

  • 5 Things I Like About Myself 1. I read really fast. Like, stayed up super late and finished Book 7 of Harry Potter the same night it came out fast. When I really get into a story I just devour novels. 2. I'm open to trying new things in the kitchen. I actively spend time looking, shopping, and preparing new recipes for my…
  • Thanks ya'll! I upped it by a couple hundred and will try it out for a few weeks. I already felt much better after having a snack this afternoon. And it's no use making a significant change if I'm going to feel awful all the time anyway. This whole having a supportive community thing is really awesome <3
  • I think a lot of us on here can relate to your girlfriend's position. One of the sweetest things I remember my boyfriend doing was coming home one day while I was cooking dinner, smiling, and telling me how beautiful I looked. I was in granny panties and a t-shirt, and don't think I had even taken a shower that day. I…
  • Instead of feeling lonely about my fitness routine and challenge to be healthier I wrote an email to my best friend who's in the middle of a similar process and having almost identical issues with her family/partner. It felt really good not to be so isolated, and really encouraging to know there's someone on the other side…
  • I also get really uncomfortable, with both cramps and worries about leakage! I usually just try to make myself go, walk for at least 20 minutes on the treadmill, and stretch. If I promise myself to at least do that much I usually end up pushing myself a bit when I get there. And if I don't, I still got moving more than I…
  • So glad I found this group! There's a lot of chatter about c25k but not so much talking about the process. I just completed W2D1 this morning so I'm still pretty new. I signed up for a 5k to benefit a local charity at the end of October so I HAVE to stick with it! Has anyone else used the podcasts on I…
  • Me! The thing is I LIKE drinking! I like going out to bars. I like watching football with a cold glass of beer. And I like enjoying a glass of whiskey with a good novel. I like pairing wine with dinner. I haven't given myself a formal amount to cut back by or "quit" officially, but just the practice of logging everything I…
  • I can very much relate to this. I went from a job at a grocery store where I was standing all day and consistently moving around to a desk job where I sit all day. It took almost a year for me to figure out why my body was changing (I know, I'm slow). Once you realize what's going on it's easier to tackle though, both by…
  • I also just started running, like 3 weeks ago. I have spent YEARS claiming I hated running and it sucked and it just wasn't for me and secretly wishing I was better at it so I could go on runs with my step-dad. A couple weeks ago I decided to just go for it and see where I was at and jogged/walked almost 4 miles. And it…
  • My body cares. One of the biggest motivators for me to start this project was sitting at dinner with my family and feeling my belly resting on my thighs. I'm used to the "food baby" symptom, but this was beyond anything I had experienced before and it shook me up. It matters to me how I feel. And my camera cares. On that…
  • Congratulations!!! I just started week 2, and this was exactly the story I needed to hear. That's so exciting!!! Good luck with your next races!