Pescatarians / Vegetarians / Vegans add me!



  • Hello

    I've just started on here and have been an ovo lacto vegetarian for 10 years. I'd love anyone similar minded to add me to their friends list - be great to swap some recipies and tips!!

    Cheers all
  • Tjantik
    Tjantik Posts: 16
    Why would your doc tell you NOT to eat leafy greens, Tjantik?

    Me... Vegetarian for about 30 years. Definitely believe in a plant-based diet but have over-indulged in it for the last few years and gained too much weight (yes, you CAN be a fat vegetarian!). Just lost about 10lbs,now trying to lose another 20 or so to get back to my fightin' weight. Live in PA, USA. 46 yr old woman. Love my husband, love my cat, love my friends, love to travel.

    To everyone: Feel free to friend me if you're a generally-positive person. :-)

    I have to avoid things that develope crystals in my kidney, I only have one that works so anything that can damage the tissue he wants me to avoid. Which includes quite a few things that I like :(
  • ChicagoJan
    ChicagoJan Posts: 9 Member
    HI: I'm a lacto-ovo vegetarian and have been for 20 years. I'd almost aspire to be a vegan because I don't drink dairy milk (except in a pinch), except for the travel hassles, cheese, baking and pancakes! Please friend me if you'd like other veg friends!
  • healthorhighwater
    healthorhighwater Posts: 39 Member
    Vegan and proud! *EVERY* vegan add me please:) I'm new and only 16years old
  • xashleemarie
    xashleemarie Posts: 5 Member
    Great to see some veggos here!

    Im vegan - feel free to add me too. I've love to share ideas :)
  • TrillianJones
    TrillianJones Posts: 14 Member
    Hi all, I've been veggie for 20 of my 32 years - more habit than anything now I'm sure!

    I've got a super-supportive non-veggie husband who'll happily eat my non-meaty food, so I'm always on the lookout for tasty meal ideas (not keen on too much processed food - I like to COOK!).

    Feel free to add me if you like, just pop a little message in there :-)
  • kristelpoole
    kristelpoole Posts: 440 Member
    You can add me too!

    Vegetarian since February 2008, occasionally pescetarian. :) I love cheese, don't like milk.

    I try to eat CLEAN and LOCAL and I loooooove to cook!