Anyone feel self conscious exercising in public?



  • steveren0
    steveren0 Posts: 4 Member
    I did at first, too, but everyone is busy doing their own thing most of the time. Just go and have fun!
    Maybe try pairing up with someone at the gym and work out together?
    Or just put on your headphones and work out.
    Good luck!
  • rwd5046
    rwd5046 Posts: 302
    As long as they mind their own business and don't bug you I would not let that intimidate you. Everyone has an opinion and as long as they keep it to themselves that's fine but basically I think they are all at that little gym for the same reason you are. Don't be afraid to reach out and get to know someone, might be friendlier than you realize. Remember your new to the area and most small towns are like any other small town, they all know each other. Just a thought.
  • I really want to try out free weights, but the free weight section is in the back and is completely swarmed by muscle men, not a girl in sight. Don't know what they'd think about having some short girl fumbling with the weights and trying to figure things out. . . .

    If you can, get a trainer even if just for one session. He or she will show you what to do and give you reps and sets and everything. Then the next time you know exactly what to do! If you can't do that, then look for a friendly face and ask one of the muscle guys. If not that, ask someone who works there. I'm trying to get better at 1) asking for help and 2) not worrying about what others think. Most people are nice and want to help. And if they're not willing to...find someone else!
  • Elysian13
    Elysian13 Posts: 79
    I use to be the same way, until I just sucked it up and pushed myself everyday.

    I just put on my headphones and listen to my music. I get lost in it and I feel like no one is there, but me. You can do it! :)

    Good luck!!!! =D
  • Gary6030
    Gary6030 Posts: 593 Member
    Be glad for once that no one cares about you in the gym. It was reassuring to me that nobody even bothered to look at me. Even though I felt everyone was staring. You keep doing what your doing and ignore everyone else. Truth be told most people even the hotties feel like you do, that everyone is watching.

    The only time I look up is when the old woman farts doing her ab crunches...and welll.....what are you going to say. Giv'em heck old woman!
  • SUNNY613
    SUNNY613 Posts: 251 Member
    An Ipod and headphones!!!! Don't think about anything else but the music while you are there

  • ivy2009
    ivy2009 Posts: 75
    Get over it. Let it go. Most people could care less what you look like. And if they do, it's their problem, not yours. It's none of your business what they think. :bigsmile:
  • ashesoh1234
    ashesoh1234 Posts: 132 Member
    Hey, you're at the gym, working out! That's awesome right there. Nobody at your gym should think the first thought about your size, whatever it may be. Be proud and feel good that you're there and that every minute you exercise is a minute towards better health - for the rest of your life. It doesn't matter - at all - what anyone else thinks. You go!
  • amoffatt
    amoffatt Posts: 674 Member
    Yes, YEs, and YES!!!! I had a gym membership but was too embarressed to work out around others. ( I know, who cares what others say its about you) but if you are not comfortable, you wont work out or even get a good burn. I would go walking/jogging but jog only on the stretches of path I "feel" no one watching me. People are judgemental and I can imagine them saying, "Look at the fat girl try to run..." Hey we all have to start somehwere...right?:embarassed: :embarassed:
  • jllipson
    jllipson Posts: 646
    I used to belong to a gym, then we couldn't afford it, but when I did, I just wore bigger clothes - yes, I was hiding my body, so I wouldn't be stared at for my large chest size, or for my overweightness. In hindsight, it might have been better to show it off for motivation.
    It may help to be comfortable in the clothing you are wearing to the gym - if the reason for feeling you are self conscious is wearing tight shorts and tight top - go for something looser fitting or vice versa - see if it helps.

    Good luck and just go, who cares what they say or think - I like the ipod and headphone suggestion - don't pay attention to others and maybe they won't pay attention to you.

    Good luck and get out there and exercise - you're doing this for YOU!!!
  • BrandNewMia
    BrandNewMia Posts: 461
    Yes, in the beginning it was almost scary to workout at the gym! But once I figured out all the equipment and started going there regularly, I felt like I belonged there. Now, after several months, people recognize me and tell me that they have noticed my progress - it's motivation to keep going!

