1 Month Challenge - Day 6

Good morning fitness buddies!

Well we're almost a quarter of the way through our challenge! How's everyone doing with logging and such?

I had a good day yesterday - even saved calories for my evening plans, when I had exactly one glass of wine (that's a hard one to have just one of!) and did day 2 of jillian michaels 30 day shred (ooch, hurtin' today!)

Today I'm gonna be sitting all day, and then racing off to an evening event, which means little activity and temptations...planned out my day though. Gonna do it, mind over matter, right?

What strategies do you guys use when you know you're going to be in a tempting situation to help you not blow it?

Have a healthy day ladies! We can do it!


  • thetiwi1890
    thetiwi1890 Posts: 256 Member
    Willpower is all you can do in a tempting situation unfortunately!! I gave up smoking just over two weeks ago, and just a few days after had a reunion with a group of friends, many of whom smoke...tough!!
    But chewing gum helps me with cravings, and ice pops (sugarfree!).
    Yesterday, I went over my calorie intake by about 250 calories. It's because I went shopping in the evening and had loads of yummy food home with me, I didn't resist!
    Today, feeling a lot better, just back from a 35 min walk, better than nothing. I'd love to do the 30 day shred but honestly can't afford to do it! Boo-hoo! But my free exercise working perfectly so far (just a lot slower!). Lara, my hat is off to you and the work you're putting in. Your dedication to this challenge is very encouraging, so thank you for that!
    Best of luck today everyone!
  • Jarvis95
    Jarvis95 Posts: 157 Member
    gah, i've been logging and exercising a ton but i went over yesteday and it sucks!!

    the best thing for temptation i find i not to starve yourself during the day, having a lunch with veggies and lean protein, and then try to stay away from apps/snacks lol, they are my downfall!!!
  • jwaltz13

    I have to agree that it is definitely mind over matter in tempting situations!! I would say, just keep thinking to yourself of how important your goal is and how great it would feel to not let yourself down!
    I had a challenging situation at the movies yesterday where I would always get an unhealthy snack, instead I thought to myself, 'would eating this help or inhibit my goal?'
    Also, consider the saying "It's so hard when I have to, and so easy when I want to" just realized that this is something that you 'want' to do more than anything and so the temptation becomes easier to overcome! :)

    I'd like to look into getting the Jillian Michaels Dvd just to add some variety to my workouts! I have a treadmill which I've been using for cardio but it's getting reeeally boring (even with music) and I'd love to do an exercise that doesn't involve staring at the clock and counting down the entire time (haha).

    I hope everyone has a wonderful Thursday!! :)
  • LaraMH82
    Hey Gals

    Thanks for the encouraging words! I'll let you know how it goes tonight, and yes, eating before hand and not starving is going to be clutch.

    Jwaltz, I LOVE the saying you posted! "hard when you have to, easy when you want to" - it was like a light bulb going off in my head, thanks for sharing!

    Just so everyone knows, the Jillian Michael's video (and a whole bunch of other work out programs) is available on netflix as a DVD (no streaming option, sadly), on some on-demand programs, and also on Amazon - you can actually purchase a streaming copy, so you'll need an internet connection, but it's only $4.99 - much cheaper than the DVD's themselves. I love the 30 day shred because it's only 20 minutes and I feel like I really got in a good workout.

    Have a happy healthy day!