

  • "Our greatest glory is not in never falling, but in getting up every time we do." ~ CONFUCIUS~ I know when I "fall" if I drink alot of water 100+ oz it seem to help with the weight gain, my body holds so much more water when I eat by drinking a ton of water/green tea I see a drop of two to three lbs over night.
  • GO FOR IT!!! what do you have to lose..."It is our choices that show what we truly are, far more than our abilities." JK ROWLING You will be happy you did it.
  • When I first started I would get on the scale every day....that helped me to see what was going on with MY body and how ALL the things I did changed the numbers on the scale, both up and down. Now I weigh only on wednesday... its not my lowest day (thats friday) but the one I'm happy with week to week.
  • The scale is funny that way... I weigh-in 3 to 4 times a week just to see how my body is reacting on the scale and have found that for me, by doing this I can see how much the foods that I eat, the way I exercise and how much water I drink ALL change the way the scale moves! My weight is not comming off like I thought it…
  • Thanks for the support !!! ONE day at a time, 110% ;) I will get over the bump!!