1 yr plateau, any suggestions?

I've lost around 65 lbs so far, I need to lose another 40 to be at the high end of my BMI. For a good year I've plateaued within a 10lb range. Some of it is bad food choices, some of it is increased muscle as I'm working out 2-3 days/wk with weights for last yr and have increased from 20-50lb range on most things, also had hernia repair surgery and now doing 50-100 sit ups per day. Some of it is I believe too much Diet Coke & not enough water.

I'm addressing my bad food choices through this website and better accountability. I'm going to continue working out and using high weights as I feel better and enjoy it. I am *trying* to cut back diet coke, but I admit Yoda's statement, "There is no try, do or do not" and that using the word try is permission to fail. My biggest issue with diet coke is working 13 hr shifts & needing the caffeine to keep me going.

I've played with giving myself more food, not so much less food to get my loss going again. Any thoughts? My current planner calorie count is 1400/day. I've considered trying to drop to 800 for a couple days to see if i could provoke my body into weight loss again. Anyone else hit this wall?? Find a good treatment?


  • morganadk2_deleted
    morganadk2_deleted Posts: 1,696 Member



    Also could be lack of sleep not helping! Put a penny in diet coke over night and see what happend !! enough to put me off ever drinking it !

    good luck on your journey!
  • RunJasonRun
    RunJasonRun Posts: 82 Member
    make a change in either you eating habits or your workout...try to shock your body...
  • ... I have only been 1 month plateau.. and already frustrated! Please do share your secrets and tips.. successes and failures:)

    Enjoy the day!
  • MissMaryMac33
    MissMaryMac33 Posts: 1,433 Member
    1. Do NOT drop to 800 --- that will backfire
    2. DO reset your current goals...within only 40ish to lose you should be at 1lb a week now --- maybe 1.5 until you're 30 from goal.
    3. Watch your sodium
    4. Up your protein if you're working out so much --- I changed my settings to 40% protein, 30% carb, 30% fat
    5. Add some cardio -- not just weight and situps
    6. Drink more fluids -- it doesn't have to be plain water --- even your diet coke counts as your fluids. I personally wouldn't worry to much about the diet coke if you're tracking it in your food journal as cal/sodium etc ....you're still getting fluid and its something you like. If it was real soda I'd say knock it off.
  • Try increasing the amount of raw foods that you eat. This means filling up on salads and other vegetables that aren't cooked.

    Your stomach is completely full on 500 calories of plants (vegetables, fruits, etc.)
    Your stomach is 1/5 full on 500 calories of meat
    Your stomach is 1/10 full on 500 calories of oil/fats
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    While I personally think soda, and cola in particular, are unhealthy I don't see how drinking Diet Coke instead of water could make you stop losing weight. Caffiene does no inhibit weight loss, in fact it can actually aid in weight loss by causing a temporary rise in metabolism. Maybe try tea, which contains caffeine and healthy antioxidants instead of soda.

    Is the 1400 calories net or gross? If it's gross, I'd suggest adding more calories but making sure that they good calories (natural nutrient rich foods). Are you tracking your workouts and eating those calories?
  • I'm 1400 cal net, I do track my exercise. And I do also do cardio, usually 40-45 mins on treadmill 3.5-4.5mph, occasional jogging. I'm also a floor nurse, which means I'm walking CONSTANTLY and I walk FAST. My pedometer usually says about 12k steps at end of each shift. I do not work out on those days, only my days off.
  • ChicagoJan
    ChicagoJan Posts: 9 Member
    How do you change the proportions of protein/carbs/fat? I can't figure it out!