

  • can i join in 2.....i,m on L1D3 and I love it but i'm in so much pain but keep thinking results results!!! All my friends are rushing out to by this DVD as I have raved on so much about it.....I hope it works or my circle of friends may depleat lol
  • I am waiting on my DVD coming in the post and seeing those pictures I just can't wait 2 get started...hopefully i will be as dedicated as you
  • life is for and exersise is important too but everyone needs a few days off. ?Have fun eating today, cause it's back to diet tomorrow. Good luck
  • Hi I'm on my 3rd day..stumbled across this site on my phone and added the app i love the fact you can chat to people about weight and diet and most importantly food!!! I have to say I can't weight until i've doen 1 week to see if i will reach my target weight loss of 1.5lb per week. I get what ur saying about feeling…
  • no way at the end of the week i like to kick back and have a few drinks......if i'm working hard through diet, fitness and general day to day family/work activities i deserve to have what i want within moderation ofcourse......some people like a desert after dinner, I like a little vodka lol each to their own i assume.
  • I seem to be on a similar road to you....I;m 137lb and wish to loose 21lb. I have 1200cls to work with daily. I've only started this site 2 days ago and finding it ok but i'm sure as the weeks go on i will find it more and more difficult to stick to 1200, I like to get a run in 3 times a week and it means more calories to…
    in Help :(( Comment by skinnerc1 July 2011
  • I have just started on this site and was unsure what to do with the strength training as cardio seems simple, I have always been a runner. From recommendations I have bought a Jillian Michaels DVD (never heard of her before) so can't wait to get started. Thanks for all the helpful posts. Lets hope I see great results!!!
  • thanks to all who have posted....great idea to look up the menu before i go....i have already made a meal plan for today I put on my anticipated drinks 1st lol then worked out my meals around it. I have to say I'm finding this site great as I now know what I can have within my limits. I think i will also go for a run as…