Jillian Michaels is a joke!



  • sunshinestorm
    sunshinestorm Posts: 81 Member
    I tend to believe the good in people and that they have good intentions for the most part. It upsets me to find out when its not true. Oh well...
    Yes maybe it was being endorsed without her approval but that is nowhere to be read in the news that I could find. She had to have allowed it somehow, or gained trust in a promoter that she shouldn't have if tht was the case. Jillian is against fast food, high sodium foods, high fructose corn syrup and is STILL endorsing diet pills. Why would she think diet pills are ok but think fast food is bad? And then endorse something that she obviously didn't look into very well since the company was hiding lethal ingedients from consumers. There are plenty of trainers who do not condone these fad diets and supplements. I too would like to see what Jillian has to say about it because that doesn't seem right.
  • Uk_Yogini
    Uk_Yogini Posts: 167
    When dollar signs take over, morals and ethics fly out the window.
  • BeeElMarvin
    BeeElMarvin Posts: 2,086 Member
    Have you ever seen some of the past contestants interviews regarding "Biggest Loser"? Do an internet search, read some those interviews - Bob and Jillian are more concerned about good television and $$ than they are about healthy weight loss. Dehydration and injury riddled workouts with desperate people are not healthy weight loss. I have lost respect for the show (but I still watch it...LOL).
  • Jade_Butterfly
    Jade_Butterfly Posts: 2,963 Member
    Yeah, that's dumb, but it's not clear that Jillian Michaels endorsed the product(s) KNOWING that there were lethal ingredients--I just don't think she would do that.... and she's rich enough that she can be selective in the brands she endorses. I know for a fact that she has turned down offers from Subway to do ads for them because she thinks there's way too much sodium and high fructose corn syrup in the bread. I think she means well, even though she is sometimes mal-informed. She is definitely not a doctor, and people who take her advice should do their own research to back up her claims. But I do genuinely think she's trying to make America healthier.

    ^^^^ This. . . I don't believe for a minute after reading her life story and all the crap and abuse that she went through that she would knowingly harm others for a profit. . .
  • Jade_Butterfly
    Jade_Butterfly Posts: 2,963 Member
    Interesting topic. I have not heard this. It would be interesting to see what Jillian had to say about it. I've watched her on the doctors a couple times and she definitely seems totally against fast food and high fructose corn syrup calling them poison. I couldn't imagine her knowingly putting things in her products that would not be natural and good for people. Possibly related to this topic, I saw a clip of Doctor Oz claiming that his name has been used to endorse and promote products that he did not give permission for. They will use his picture and then people will buy the product because they think he's behind it. Anyway, interesting topic. On a side note, this is the first message board that I have seen people become a bit disrespectful and I don't care for that....... everyone is entitled to their opinion and we all need to be respectful of each other.
    Yes maybe it was being endorsed without her approval but that is nowhere to be read in the news that I could find. She had to have allowed it somehow, or gained trust in a promoter that she shouldn't have if tht was the case. Jillian is against fast food, high sodium foods, high fructose corn syrup and is STILL endorsing diet pills. Why would she think diet pills are ok but think fast food is bad? And then endorse something that she obviously didn't look into very well since the company was hiding lethal ingedients from consumers. There are plenty of trainers who do not condone these fad diets and supplements. I too would like to see what Jillian has to say about it because that doesn't seem right.

    100% agree. . I would love to hear what she would say directly in answer to all this~
  • Ebbykins
    Ebbykins Posts: 420 Member
    Yeah, that's dumb, but it's not clear that Jillian Michaels endorsed the product(s) KNOWING that there were lethal ingredients--I just don't think she would do that.... and she's rich enough that she can be selective in the brands she endorses. I know for a fact that she has turned down offers from Subway to do ads for them because she thinks there's way too much sodium and high fructose corn syrup in the bread. I think she means well, even though she is sometimes mal-informed. She is definitely not a doctor, and people who take her advice should do their own research to back up her claims. But I do genuinely think she's trying to make America healthier.

    ^^^^ This. . . I don't believe for a minute after reading her life story and all the crap and abuse that she went through that she would knowingly harm others for a profit. . .

