mikalart Member


  • I have to agree!! I have been back on my journey since July and this new season has given my more motovation!!! Good luck to you...I would like to be sexy for santa a pound a week is my goal so far I have lost 9 pounds!! Lets do this:tongue:
  • Hello Trudy and welcome....I have been on my 100 pound journey for the past 1yr, It is going to be tough everyday. I know yu can do this just focus and dedicate yourself to being healthy...not only for you but for those wonderful kids:):flowerforyou:
  • ANNA welcome back!! Yu can do this girl, I'm 39 soon and have lost 39pounds..
  • I wish you nothing but the best.... I know how you feel, I always saw myself as I felt on the inside, a confident stunning woman. I avoided the mirrors and lost myself in the food. Until one day I got my picture taken and really looked at myself!!! From that day on I vowed to loose the weight and get healthy...I am 39…
  • great job and you look soo happy!!
  • I had the same problem, but you know what I found out u don't need anyone's validation!! Losing weight and staying motivated is all mental and it come from within....as long as you feel great and you notice the change that is what really matters. I hope you find it within yu. I was lost for 3mos after losing 30 pounds. I…
  • I had the same problem, but you know what I found out u don't need anyone's validation!! Losing weight and staying motivated is all mental and it comes from within....as long as you feel great and you notice the change that is what really matters. I hope you find it within yu. I was lost for 3mos after losing 30 pounds. I…
  • I do it in the morning after all the duties !! A doctor that I talked to told me that would be the best time to weigh in:)
  • I used to feel the same way, but you know don't worry about the scale it is not your measurement of sucess!! DO as much as you can each day. There are going to be days when you don't do good, but just remember tomorrow is another day and another chance. I know the first pound is the first step to a better you!! good…
  • Jenny I know exactly how you feel. I thought website would help motivate me even more!! Now you are part of that!! Keep on going girl!!
  • thank you I wish you luck also