ChicagoJan Member


  • Hi: I've been a strict vegetarian for over 20 years, and eat vegan at home. Eating out without being flexible re: dairy is difficult, but I'm working on it. I've got over 50 lbs to lose. Please feel free to add me as a friend! I need plenty of support and I'm happy to provide it.
  • Hi ladies: Thanks for starting this thread. I'm 51 years old and still peri. I keep telling my husband I can't wait for periods to be over, but he looks at me a bit oddly. I think this makes him feel old. Anyway, I've always had a difficult time with weight, and over the summer, we went to Iceland for 2 weeks. When I came…
  • How do you change the proportions of protein/carbs/fat? I can't figure it out!
  • Hi: I'm an apple too. Large frame, but again, smaller legs and butt and lots of belly fat. It's a drag, because not only is it not so gorgeous, but belly fat is a big health risk factor, means we've got a lot of fat around the internal organs, too, which is very bad for health. :(
  • HI: I'm a lacto-ovo vegetarian and have been for 20 years. I'd almost aspire to be a vegan because I don't drink dairy milk (except in a pinch), except for the travel hassles, cheese, baking and pancakes! Please friend me if you'd like other veg friends!
  • Yes, I agree, cold turkey. Tell yourself that it is just for the next month, then you will re-evaluate. That is what finally worked for me. I read labels carefully and avoid anything with significant sugar. Eating sugar regularly just gives me terrible cravings for eating more, day after day. Very self-defeating. I still…
  • Hi: I'm newer to MFP. Please feel free to friend me. I need plenty of encouragement! SW: 248.6 GW: 243.0 Workout goal: 30+ minutes of any exercise, at least 5 days per week. I'm looking forward to reading everyone's posts on this forum!
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