    During interviews I've read/seen of hers, she actually claims to take the pills herself... honestly she probably takes better stuff then she sells and just claims that, she knows the ins and outs of the supplement industry just like I do, because it's her passion and also her job, I know what these pills do, so does she and yes she is a shallow self absorbed sell out who also happens to be kind hearted and giving like lots of celebrities, you just have to read along for enough time and actually go back into remarks she's said to "get it". As for her DVDs they are fun and effective but her form isn't always spot on and things she says just don't make sense to me sometimes because I'm studied in kinesiology but hey whatever floats her personal boat. :)
  • webfootcajun
    Speaking as a long time capitalist (nothing evil about capitalism) it makes perfect sense to KILL the people whose money you want, right? I mean really? is that a good long term financial vehicle no one told me about?
  • SmartFunGorgeous
    SmartFunGorgeous Posts: 699 Member
    Why is it that the people we try to look up to and that inspire us are secretcly doing devious crap behind our backs? It seems like everyone has a dark side and there are no true people out there passionately trying to help others.

    Ironic that you say this, immediately followed by a shameless admission that you stole her videos online.


    first, I'm not a Jillian Michaels fan but I doubt she knew what was in the products she was endorsing. Celebrity endorsers do not create the products and are rarely given inside information about the product. They are told all of the great things about the product and then asked to endorse the product for a fee. If, as the OP suggests, the company was hiding the harmful ingredients from the public, its very likely the company was also hiding them from Michaels. I doubt an endorser would purposefully endorse a product with illegal/harmful ingredients.

  • countrydarling1
    countrydarling1 Posts: 386 Member
  • tigersword
    tigersword Posts: 8,059 Member
    I know for a fact that she has turned down offers from Subway to do ads for them because she thinks there's way too much sodium and high fructose corn syrup in the bread.

    Right. She "turned down" Subway. That's why on Biggest Loser you would always see her leading the contestants into Subway restaurants, and she would go on and on about how great Subway is...
  • KettyLan
    KettyLan Posts: 440 Member
    I honestly don't think Jillian wants to hurt any one in order to have more money in her bank account. I do believe she has good intention in helping America lose weight...I strongly believe that this product that she endorsed with lethal ingredients was not only hidden from us, the consumers, but from her as well. ... We have to understand that she has a name, and I don't think she would go that far to ruin her reputation.
  • suzanne63
    suzanne63 Posts: 616 Member
    I like Jillian Michaels.She got me motivated again when nothing else has.She has great workout video's and I will continue to do them and buy them.I don't do diet pills..The results I have seen and gotten from her workouts speak for it's self. I think she rocks.If people are getting hurt.Her video's do say for Intermediate to Advanced workouts.Listen to what your body is telling you of what it can and cannot do.If you have to modify.Then Modify.If you have to stop.Then stop.It helps me to do more aerobic movements and stretching before I do her workouts.
  • meli_medina
    meli_medina Posts: 594 Member
    There are numerous posts with people saying they hurt themselves doing her DVDs plus she has been sued over it. She is not a trainer. Hopefully people will learn soon and stop doing her workouts.

    Most people who hurt themselves doing her DVD do so because they are either not performing the exercises correctly or they are over training and not taking days off. Just because the title says 30 Day Shred doesn't mean you can't take a day off, especially if you feel like you're on the verge of injury. There is no shame in that at all.

    It's all about common sense. Do you honestly think taking a diet pill is going to fix what made you overweight in the first place? Do you think that your body can handle going from zero exercise to a very intense workout everyday for a month with no days off? It's all about personal responsibility. Why is it that people get all up in arms because someone works hard, shows results, and makes money along the way.

    Not that I'm trying to endorse Jillian to anyone else. She doesn't take all that money and spend it. She pays for college for family members, she donates a lot of it as well. She is highly involved in many movements to try to make America healthy. Anyone in her place could easily make the same mistake along the way. That is why we're human beings! If we all made good choices all the time, we would be robots!
  • PB67
    PB67 Posts: 376
    Also, she is a trainer...she's a certified trainer with the same certification that I hold through AFAA...

