Weighing In..



  • Jry0318
    Jry0318 Posts: 5 Member
    I weigh in twice a week. In the morning when I wake up Friday and in the morning when i wake up Monday. I like to weigh myself Friday to see how i did during the week and if I can splurge a lil bit on the weekend (cause thats when i usually mess up). Then i weigh myself on Monday to see what the damage is, and so I know how I should go about diet and excercise wise, for the week ahead!
  • lisajuly
    lisajuly Posts: 240 Member
    I weigh on Mondays and Fridays, but only count Friday's weigh-in. Mondays is more to see how i did over the weekend.

    You'll laugh at this though...my scale is in my kitchen. It keeps me from doing evil sometimes, just by seeing it there. My upstairs bathroom is too small to keep it out all the time, and I was forgetting to go downstairs when it was in the downstairs bathroom. Now that it's in the kitchen, I can't avoid it.
  • lisa06b
    lisa06b Posts: 11
    When I first started I would get on the scale every day....that helped me to see what was going on with MY body and how ALL the things I did changed the numbers on the scale, both up and down. Now I weigh only on wednesday... its not my lowest day (thats friday) but the one I'm happy with week to week.
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