

  • Hey! I'm the opposite. Ovo, but not big lacto. I buy Strauss organic milk for the family. Have been to their farms, seen the cows and met the owners. Cowgirl creamery (cheese co) uses only Struass milk, so we buy them too. Our eggs come from a local farm and are pasture raised, certified organic, certified humane... ie:…
  • Thanks for inviting/having me! :happy:
  • I hadn't seen it before. Now that I have... no loss. Can I have those 2 seconds back?
  • kyoules, those all sound GREAT and are just what I had in mind. I like lots of different flavors and textures.
  • Thanks for the recipe Emily! I'm always looking for new things to try.
  • I'm with you on the pasta salad for lunch and LOVE Trader Joe's. Have you tried their temph strips? I just got some to try. Like you, I also treat "meat replaces" as occasional "treats." I only have them about once e/o week. I think I'm going to try making more grain salads to bring. Easy to pack, eat and I can make a lot…
  • WOW! :noway: I'm SHOCKED at all the posts this thread got! Everyone had such FANTASTIC ideas to share. I can't thank you enough. Some of these were real forehead slappers (like "why didn't I think of that!") Others sound so great I can't wait to give them a try. You've given me at least a month of inspiration here. :heart:
  • I'm vegetarian, but my husband and son are not. They know if they want meat they're welcome to buy & cook it. About once a month I'll add meat to a meal for them. Like when I made curry. I'll make mine with seitan and theirs with chicken. It's a lot easier than you would think, plus they're both eating a LOT more fruits,…
  • If you're ok with going "unconventional" I love to make a vegetarian Taco Salad when it's hot outside. You could set it up like a bar, put chips with salsa and guacamole on the tables, even make margaritas! Plus it's very vegan friendly (they'd just skip the cheese and sour cream.) You would just need: -veggie chili w/…
  • I LOVE the idea of a festive colored quiche. None of the family gatherings is at our house this year, so I think a souffle is out (but is a great idea. Maybe I'll do that for New Years Eve.) I adore shepherd's pie and totally agree about the traditional flavors being important. Thanks so much for all the fantastic ideas!
  • That tart sounds wonderful! I made something similar for Easter and it was delicious.
  • Ooooo! That sounds really good!
  • LOL! :laugh: I love what you said about pie. So very true! Last year my family did Mexican food for Christmas Eve and it was fantastic. I love your suggestion at thinking "outside the box" on what people would expect to find at the Holiday table (food wise.) Yes, I love to bake (and cook.) Pretty much just love food.…
  • That's a really great idea! Thanks! :happy:
  • The roasted brussel sprouts we had made were also gone in a flash. For my main dish I made marinated portobello mushrooms that I cooked on the grill. I kept mine whole, but sliced the others to serve as a side dish. Came out GREAT! For Easter I made myself a pastie full of vegetables with a home-made mushroom gravy that…
  • What!?! Someone sharing an actual medical study done by real researchers!?!?!? *GASP* But really, I think that's a first for MFP. Thanks for sharing. That was really interesting. Hopefully I can get my husband to read it. :bigsmile:
  • I think anyone who doesn't see that she's just in it for the money is shockingly naive. She may have started off as just a personal trainer with good intentions, but obviously caught the endorsement bug big time from being on TBL for so long. I never liked how she always tried to psychoanalyze people on the show. Having a…
  • I went with this recipe: And brought it to a potluck on Thursday night. I must say that I think my seaweed salad was the best thing there and it was the first to go too! YAY! Instead of carrots I used thinly sliced orange bell peppers. Instead of cilantro I used 2 leeks. Then…
  • So I bought a bag of mixed seaweed at my local co-op and am at a loss of what to do with it. Marinated seaweed salad? I tried tossing it into soup (like with a miso base) and it was just way too rubbery. Any suggestions?
  • WOW! These all sound so fantastic! Thanks for sharing, I'm really excited to try them all. That baked tofu sounded really good. I'm usually not a tofu girl, but I'd give that a go. Last night I made some whole grain pasta with fried artichoke hearts and sage. I cooked them in about 2tbsp olive oil in my cast iron skilled…
  • OOOO!!!!! I don't think that sounds over-simple. It sounds fantastic to me! I love that you mentioned mason jars, I ADORE them and use them for everything. Hahaha. I'll have to make that this weekend after hitting our Farmers Market. Mmmmmm, thanks for sharing. :bigsmile:
  • Both my local food co-op has it and my local grocery store (Nugget.) I think Whole Foods carries it if there's one near you. Their website might tell you better where to find it. I made a great faux sausage and gravy over biscuits for Father's Day this year with their Gimmie Lean Sausage. It was FANTASTIC!
  • LOL! Sounds like me. Though not 100% vegan, I'm working on it. Hard to balance the meals when you both don't have the same diet. :bigsmile:
  • Ovo-lacto here (but very little.) I take an Ovega-3. It's a vegetarian Omega supplement (plant source.) I would give that do your daughter just in case she doesn't dig the spurlena, kale, seaweed and other natural goodies. I would also give her a good children's multi to ensure she's getting enough B-12 (but I'm sure you…
  • Hi All! I'm currently vegetarian and just started reading "The China Study." I also really enjoyed "The Kind Diet." Both opened my eyes to a Vegan diet more than anything else I've read of heard. All the dairy I buy is organic and local, so I thought that was good enough! I knew the farms, farmers and where my dairy came…
  • My gut feeling here (and I'm no doctor), is to rest it. Also make sure you're getting enough Magnesium. That's vital for muscles and a deficiency can lead to "charley horses" and muscle spasms. Though I don't think that's your problem, it could be a contributing factor? Take an Epsom Salt bath, rest it and go slow! I agree…
  • That's really interesting and I don't blame you for being put off of running from it. Have you mentioned it to your doctor? Maybe just try to reign it in a little. Make sure you aren't slapping your food down hard and maybe see if it's better on different terrain. Like I had more pain running on a street or sidewalk, but…
  • Maybe try a new insole in them? One just for running. Amazon had a lot to choose from, but so does Big 5 (if you have one).
  • That's really interesting! I hadn't heard that one before.
  • Anyone read "The Kind Life Diet" yet? It's really inspired me to be more Vegan (ovo-lacto vegetarian now.) I've cut way back on the cheese and eggs. So far, so good! I liked her book, but I did feel it was a little extreme for me. Maybe I'll get there one day. I'm having a hard time totally giving up my organic farmers…