    AFAA is a rubber stamp cert. A trained monkey could get one.
    Most people who hurt themselves doing her DVD do so because they are either not performing the exercises correctly or they are over training and not taking days off.

    Jillian is notorious for atrocious form!

    And nobody overtrains from a workout DVD.
  • tracyolson23
    tracyolson23 Posts: 9 Member
    I agree! People shouldn't believe everything they read....just sayin.
  • meli_medina
    meli_medina Posts: 594 Member
    And nobody overtrains from a workout DVD.

    Maybe not the workout DVD, but almost everyone I know who has done her programs does not do them exclusively. So, if you take into account going from zero physical activity to the 27-minute workout everyday for 30 days straight, plus generally another form of impact cardio like running.
    Maybe not every day along with it, but you figure every other day. It is going to put a lot of strain on the body and cause over training injuries. I know this because I was dumb enough to do it, except I added 30DS to a shortly established running schedule (I started in late May/early June and did 30DS July-August). I ended up with posterior shin splints, which is almost exclusively an over training injury.

    She might have poor form (I generally don't pay attention to her positioning because most of the time she only does it for a couple of seconds), but she does tell you how to do the movements properly (keep your knees behind your toes, don't slouch, don't roll your ankle, keep this leg straight, etc.)

    Besides that, again, nobody is perfect.
  • ML0305
    ML0305 Posts: 227 Member
    Yeah, that's dumb, but it's not clear that Jillian Michaels endorsed the product(s) KNOWING that there were lethal ingredients--I just don't think she would do that.... and she's rich enough that she can be selective in the brands she endorses. I know for a fact that she has turned down offers from Subway to do ads for them because she thinks there's way too much sodium and high fructose corn syrup in the bread. I think she means well, even though she is sometimes mal-informed. She is definitely not a doctor, and people who take her advice should do their own research to back up her claims. But I do genuinely think she's trying to make America healthier.

  • ML0305
    ML0305 Posts: 227 Member
    Lol, this is like blaming Ronald McDonald for selling fat-filled lard burgers that makes kids obese...

    agreed! shes helped me, so I'm ok with her. Plus I like to watch Anita on the Shred.. mhm!

    Yes...JM's workout videos have also helped me BUT diet pills are bad...I took some a while back and they made me sick. Its ultimately up to you to do what you want to help you lose weight so we cant blame it 100% on the informercials or the trainers...just saying!!!!
  • LaComadreja14
    LaComadreja14 Posts: 277 Member
    Why is it that the people we try to look up to and that inspire us are secretcly doing devious crap behind our backs? It seems like everyone has a dark side and there are no true people out there passionately trying to help others.

    There are so many people in the world who honestly can't wrap their mind around the fact that they aren't the only person who matters, its like they see life as some RPG and they are the main character while everyone else is a replaceable NPC. They worry about "I want this, I want that..." and the more they want the less they care/understand/see that other people matter too and that other people aren't just replaceable pawns but real lives that can be damaged. Its sad, but its true. In a capitalist world, you really have to look out for yourself.
  • VeggiePumpkin
    I think anyone who doesn't see that she's just in it for the money is shockingly naive. She may have started off as just a personal trainer with good intentions, but obviously caught the endorsement bug big time from being on TBL for so long. I never liked how she always tried to psychoanalyze people on the show. Having a mom who is a therapist doesn't make you one and that always seemed really dangerous to me and like a law suit waiting to happen. I can't imagine how many wavers TBL contestants had to sign!

    Personally I don't want some skinny crazy person screaming at me. I don't find it healthy or motivating. Nor do I want to eat/drink chemicals. If I wanted to be skinny from using chemicals I'd take up crack. Whole, real foods and exercise is the way to go. I feel bad for all the people who get suckered into thinking that short cuts really exist and that this stuff won't hurt you. There needs to be more public education about nutrition (like having kids watch Food Inc and Forks Over Knives). What people don't know about their own bodies and health is a lot. Our disconnect is obvious when you see the damage we've done to our land and food supplies. Mono-farming, chemical pesticide IN the seeds and plants (not sprayed on), etc...