

  • Day 3, level 1. Missed yesterday (which is why today is 3 instead of 4), but feel good today! I've already noticed a difference in my waist :)
  • Hey Gals Thanks for the encouraging words! I'll let you know how it goes tonight, and yes, eating before hand and not starving is going to be clutch. Jwaltz, I LOVE the saying you posted! "hard when you have to, easy when you want to" - it was like a light bulb going off in my head, thanks for sharing! Just so everyone…
  • Day 2, Level 1. Sweating all over my keyboard as I type...ew :) As suspected, Day 2 way more challenging than Day 1, given tender muscles. Have a sneaking suspicion Day 3 will top it though... But on the positive side, motivation to persevere - first recorded weight loss in almost 2 weeks! 2.5 lbs down!! It's awesome to…
  • Wow, way to go! I actually find that I do the best when I come in under the calorie count for the day by about 100-200 calories, when I include the extra calories given from exercise. I'd say, a week of trying a new strategy can't hurt, and if you find you don't lose, then you can always go back and add in a few more…
  • awesome, thank you ladies!
  • Hey Ladies, mind if I join? Day 1, Level 1 completed. Not as hard as it could have been, but I KNOW I'll be hurting tomorrow, and that will make Day 2 more difficult. How many days are you guys staying on a level? And how do you log it on the site? anyone have any idea of how many calories burned? ish? This is just the…
  • I know what you mean - it's almost like, to get started you have to be a little obsessed, but we will settle into that healthier routine, and that's what the month challenge is about. Reinforcing better habits! I actually noticed I go over on my protein (weird!), and sometimes on my fat though I thought I had a pretty low…
  • don't worry about the 2 lb gain - it could be anything from "monthly" fluctuations to water weight to muscle gain (which is a good thing as it ultimately will help you lose more - muscle is leaner than fat, and continues to burn calories even after you finish your work out!) keep up the good work!
  • Wow, this is awesome! Thank you guys for the responses - it's a motivating boost! 1 Month Challenge, Day 1!
  • I remember hearing somewhere that *light* exercise can boost your immune system, so maybe if you're having trouble motivating yourself to exercise for the sake of your diet today, instead you could take a nice, relaxing, centering walk or some light stretches and body resistance exercises and see it as caring for your…
  • oo, but you've lost 62 lbs! Good for you, that's a real achievement! I hear it's pretty common to plateau after a large loss, so just hang in there!