and birthday. Because she is so generous I do feel as if I should not retaliate by returning her criticizing with criticizim. I did…
  • I had a feeling that the way I phrased this was going to bring a comment about not supposed to loose weight while pregnant. I probably should elaborate on the situation.... The problem is that I get extreme nausea with my pregnancies. Although these past 2 weeks the nausea has improved slightly, Now, most foods that I used…
  • Congratulations!!! I too am overweight (obese ) and pregnant. 2 years ago When I was pregnant with my daughter I lost 35 lbs due to extreme stress and morning sickness, I then gained my 60 lbs after having my daughter and started this pregnancy about 25 lbs heavier then the last one. I'm due 9/6 and probably lost 2-3 lbs.…
  • If they fit, and you like them, wear them!!! Just because they say maternity dosent mean that they expire after the baby is here. Get your moneys worth outta them lol!!! I would
  • Thanks everyone, I kinda figured the "spot reduction" term was just a ploy for marketers to sell gimmicky equipment such as the "Thigh master" lol and for this moment, my workouts need to be kept toned down due to pregnancy, but include a lot of walking and some resistance exercises that do not put strain on the mid…
  • I think sometimes people might not realize it's set to "private". I personally don't mind having mine open because it helps keep me honest, but I did receive a bit of criticism regarding some of my choices (despite being under my calorie goal ) which almost prompted me to close it, however I thought otherwise and left it…
  • Hi all ... I'm Melanie, I'm almost 25 weeks along. My baby girl is due on September 2nd and am currently going crazy managing a "high risk" pregnancy and all it's hormones!!!
  • Hi Summer, Im also expecting and looking for a pregnant pal. Im due 9/2 and am having the opposite problem. Im having a difficult time eating due to moderate nausea, but have a feeling that things are going to change very soon!! Oh and Congratulations!!
  • Gorgeous !! Both you and the dress!! Congratulations :)
  • Lol soo true :)
  • 5'2 currently at 227lbs. Would be happy just to get out of the "200 club", but my goal for now is 150/160lbs. ( I know it isn't exactly what the BMI chart wants for someone of my height, but it would make me ecstatic to go from my size 18 to a size 8 or 10!! )
  • Ooooh sounds delish!!
  • I've been with this site since June or July and lost 15 lbs. I joined weight watchers last week and went down another 2 lbs after a month long plateau... One thing I did notice is that when I dual track, my 31 points seem to run out a lot quicker then my 1400 calories do!! (((sigh))) I guess WW really has a thing against…
  • oops .. i just re read the question and accidentaly answered it completely wrong:blushing:
  • THank you everyone for all of your replies... slumps suck!!! ***I did notice that one person suggested that I needed to start exercising. Im not sure if a diary view shows this or not but I have been exercising quite a bit. :) I walked about 15 miles this past week and have been playing the wii golds gym cardio, the wii…
  • Unfortunately, salt has been the new "fat" for me lately. its the only thing that makes these low calorie foods taste somewhat satisfying. I ran out of my sea salt a few weeks ago and dug out from the depths of my cubbord the regular norton salt. I wonder if I go back to sea salt if it would help... but yes i am horrible…
  • I am so sorry about the loss of your child. There are no words to describe how painful it is when that happens ( I too lost my first born back in November from an extrememly premature birth at only 5 months along I held him for 3 hours before he passed away) Please feel free to add me. and again I am extremely sorry for…
  • Thanks everyone for your posts :) I saved some points (AKA starved for a bit durring the day) and now I have some room to munch tonite... Fudgicle # 3 here I come!!!