Motivation - Where are you?!

Hi. I feel like I am slowly losing motivation to keep up with the eating better and less and exercising. Yesterday I ate an entire tube thingy of Pringles. I was hungry ALL DAY. I am embarassed that I just can't stay on track all of the time. I am so grateful for the 10 lbs that I have lost but nobody seems to notice and I want people to (I know that is very self-seeking of me).

I am writing this to become more accountable. It feels so good to make a change regarding eating, health and weight but WHY can't I stick to it 100%?

Maybe some of you all have some helpful tips? Or can relate?

Thanks everyone.


  • lstnlondry
    lstnlondry Posts: 1,794 Member
    I can relate on the Pringles and I can relate on wanting someone to notice. But I am here for you sister and I think you are already awesome for being here!! Have a WONDERFUL day!!
  • helloreese07
    helloreese07 Posts: 4 Member
    I am like 2 weeks into my health journey and I have my days where I lose my motivation. I am like a big kid I love candy cookies cakes, etc so it's really hard for me to resist the temptation. What I would suggest is to remove anything from your house that you can't control yourself around. I had an episode where I went like 600 calories over my limit eating junk food so I no longer buy any junk food, I can't even buy healthy nut mixes because I'll eat the whole can.

    As far as wanting people to notice, we're human we all want someone to notice. I let my close family and friends know that I am trying to get healthier and lose weight so that they can a) help me out when I try to eat bad things and b) give me some praise. When you bring it to your loved ones attention that you're trying to lose weight and that you need encouragement they will know to look for changes in your body and your attitude to help you stay on target.

    Also I personally don't have anyone who's trying to lose weight with me. My family support my decision but they are not doing the same thing I'm doing. So it might help to get some friends on here (I'd be willing to be your friend) and you can get encouragement and someone to notice you. And they will truly know what you're going through because they are in the midst of the same process.

    Sorry for the long response but I hope it helps :)
  • manderann
    manderann Posts: 189
    I went to Burger King yesterday after lunch. That's right, two lunches. I think we all have bad days, but the important thing is that the next day we give it another crack. It can only get easier!
  • MsKeelah919
    MsKeelah919 Posts: 332 Member
    I can definitely relate. Its a daily struggle. Some days I win, a lot of days I don't. Thankfully, as long as I wake up--there's a new day waiting!!!
  • mandapanda001
    mandapanda001 Posts: 370 Member
    When I went on my trip to England back in May, I tried to get back on track for like a week after and it was very difficult. You will have times like this when you are like where is my motivation but you can do this....YOU CAN DO THIS!!! Just look at how far you have come already...ten pounds is so big and a milestone. People will start noticing, I promise. Just keep it in your mind to even do something small for exercise just to get back in the routine. I have felt bad this past couple of weeks for not getting to do Zumba while I am working on my house but hey doing home improvement is definitely a calorie burner. If you need me to email you, chat with you, post something on your wall everyday to get you back motivated I will surely do it!! NOW GET GOING and just know that you are fantastic and you can do this...YOU CAN DO THIS!!! Don't look at it as geez I have 20, whatever more pounds to lose and celebrate the small victories!! :flowerforyou:
  • ShelbyLB
    ShelbyLB Posts: 431
    We've all had the days when we eat a tub of pringles (or something similar...such as scoop after scoop of peanut butter..bahah) Anyway, the KEY is, to stay matter WHAT! Understand that you WILL have days when you feel less motivated, but if you take it one day at a time, and do EVERYTHING in your power to make THAT day the best it can be..then you can't be ashamed..:)
    Good luck!!
  • mikalart
    mikalart Posts: 12 Member
    I had the same problem, but you know what I found out u don't need anyone's validation!! Losing weight and staying motivated is all mental and it comes from long as you feel great and you notice the change that is what really matters. I hope you find it within yu. I was lost for 3mos after losing 30 pounds. I just woke up one day and restarted my journey. that is when I joined this website and it has helped me regain control. I wish yu luck and don't give up.
  • mikalart
    mikalart Posts: 12 Member
    I had the same problem, but you know what I found out u don't need anyone's validation!! Losing weight and staying motivated is all mental and it come from long as you feel great and you notice the change that is what really matters. I hope you find it within yu. I was lost for 3mos after losing 30 pounds. I just woke up one day and restarted my journey. that is when I joined this website and it has helped me regain control. I wish yu luck and don't give up.
  • Kristy144
    Kristy144 Posts: 166
    WE all have days where we are hungry and eat whatever we want to, that's life! As long as you get back up and start fresh the next day, thats the best thing you can do for yourself! Take it one day at a time!
  • sweetheatha
    I know exactly how you feel!!! I am down almost 20lbs and it seems like no one has noticed!! Especially at work, there are a few people here who have done the HCG diet and everyone comments to them on how great they look but my thoughts on that are that yes, you lost weight but did you go about it the right way?? Starving yourself for a month is not a good way to lose weight!!! My clothes are looser and I am down almost 2 sizes!! My advice as far as eating goes is to eat fiber rich foods that will fill you up and keep your hunger at bay. I eat lots of low fat and low cal yogurt, apples, and whole grain foods. And TONS of water!!! Water will fill you up if you drink enough of it. The less sugary, high carb foods you eat, the less you will crave them! I also make whey protein shakes in the morning and put fruit in them! They really help, A LOT!!

