1 Month Challenge - Day 3

Good Morning Challenge Buddies, Happy Monday!

Sorry for being MIA on day 2 - internet was out.

So Day 3.
I filled out my food diary for the weekend, and took a long walk on Saturday. Today I have some healthy meals lined up and plan to ride my bike to my dr's appt.

How was the weekend for everyone? I ran into a snag on Sunday when my choir director treated all of us to brunch at Dos Caminos....but got right back on track and have healthy soups lined up for the week.

Have a great healthy day!


  • LeeshLove
    Good Morning to you too Lara,

    I hope you have a great day!!!

    My weekend was rather uneventful, I worked all weekend.... lol... But I did stay on track all weekend (even went to the gym before work on Sat) but today when I got on the scale it was NOT my friend.... I went up 2 lbs I have NO idea why.... So frustrated right now. Oh well I will keep doing what I know I should do and it will go back down sooner or later.... Hopeful soon!!!

    Have a wonderful & heathery day

  • Jarvis95
    Jarvis95 Posts: 157 Member
    Hi, I will join the challenge!! what are we doing exactly? :)
  • ldcastilleja
    I just read my invite to 1 month challenge--where do I find it?
  • jwaltz13

    My weekend went well, however I am at the (early) stage in my journey/challenge where my healthy changes and alterations to my lifestyle have become all I think about! An obsession!

    Example.. I wake up and immediately begin talking to my husband about what I will eat for the day, how I can exercise more and and what's for dinner? @ 10am!! It's a definite sign of motivation but I am looking forward to when the changes become routine and I'm not constantly thinking of eating/not eating/exercising --just going with it and naturally living a healthier lifestyle!

    I also noticed over the weekend that I go over on my Sugar every day so that's something I'm watching regularly now.

    Overall I'm really enjoying MFP and I'm pumped for the 30 day challenge!! This challenge gives me the encouragement that I need!! :)

    Wishing you a wonderful day!!!
  • LaraMH82
    don't worry about the 2 lb gain - it could be anything from "monthly" fluctuations to water weight to muscle gain (which is a good thing as it ultimately will help you lose more - muscle is leaner than fat, and continues to burn calories even after you finish your work out!)

    keep up the good work!
  • LaraMH82
    I know what you mean - it's almost like, to get started you have to be a little obsessed, but we will settle into that healthier routine, and that's what the month challenge is about. Reinforcing better habits!

    I actually noticed I go over on my protein (weird!), and sometimes on my fat though I thought I had a pretty low fat diet. I like how the site helps you analyze your intake like that!

    And for those with questions about the challenge, it's really just a way to kick back into gear and commit to getting on track. Whatever that means for you - for me it means journaling every day and reporting my progress to the group. participate if you would like some extra support and motivation!

    have a great day everyone!
  • thetiwi1890
    thetiwi1890 Posts: 256 Member
    Hi guys,

    I'm just joining now! So far, I'm going ok. Just took my measurements for the first time on Saturday and was so disheartened to realise just how much bigger I was than I had thought!
    But anyway, I won't be re-measuring till at least next weekend, when I do my next weigh-in too.
    I went shopping yesterday buying all healthy stuff and I COMPLETELY agree with what was already said about when you start it's all you can think about. I was just thinking to myself today that I really hope it becomes more "second nature" to me than "obsession" =)
    Anyway, onwards and upwards for everyone. We can do this, I'm loving this little challenge. I'll keep you posted!
    Oh, and feel free to add me also for support/encouragement =)
    Best of luck, everyone.