liveagain Member


  • if you're using regular table salt try switching to sea salt. I think it tastes better and has more flavor so you don't have to use as much. just a thought...though I've never actually looked in to it as far as the sodium is concerned.
  • haha! i hear ya! I just bought some new non-slip shoes. They're fairly comfortable, but still new. I can't complain about 'em cuz I got them for $1.50 at payless. I'm sure bit will get better. its just the adjustment period that's killing me....
  • Most of my working life I've had job that required me to be on my feet all day. That is until two years ago when I took a job as an operator. Well, I've just transfered departments at work and am now a server in our bistro. OMG! I don't remember my feet ever hurting this bad in the past!! :sad: On the plus side I am…
  • welcome! I'm the same way as far as the instant gratification goes. I have to see results fast. lol. This site has really kept me going. I can't believe how quickly and easily I'm losing weight...and doing it in a healthy way. As long as you dedicate yourself and ask for help when you need it, you'll do fine!
  • yea...I've found it cheap on ebay but they are international versions and I've heard horror stories about those. Amazon has it for $98 i think...but that's still insane for a used book.
  • I KNOW what you mean!! I'm 4' 11'' and everything shows!! I am excited though. I went to put on my belt the other day and slide it right past the last notch...I have to cut a new one to last until payday. I'm almost down a size, but not quite there yet.
  • Hey! I think that's a good idea!! I'm 23 and am just finishing up my first semester. School can always add a lot of stress which in turn adds weight. I'm taking nutrition next semester and I can't wait...except that my book is $111 USED!!!:grumble: :grumble:
  • That's a relief! Thanks everyone. I will try the smoothies. Anything that was too hot or too cold was hurting my teeth, but I'll give it another try. Russia: I hope everything goes well for you! I'm having my infected tooth and the wisdom next to it taken out on Wednesday, then I have to work that evening. lol work is…
  • I'd be interesed in seeing the general health of the planet. Too see if there are any trees left and how many more speicies have gone extinct.
  • I know it doesn't happen after one day, but does anyone know how quickly it sets in? I'm asking because I've haven't been able to eat any solid foods for a few days:grumble: . I've basically living off of yogurt, soup, and spaghettios (not very healthy, i know), anything I can swallow without chewing. I've been too…
  • West Ham has been my team since I was a kid. I'm not sure how it started, but I'm sure it has to do with a family member. Even though most years they don't do so well I'm still blowin' bubbles. :bigsmile: There is so much I want to do and see there. Upton Park will be only one stop while I'm there.
  • I live in the states, but I want to go to London one day...mainly to see West Ham United play :bigsmile:. It's just one of the many stops I want to make when I tour the world
  • I'm thankful for: -today -my mom & friends -my dog, Ransom -mfp and -getting my wisdom and molar pulled next week!!!! I'm also going to add being thankful for the pain these two teeth are causing me. It will keep me from eating too much tomorrow! :laugh:
  • WELCOME!!! What part of London do you live in?
  • I have to go with flipping burgers! For the last 7 years of my life I've jumped from job to job and have only now found one that I've been more or less satisfied with. It's fairly easy, good people, great benefits, and pays well enough for me to live comfortably. I am almost finished with my first semester at a college…
  • haha! I have the same thing in one of my classes...Everyone always knows what color thong she's got on. I can't figure out why she want literally half her *kitten* showing. She's always sitting in the front and seems to be very intelligent. I just don't get it. ( I could go on and on about this subject.) AREWETHEREYET:…
  • thanks guys! yea, it feels a bit better. I guess I'll let 'em go...with all the walking I did today I have a lot of extra cals anyway. :bigsmile:
  • For those of you that know, I had a hard time getting all my calories yesterday due to a severe toothache. I finished the day with just over 1000. SO...I'm wondering if I can make those up today or should I just let them go. I'm not sure how this works.
  • thanks for the imput! I'm going to try oatmeal...anything too hot or cold causes so much pain I don't even wanna think about that! I'm gonna have to go without all the cals today since it's so late. Thanks again and good night!!!!!
  • any ideas on how to get my calories with a severe toothache (I need a root canal) that is keeping me from eating and drink much...I only got in about 500 cals today before my tooth got bad
  • First, WELCOME! Next, I have to ask how many calories are you consuming? Your numbers shouldn't be below 1200 and if you are eating enough then I don't see why that would make you stomach hurt. If they are hunger pains and you are eating enough then make sure you are drinking enough water. Hunger and thirst pains are very…
  • I love 'em!!! I hit my 10 lbs mark, but didn't know what to reward myself with since I'm broke so I decided that I'll get a reward at 15 lbs....(hopefully I'll have some extra cash then)
  • I don't have too much advice for you right now...(I don't like giving out bad advice) but one encouragement for me to exercise is that it gives me more calories which, in turn, means I get to eat more or I can have that extra peice of chocolate:bigsmile: . I've also found that not buying the sweets in the first place…
  • That's a good idea...I'll try that. A cup of milk alone would prolly do it. For everyone that was asking, I am still losing...about 2-3 lbs a week. I tend to go over my fat and sugar intake a little, but I'm getting better at that. I've been eating lots of fresh fruits and veggies (ok, maybe not LOTS of veggies:ohwell: ).…
  • So, I'm supposed to be eating 1310 cals a day and lately it seems I just can't fit them all in without stuffing myself. lol. I'm not complaining though, I actually think it's kinda cool. I never thought I'd get to a point where at the end of the night I have to say to myself "another 200 calories!?!?! NOW what should I…
  • I stay busy! Between work and school I don't have much time to sit around anymore, but when I do find myself with nothing to do I find something. Lately my addiction has been reading up on current events...and getting kinda angry at the same time, but it fuels me to go out and do something. When I find something I feel…
  • :drinker: :bigsmile: CONGRATS!!!! I hit my 10 lbs mark last Saturday...I'm excited to see where I am tomorrow:bigsmile: :bigsmile:
  • haha...yea I'm finding that out. I'm thinking it's only because different things work for different people, so it's not an exact science.