    I also feel like I have no support which makes it hard but I know I can do this and so can you! If you start your day off eating healthy foods, you are more likely to eat healthy foods for the rest of the day.

    Good luck and keep your chin up!! Today is another day :)
  • carbons2k
    carbons2k Posts: 383 Member
    I can feel my motivation levels are going down... I ate a lot of sodium this past weekend and wen +6 lbs. I been hitting the gym hard and drinking a lot of water but I feel come my weigh in again ill be the same as last week. I know at least I didnt gain weight but I wanna lose as much as possible and this sucks! I feel like I got fat over night, why cant i get thin as fast?
  • jparsons27
    You all are so great! The end :)
  • Magic_Girl
    Magic_Girl Posts: 158
    I can relate.. I love ice cream and I just can't say no to myself, BUT I check the calories for the serving size now before I eat b/c last time I ate an ice cream cone and I didn't know it was 310 calories until after I logged it into my food diary! I even went to check the box for confirmation, but it said the same thing... it was not fun trying to burn that off!

    Also, when I'm not having a busy day, I log everything I eat right after I eat it to see how many calories I have left and to see if I'm going over on fat, sugar, carbs, etc.

    It's okay if you slipped as long as you get back up and push harder the next time! :D
    MOMSHOME Posts: 72
    I am the same way, I have days where I just want to say "forget it - I give up" Because I am so tired or frustrated about things at work or just feel like I am not getting anywhere and then I look in the mirror and I can see that the belly fat that I so desperately want to loose is going down (slowly but just enough that I can notice) then I get motivated and push through. Last night I wanted so badly to not go for that 5 mile bike ride because of things at work having me so stressed out. I decided to go and once I got on the bike I was glad that I decided to do it. I rode so hard for about 5 minutes of the ride (20 miles and hour) and felt so much better the rest of the evening.

    Yesterday I fixed a galon size bag of popcorn (air popped) and ate on that all day as my snacks. I did not eat any more snacks all day. At the end of the day I was full and felt better about what all I did not eat and did not stay hungry all day like I have in the past. Some days I stay so hungry that I just want to eat everything in site. I am sticking with the popcorn for a while and see how that continues to go. Good luck with it and know you have support here!!!
  • Articeluvsmemphis
    Articeluvsmemphis Posts: 1,987 Member
    Hi. I feel like I am slowly losing motivation to keep up with the eating better and less and exercising. Yesterday I ate an entire tube thingy of Pringles. I was hungry ALL DAY. I am embarassed that I just can't stay on track all of the time. I am so grateful for the 10 lbs that I have lost but nobody seems to notice and I want people to (I know that is very self-seeking of me).

    I am writing this to become more accountable. It feels so good to make a change regarding eating, health and weight but WHY can't I stick to it 100%?

    Maybe some of you all have some helpful tips? Or can relate?

    Thanks everyone.

    PICK ME, PICK ME, I'M PERFECT, :laugh: :noway:

    umm, Not by a long-stretch. IDK anyone who can stick to it 100% of the time. Not even those hard-core, no cheat-days, exercise every hour types. I think it takes time to figure out what your normal is I guess. Now, while eating a whole can of pringles isn't the best choice, It won't make you gain those 10llbs back in one day. So have your off days whether they are intentional or un-intentional and get back on track.

    As far as wanting people to notice, everyone on this earth wants someone to notice them in some kind of way, because we're human and liked to be congratulated on a job well done.

    good luck lady :)
  • Terriberry
    Terriberry Posts: 100
    I've been going through the same thing the last few days. I'm taking it one hour at a time. I know that i can do this I just have to remind myself how far I've come and that I CAN DO THIS!!!! You can do it too. Good luck.
  • RNewton4269
    RNewton4269 Posts: 663 Member
    Can totally relate..have felt that way a lot lately. But I know I can't give up..have come too far now.
  • calimari
    calimari Posts: 202 Member
    I had a dream a few days ago about stacking up about 3 inches of pringles and trying to get them all into my mouth. What is with the Pringles?

    I think we shouldn't beat ourselves up for when we do things like that. Since when do we have to do everything 100%? I'd love for my house to be clean 100% of the time, but life happens and sometimes there is junk all over. The key is to not let the junk take over and finally get it cleaned up again.

    Same with this - we will always have days/weeks where maybe we don't want to choose the healthy thing, or go on that bike ride, or go to that exercise class. That's fine. But don't make that the habit going forward.

    Also - I'm almost at 25 lbs and it took until 20 for anyone else to really notice. I don't think people can see 10 pounds yet. You are doing great - and you'll keep doing it too!
  • katnat0709
    Totally relate to this! And it is frustrating! I find myself gettin jealous of everyone else's accomplishements... and then beating myself up because they obviously have an iron will, and mine is more like jello.... I often find myself thinking "How come they can do it, and it seems so easy, and I can't?"