So you've lost weight - who cares?



  • msiamjan
    msiamjan Posts: 326 Member
    My knees and feet. They are very grateful and want me to continue. :happy:
  • 27strange
    27strange Posts: 837 Member
    First off, I care. I care for myself. I am my own worst enemy when I fall to the wayside.

    Second, my wife cares. We are each others crutch and support through this.

    People at work are taking notice, asking me what I am doing, how its going, what I have lost, how many miles I am running today, etc. I have gotten compliments, I have gotten jealousy stabs and jeers. I tell people about MFP and how awesome it is to record calories in and calories out and what a difference it has made for me.

    I don't need people to care, I care. That is what matters. I look in the mirror and I care. However, it is nice when people take notice and pass along a compliment, but its unnecessary.
  • lgwmab
    lgwmab Posts: 274 Member
    I'm the one who cares. I'm also losing weight for me. For so long I have been on a weight rollercoaster, I'm up, I'm down, but never happy. I was 170 when my fiancee and I started dating, 7 years ago, i went down to 140! then went onto birth control for out of control hormones, one after another, nothing seemed to help! Then, it went to an extended use, it helped, to bad I shot up to almost 172, in April, I have since been to a new doctor, on new pills for almost 5 months, started exercising, and now watching what I eat. I saw about half my family overweight as akid, I heard about diabeties, bad heart, bad knees, and this is all heritity, I have come to a new conclusion, it's not heredity, I have a bad knee, had surgery on it, my fiancee worries about me with it, but the more I workout, and keep moving the better it feels. In my family it's not heretity, iot's lifestyle, and I am bound to change, and find 120 again!

    My fiancee will notice once in awhile, but since the same clothes still fit, not to many seem to notice my 10 pounds I lost, since April, and most likely will not notice how much I will lose, until my pants are falling off my butt.
  • zookeepersuzy
    The only person who has said anything was my dental hygenist.

    DH has lost much more weight than I have, so most of our friends/family see him and go on about how good he looks and don't really notice my loss. DH was very sweet one night and tried to point out that I had lost weight too, but it didn't really turn out well.

    Friend: [DH] You've lost a lot of weight! you look amazing!
    DH: Thanks.. you know Suzy's lost weight too..
    Friend: (looking at me) oh? how much did you loose?
    me: about 15lbs
    Friend: that's nice.. but [DH] you REALLY look good.


    I told him not to say anything in the future b/c it felt really awkward and it's ok if ppl don't notice.
  • A_New_Horizon
    A_New_Horizon Posts: 1,555 Member
    Mine is for myself and my babies (Laci and Carson). I have always been on the bigger side, and I hit a high of 200 lbs (before I got pregnant with my son) then I started losing weight (lost 10 lbs) then I got pregnant. I had my son June 2010 and started my lifestyle change in Sept. I have lost 50 lbs in 10 months. Everyone who knows me has notice, and I have even gotten comments that I am "too skinny" now. But, I have always been big to them. I have no one to impress because people will like me for me or they won't. I am also going through a messy divorce, and I have found sanity in working out.
  • rsqsquad05
    rsqsquad05 Posts: 125
    A SUPER HOT, really built guy asked me where I worked out and when I hesitated (because I am just doing P90X at home, and only for the past two weeks) he kinda looks me up and says "you obviously work out" Ahh, it was nice even if it was a little loaded with bull lol
  • VeganInTraining
    VeganInTraining Posts: 1,321 Member
    My aunt; "look at you my little hot bodied niece"

    my co woker: "Dang Em, you're looking hot."

    My friend: "are you losing weight? it looks good on you"
  • IHaveATail
    My four year old, and you KNOW she's telling the truth.
  • Alidecker
    Alidecker Posts: 1,262 Member
    It is for me and it should be for me, but it is nice when other's notice. What is really nice is when people I care about tell me that I have inspired them to live healthier. That makes it even more worth it. I have friends that work out with me now that haven't worked out in years.
  • dad106
    dad106 Posts: 4,868 Member
    Honestly, no one. I don't look that much different since I'm tall and no one notices unless I say something. and I hate mentioning it for fear of sounding like I'm bragging. So I just go about my business as usual and celebrate when the victories happen.
  • Lesliecs
    Lesliecs Posts: 930 Member
    I am losing weight for myself...... and to be a healthier mother so my son will see me grow old. I don't really care about anyone else. Not doing it for them. However, even after only losing 9 lbs, I've had coworkers comment that I am looking a lot better (being only 5' tall, 9 lbs. is a lot for me!). It's always nice to hear that and it does provide a little more motivation.