    Just remember - you are there for YOU, and no one else.
  • lovetowrite73
    lovetowrite73 Posts: 1,244 Member
    Not at all. I was on a cruise a couple of weeks ago and would work out in the fitness room every morning by myself. The room had windows on the deck, where other people were walking or running. Every now and then I would see someone look at me but it didn't bother me as I'm working out for my benefit. I couldn't care less what other people think. :smile:
  • KitKB
    KitKB Posts: 45 Member
    If you can, get a trainer even if just for one session. He or she will show you what to do and give you reps and sets and everything. Then the next time you know exactly what to do! If you can't do that, then look for a friendly face and ask one of the muscle guys. If not that, ask someone who works there. I'm trying to get better at 1) asking for help and 2) not worrying about what others think. Most people are nice and want to help. And if they're not willing to...find someone else!

    I had a trainer set me up with the cable-pull strength machines (I think that's what they're called) and I have reps and weights set up for me. I didn't think I'd like strength training as much as I do! So it wouldn't be very hard to transition... but yeah. Maybe. Once I get a little more comfortable, I might do that. Thanks for the advice!
  • kitinboots
    kitinboots Posts: 589 Member
    A little. I run on a very public road (I feel safer there, since there have been attacks recently in the woods) and for a start that means either running past a local bar/hotel where I know lots of the people or doing that awkward turn around and head back the way I came. Both options make me very self conscious, as do the walk/run intervals of c25k.
    I just hold my head up high and focus on the road.
  • marie6661
    marie6661 Posts: 8
    i just started mon and i was like uhhhh i dont wanna go but i go early not as many people plus thats why im going is so i can get in shape and not worry about what people think anymore
  • Alissa_Sal
    Alissa_Sal Posts: 141
    I used to be that way. The I started telling myself JFDI (Just Effing Do it) every time I started to talk myself into being a baby. I am a strong, beautiful woman and there is no reason why I shouldn't be proud of my efforts.

    And you should feel the same way :)

    Absolutely! You shouldn't feel like you have to sneak around - you're not doing anything shameful. Quite the opposite, in fact. You are doing something that you should feel proud of - you're working out and taking care of yourself. Get on with your bad self!!!!
  • babydbones
    babydbones Posts: 135 Member
    I get that way when I'm around certain people. Especailly close friends.
  • BlueAventer
    BlueAventer Posts: 129
    I bought a gym membership, but the thing is, the only gym in this new little town I'm living in is very small. I've worked out at big gyms with different floors where you could kind of feel like you're hiding away a little. But at this little gym, everyone is in this space together. There are no other gyms around here and I just feel self conscious about people seeing me. The thing is, I am moving out of this town in December so I shouldn't care, but the thought of people seeing me just gives me pause everytime I consider going. But at home, I won't work out. I need an elliptical. Videos are too easy to quit and aren't fun.

    Anyone else feel similarly? How do you overcome it?

    I used to have the same problem. I hated feeling like everyone was staring at me, and it was a HUGE physiological struggle for me to go to any gym. But, realize that no one is paying any attention to you. It may be hard to believe, but everyone's in their own mind when they're working out. The only thing that draws attention is crazy-weird workout clothing. :)
  • vodkalady
    vodkalady Posts: 26 Member
    Whenever people talk about feeling self conscious at a gym (inlcuding myself)... I ask this question - Would you rather have people see you in a gym working up a sweat orrrrrrrrr sitting at McDonald's chomping on a burger and fries with a soda?

    Just some "food for thought." Stay strong and go to the gym - YOU CAN DO THIS!

    you said it ,,,,,,, but i still feel the same...... wish i didnt......I to have a membership..... I have not gone since feb / march 2010.....for a few reasons # 1 got degenritive disc diease in lower back,,,,, so when it chatches i'm usually done for a few days for moving certain ways......#2 husband works shift 2wks day 6:00am to 5:00pm 2wks nights 2:30pm to 3:00am......#3 got 2 kids with no sitter we know around us.......I would usually take my mp3 to listen to that helped some ,,,, if I did not have it i worried even more about what people were thinking or if they were watching me......

    Good luck ......and keep up the great work.........
  • hazelnutflav
    hazelnutflav Posts: 391 Member
    I put on my headphones in the car and turn off when I far as I know I am the only one in there.

    truer words were never spoken, also a friend once told me.

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