

  • Where in your cycle are you? The munchies can definitely be a part of PMS. I read somewhere recently that although the munchies increase, so does metabolism so it should affect overall weight loss. Just be careful what you're eating and get enough protein, carbs and fiber. Don't snack on yucky stuff. But being so hungry it…
  • Make your own creamer. Or slowly cut back on the flavored creamer and had skim milk (like 1.5T of creamer and .5T milk at first and then 1/1 if you want.) That would help with the sugar. But really, 2T of creamer a day isn't that bad. Just fit it in.
  • I'm joining a gym this week and spin class is one reason. My husband has a gym at his work and he takes a spin class. He just thought he'd give it a try after seeing people come out sweating like crazy. He's hooked. He's in good shape but said the spin class is great. He said he's never sweat so much in his life! I'm about…
  • If you can, get a trainer even if just for one session. He or she will show you what to do and give you reps and sets and everything. Then the next time you know exactly what to do! If you can't do that, then look for a friendly face and ask one of the muscle guys. If not that, ask someone who works there. I'm trying to…
  • I run...VERY slowly. I could walk as fast as I run. LOL But I've been told it's the change in gait that's important so I keep at it. I'm getting faster day by day. :) Anyway, whenever I feel embarrassed about how slow I run, I think to myself that no matter how slow I am, I'm faster than the guy on the couch. I'm moving…
  • It does change the value for fat, protein, etc. Look at an empty day vs a day you've exercised and you'll see it. About distribution though - plan your day the night before (incl. snacks if you need to.) Eat a higher protein, higher fiber breakfast, a morning snack, lunch, 1-2 afternoon snacks, then dinner. If you plan it…
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