    The friends we have here in MFP are the GREATEST motivators ever! Because we're all going through the same thing and we just want to help each other out.
  • treesha450
    treesha450 Posts: 321 Member
    Lot's of comments at work. I am a bartender and I hear several comments a day from my customers. Some people deliver a flattering compliment, but some go on and on, makes me self conscious sometimes.
  • IHaveATail
    No one cares or notices. I have usually been smaller then them as it is, so they probably think i am just showing off. I used to be 130lb 4 years ago went up to 159lb this year and now i am about 141lb so i guess it really isnt hat big of a deal. Especially since 7 years ago i was 215lb pregnant.

    I feel you. No one I know tosses high-fives for the small stuff and I never really have much weight to loose. I still have fitness goals that for me are way HARD! Haha, So, here is a slap on the back to you from me :) Good job. You look great.
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    I have dropped 2 dress sizes but only one person at work ever mentioned it. I was getting a little discouraged about that and mentioned it to my husband, who works for the same company but in a different department, and he said several people have mentioned it to him. I'm not sure what is up with that!! But my family has noticed and is very supportive. My husband alternates between complaining that I'm losing too much booty and telling me how hot I look.

    But most importantly I notice. I like feeling good in my clothes again.
  • pa_jorg
    pa_jorg Posts: 4,404 Member
    I've lost about 24 lbs since January and hardly anyone has noticed. Thought it would be more obvious, but I guess not, oh well...
  • alyssamiller77
    alyssamiller77 Posts: 891 Member
    I was at a referee recertication clinic this weekend, so saw a number of people that hadn't seen me since I started my new lifestyle. One person, two of the mentors at the clinic mentioned my weight loss. One told me that I was "looking good, very svelte". The other told me he barely recognized me and that I looked five years younger. He later, while presenting to the entire classroom, used me as an example of being committed to fitness and again mentioned that I looked years younger.

    Beyond that I've had my parents notice and ask me if I was losing weight. My wife has made comments about my stomach looking much flatter and defined. Even my son noticed that "Daddy's getting skinny".
  • VeganGal84
    VeganGal84 Posts: 938 Member
    Everyone cares, more than I'd have thought, actually! Family, friends, co-workers. And this should probably go under a new topic called "Harassment now that you're thin?" but... my boss mentioned my weight and how good I'm looking these days at my annual review, and I got a bigger raise than I've ever gotten even though I know for a FACT that my productivity has decreased. :noway:

    I have mixed emotions about how others have reacted to my smaller size. Mostly, it's interesting that when I started this adventure a couple of years ago, I thought that I would care so much more than I do about what other people think of my smaller body. Really, the only person whose opinion I care about regarding my looks: ME. :flowerforyou:

    P.S. Live-in boyfriend loves my new look, but he loved my old look, too. Yeah, he's a keeper. :heart:
  • jessiebombshell
    My body cares. One of the biggest motivators for me to start this project was sitting at dinner with my family and feeling my belly resting on my thighs. I'm used to the "food baby" symptom, but this was beyond anything I had experienced before and it shook me up. It matters to me how I feel.

    And my camera cares. On that same trip home we took pictures on the beach with my best friend and I still haven't gotten the guts to send them yet because I want to wait until I have new pictures to counter balance them.

    And I'm pretty sure my boyfriend cares. He doesn't say much about my body, other than he's proud of me for sticking with my new running routine, but he's certainly enjoying my growing confidence in my body and that once again I feel ok hanging out at home in just a sports bra and shorts.
  • Qarol
    Qarol Posts: 6,171 Member
    *I* care!!! The fact that I can see a difference and like the way clothes look on me is major.

    Plus, my husband is really enjoying it.

    If anyone else has noticed, meh, I really don't care. In fact, I really don't want people to point it out. It makes me uncomfortable. It reminds me of what I used to weigh, and I'd rather not dwell on that.
  • monaPl
    monaPl Posts: 1 Member
    someone at church said oh my your losing weight look at your neck you can really tell guess i need to focus on the rest lol