Female Body Image



  • thegymbunny
    thegymbunny Posts: 602 Member
    I could scare you with how bad female body image can be. lol
  • 123456654321
    123456654321 Posts: 1,311 Member
    This thread is depressing.
  • Lyadeia
    Lyadeia Posts: 4,603 Member
    She's just gonna have to want to believe it.

    I used to be a size 20. I am currently a size 8. My brain still tells me I am fat. There are certain clothes I still won't wear. Nobody will tell me different, cause I am not at my goal.

    I am hoping when I reach my goal things will be better in my brain.
  • xyztadz
    xyztadz Posts: 6
    your poor girlfriend,all u can do is keep boosting her confidence and hopefully she will start to see herself as u see her,shes very lucky to have someone like you though that so clearly cares :)
  • jessiebombshell
    I think a lot of us on here can relate to your girlfriend's position.

    One of the sweetest things I remember my boyfriend doing was coming home one day while I was cooking dinner, smiling, and telling me how beautiful I looked. I was in granny panties and a t-shirt, and don't think I had even taken a shower that day. I think I blustered and told him to shut up, but it stuck with me. No matter how she reacts, keep telling her she's gorgeous (along with some of these other great suggestions). It means a lot to hear it.
  • RoseBlanc
    RoseBlanc Posts: 140
    And your question is???

    Seriously, most women will only see the bits they dont like, and need lots of encouragement and reassurance about thier good bits.

    Tbh I'd concentrate on complimenting her on things that weren't to do with her appearance (her kindness, her cooking, her understanding etc)

    There is so much wrong with this.
  • dancer4275
    dancer4275 Posts: 149
    Very few female's DON'T struggle with this. Personally, it's something I fight every day.
    My heart goes out to her!
    Continue to uplift her with words of kindness and encouragement!
    Also, I would recommend seeing a counselor. I know a lot of people have misconceptions about that and think of it negatively. But honestly, counseling is WONDERFUL and sheds light on so many things.