So you've lost weight - who cares?



  • Kristhin
    Kristhin Posts: 442 Member
    When I came to see my boyfriend selling his paintings on Saturday he said, "I could tell when I saw you walk up you look thinner" yayyyy! and he said I was hot that day too.
  • HarlCarl
    HarlCarl Posts: 266 Member
    I care! I've lost 55.8 pounds since March 24, 2011 and I feel great!

    I'm getting compliments from people I work with and family members. Both groups have told me I'm an inspiration to them because they'd like to lose a few extra pounds. The comments and remarks are nice. BUT, I'm not doing it for them, I'm doing it for me!

    If you dont care, you probably wont try very hard. IMHO.
  • IMYarnCraz33
    IMYarnCraz33 Posts: 1,016 Member
    I care! I have been given one life & one life only--to live it to it's fullest HEALTHY.
    I've noticed, my DH has noticed & my kids have noticed (they're 6 and 3 1/2).
    Every time I lose weight or have an NSV my DH tells me how proud of me that he is
    and he gives me a big hug & my kids give me high fives & hugs.
  • jiminyc
    jiminyc Posts: 63 Member
    One of my co-workers asked me what I was doing to have such "massive" weight loss, which made me feel awesome. She was the first outside of my family & friends (who know I'm working at it) to say anything.

    But the biggest person to care has been my husband, and my biggest reward is that he's jumped on the bandwagon with me. He's joined MFP, started eating healthier and working out and that just skyrockets my motivation. Now when I think about our future, it doesn't make me worry that we'll both be old, overweight and in matching wheelchairs. I see us fit and healthy and living our dream! That's worth every bit of work I've done and all the work I still have left to do!
  • jiminyc
    jiminyc Posts: 63 Member
    <duplicate post>
  • stormieweather
    stormieweather Posts: 2,549 Member
    My co-workers are all raving about my 'new body' and weight loss. They all ask me how I did it, and one lady ooohs and ahhhs every single time she sees me. One person, who did HCG last year, but put it all back on, was in the lunch room during one of these 'omg you look wonderful, how did you do it' sessions. I replied that I counted calories and worked out, including running. She half laughs and asks, "you mean that diet and exercise thing really works??" I smiled and answered, yes - it really does!!

    My partner complements me often and my D16 is always showing me off to her friends.
  • amie031182
    amie031182 Posts: 27 Member
    I am just starting out...but I can tell in my attitude/confidence more than anything! I feel in control and I don't really care what anyone else thinks. It's amazing how mental losing weight is. I've been exercisng and pushing myself to eat healthy and to do more and more each week, which in turn makes me feel like I'm doing something to get skinny vs. making bad choices and not sitting around.

    The power of positive thinking! :flowerforyou:
  • cillytilly
    cillytilly Posts: 243
    I am doing this for me first and foremost! It is myself I have to live with and I am the one who lives within my body. I want to live a healthy life and look forward to tomorrow.
    My family has noticed and are all commenting. My one cousin, who by the way is tiny, has started calling me skinny cuz because it is showing so much. It is great to hear this because it motivates me and keeps me going even though sometimes I don't see it.
    I think the biggest one for me is that my dr has been a cheerleader for me. She says keep at it no matter what you are doign great. She told me that as long as I keep it up it is not about how long it takes me but that I am working on it. She also said not to rush it but is excited at teh success I have been having. This is wonderful to me as she has never been pushy about my weight but cheers me on when I make good decisions. She said she will be super excited when I get my BMI under 30.

    It is the little things that keep me going.
  • Gdzgal771
    Gdzgal771 Posts: 152 Member
    i know how you feel but realize you ARENT doing this for others!! most people are all about THEMSELVES. when you notice a difference, when you feel better, when you are off meds, when you move around better. you will be glad you are doing what you are!!! Keep it up for YOU!!! :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: huggz
  • Gdzgal771
    Gdzgal771 Posts: 152 Member
    losing weight is MUCH more than inches/pounds will give you confidence and things you thought you lost..
  • Gdzgal771
    Gdzgal771 Posts: 152 Member
    losing weight is MUCH more than inches/pounds will give you confidence and things you thought you lost..:wink::wink:
  • Corrie62
    Corrie62 Posts: 191
    Like others...I am doing this for ME!!! But I love it when others notice.. My family has noticed...hubby,kids,mom,inlaws,brothers..and all continue to be supportive. My work collegues have noticed, and some are also supportive. I belong to TOPS and my fellow members are another of my cheering section. I am excited for my mom's 75th BD Party because there will be extended family there who have not seen me since the beginning of my journey (about 45lbs ago) and I can't wait to see their reaction (won't be disappointed if no one says anything is Mom's day not mine after all)

    So while I do this for my health/wellbeing. and self esteem, I do love it when others compliment me too.
  • AmandaCG
    AmandaCG Posts: 46 Member
    Hahaha! OMG everyone cares. Its all anyone wants to talk about with me. Sometimes its good, "Hey you look great! Incredible! You have inspired me to take back control of my life. You are my hero." Sometimes its negative "I just can't do what you do. I just don't have the time. All that healthy food is sooooo expensive I just can't afford it. You make me feel so fat. You are too skinny, your face looks weird.....(my favorite)" I still can't understand why people feel the need to just start saying these things to me. I'm like were we even talking about that??? I have learned to just say "Oh ok.....yeah....thats hard." But anyway, bottom line, I care, my husband cares, my kids care, my Dr cares, my hips, back and heart cares. Oh and I agree, the camera cares.....loved that. Thats all the matters.....:)
  • FabCheeky
    FabCheeky Posts: 311
    Well, my story isn't just about losing weight. Since October 2010, I have totally changed my lifestyle around to a more Paleo style of food. This has led to a more active life in general and it has positively impacted my immediate family as well as many of my friends. Yes, I lost weight, but I also lost: fibromyalgia, extreme fatigue that no amount of sleep could solve, joint problems, iron deficiency anemia, periods that would last for 2 to 4 months at a stretch, many of my troubles with my ovaries, skin problems, abdominal swelling, gut troubles, a perpetual fever, uncontrollable asthma, constant allergies that no anti-histimine would remedy, a rheumatologist, gut doc, asthma doc, allergy doc AND all those excess medical bills.

    There is more, but that is it in a nut shell. My son has Autism and is 11. With the dietary changes (since January 15th for him), he has lost all of his excess weight (30 pounds), gut troubles that he has had since 10 months old, inflammation, MELTDOWNS (BIG deal), and has lost some of his social deficits. He really plays now---PLAYS. Before it was just a neverending stream of stims. He runs and plays outside. He can focus enough to play a video game with a story line. No kidding. That's a big deal. My daughter is 3 1/2 years old. Since changing her diet, she has lost her gut problems (that started at 26 months) and skin troubles including a perpetual butt rash (she had it for over a year and no cream or antibiotic could fix it).

    My husband hasn't totally gotten on board with our diet. He still eats whatever he likes at lunch---just a smaller portion. So far, he has maintained a 50 pound loss.

    Here is what we have GAINED:
    I have gained my life back. I feel better than I can ever remember feeling. My family has gained health and peace. My son SLEEPS---all night! HUGE deal.
    People that know us all make the standard "WOW! You guys look great!" comments, but then they also compliment my son's progress. THAT'S the best thing. He interacts with people in ways that he never could before. It is amazing what food does to and for our bodies.
  • ladybg81
    ladybg81 Posts: 1,553 Member
    Let me think. Umm, me, me and maybe ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I don't care about what anyone else says or thinks. I lost the weight because I hated MYSELF!! And now, I don't hate myself!!!!
  • sunyg
    sunyg Posts: 229
    My girls care and notice. Hubby not so much!
    But my girls are 10 & 13 and the oldest is seeing Mommy have muscles again and she wants those for her Vanguard.
  • bmw4deb
    bmw4deb Posts: 1,324 Member
    I had a regular customer come into the shop today
    (hadn't seen her in a couple months) her first words were
    Wow you get younger every time I see you :)
    Made my day
  • sandrinamsilva
    sandrinamsilva Posts: 651 Member
    People at work notice everyday. I do like hearing the "Great Job" "look at skinny" and one upper management guy/friend also motivates me but letting me know that "you've come too far to slack off now" when I am trying to find a donut in the building.

    But mostly I care. I have felt a change in my whole attitude now a days. Doing it for me and me only. :flowerforyou:
  • glenbabe
    glenbabe Posts: 303 Member
    went out with some old school friends recently and the first thing i was greeted with was "are you losing weight" and I said YES I am but I have been dieting all my life so they are used to my weight going up and down.The only person who really cares this time is me,my husband loves me for myself and does not give a jot how much I weigh,in the past this has been my stumbling block.Now I realise that I have to care because the first person we should all care about is ourselves only we can live this life in a healthy happy way .
  • MinnieInMaine
    MinnieInMaine Posts: 6,400 Member
    Luckily, I have a great support system and get compliments from co-workers, friends, family on a pretty regular basis. But my favorite thing is how hubby makes sure everyone that comes to visit notices and comments on my weight loss. He's like "look at her, isn't she doing great?!" LOL! It's adorable...

    ETA: Yeah, ultimately I'm doing this for me but it sure is nice to hear the input from others!