Near or post menopausal group



  • Lauren8239
    Lauren8239 Posts: 1,039 Member
    The itching drives me insane!!! My head, my back and my feet, my hands.
  • ChicagoJan
    ChicagoJan Posts: 9 Member
    Hi ladies:
    Thanks for starting this thread. I'm 51 years old and still peri. I keep telling my husband I can't wait for periods to be over, but he looks at me a bit oddly. I think this makes him feel old.

    Anyway, I've always had a difficult time with weight, and over the summer, we went to Iceland for 2 weeks. When I came back (after eating as carefully as possible--few options tho, since I'm a vegetarian), I'd popped up to 257 from about 250. Previous highest was 270 and I'd lost about 20 on South Beach a few years ago and had been keeping it off pretty well until this summer. I think my metabolism just got even worse.

    Then I went to see my doctor, who told me that I was prediabetic. Yow. So here goes. I've actually lost about 10 so far from the highest weight over the summer, but am trying to keep it going.

    I've been working out with a trainer for more than a year, now, which is helpful because she pushes me harder than I would push myself.

    Please feel free to friend me!
    Thanks for the support!
  • debs6
    debs6 Posts: 232 Member
    Welcome to all the new comers that I have not had an opportunity to greet so far. As I read through the more recent posts I realise that we have so much in common- venturing through this new ground we call menopause. I read once what a cruelty of nature it is that on average our children reach well into their teen years ( with all the associated behavioural and attitude issues) just in time to coincide beautifully with the onset of peri-menopause. So when we are at our most vulnerable we have to venture into one of the hardest times and tasks of our lives.

    How I hate the dry skin issues- and it is something I have never experienced in my whole life. I may have made this comment before as it is something I firmly believe. Lot's wife in the bible is said to have turned into a pillar of salt when she looked back as they were fleeing. My comment has always been that clearly she was going through menopause and she just dried up and blew away!

    I always found the night sweats were easier in the summer - although generally my tolerance for hot weather has decreased. The worst thing about experiencing them in the winter is that you wake up under the covers and feel like you are going to melt - you throw off the covers and as you cool down you fall asleep again to wake up absolutely frozen - so up with the covers and the whole viscous cycle repeats itself endlessly in the night. Summer on the other hand you are only woken during the heating mode- so a marginally better sleep is had.
  • kel7298
    kel7298 Posts: 1,542 Member
    Hello everyone!

    I had a full hysterectomy in Dec. '07. Talk about changing overnight. I swear it did..haha. Since then my weight has increased 20lb despite my best workout efforts. I guess I like eating too much. Not anymore. I am going to follow this 1200 calorie plan and work out 5 day a week if it kills me. :sad: My husband is retiring in January and we are celebrating by going on a cruise. What better motivation!
  • applebobbrush
    applebobbrush Posts: 235 Member
    Hello all!

    I am a 35 year old that truly understands all the frustration of menopause. I had to have a hysterectomy 11 years ago. It wasn't too bad for a couple of years I took estrogen and everything seemed great. Then I got a blood clot in my calf...dum dum dum. No more estrogen booo hooo! I have been struggling with my weight ever since. It wasn't until this past summer when my daughter started her monthly cycle that I was so thankful for not having to go through that anymore. I do find I have to work out much harder, longer and eat less than other women my age to even get a pound to budge off my body. I am so glad I found this group and MFP.
  • opalmel
    opalmel Posts: 147 Member
    I always found the night sweats were easier in the summer - although generally my tolerance for hot weather has decreased. The worst thing about experiencing them in the winter is that you wake up under the covers and feel like you are going to melt - you throw off the covers and as you cool down you fall asleep again to wake up absolutely frozen - so up with the covers and the whole viscous cycle repeats itself endlessly in the night. Summer on the other hand you are only woken during the heating mode- so a marginally better sleep is had.

    OMG! That is exactly what I'm going through right now! I was thinking it was bad in the summer but it is so much worse now because I can't get any sleep! I keep the house at 63 degrees because I can't stand the heater with the hot flashes but then in between I am freezing to death. My husband just piles on the blankets and he is ok. :frown:
  • Lauren8239
    Lauren8239 Posts: 1,039 Member
    I always found the night sweats were easier in the summer - although generally my tolerance for hot weather has decreased. The worst thing about experiencing them in the winter is that you wake up under the covers and feel like you are going to melt - you throw off the covers and as you cool down you fall asleep again to wake up absolutely frozen - so up with the covers and the whole viscous cycle repeats itself endlessly in the night. Summer on the other hand you are only woken during the heating mode- so a marginally better sleep is had.

    OMG! That is exactly what I'm going through right now! I was thinking it was bad in the summer but it is so much worse now because I can't get any sleep! I keep the house at 63 degrees because I can't stand the heater with the hot flashes but then in between I am freezing to death. My husband just piles on the blankets and he is ok. :frown:

    So you guys get that too? The hot flush....feel like you're burning up from the inside out, then you get the shivers cause you feel like you just got dunked into a bath of ice? Gawd hormones are weird!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • BackwoodsMom
    BackwoodsMom Posts: 227 Member
    So, when I let my 15 yo son know that I'm having a hot flash (we homeschool so I'm with him most of the day) his comment to me is, "It's a calorie burn, Mom!" (He's studying chemistry right now so he related it to the definition of a calorie.) So, I'm wondering if there's a way to put hot flashes under our calories burned! :-P I'm sort of just kidding but it put a humorous spin on my frustration of sweating up a storm.
  • opalmel
    opalmel Posts: 147 Member
    So, when I let my 15 yo son know that I'm having a hot flash (we homeschool so I'm with him most of the day) his comment to me is, "It's a calorie burn, Mom!" (He's studying chemistry right now so he related it to the definition of a calorie.) So, I'm wondering if there's a way to put hot flashes under our calories burned! :-P I'm sort of just kidding but it put a humorous spin on my frustration of sweating up a storm.

    That's funny! I also have a 15 yo son and when I mention my hot flashes to him he just looks at me strangely. I agree that there should be some calories burned with a hot flash. Maybe I'll wear my HRM next time and see! :laugh:
  • Just found this group. I am 50 years old and my period is now more regular than it ever has been in my entire life. Every 28 days... lasting for 7-8 days. Blech. I know I have to be getting close to the whole menopause thing, but if I follow in my mother's footsteps, it won't be until I'm 56. More blech. Besides hot flashes and cessation of periods, how do you all know when you are starting menopause???
  • kimiel51
    kimiel51 Posts: 299 Member
    Hot flash HELL over here right now, and combine that with hubby's croupy cough last night= no sleep for either of us! :-(
  • mageepilot
    mageepilot Posts: 289 Member
    Glad to see all this info. Still having hot flashes but I THINK I'm done with periods. I am definately having trouble losing the belly fat. Feel free to add me.
  • 1960lisa
    1960lisa Posts: 193
    Just found this group. I am 50 years old and my period is now more regular than it ever has been in my entire life. Every 28 days... lasting for 7-8 days. Blech. I know I have to be getting close to the whole menopause thing, but if I follow in my mother's footsteps, it won't be until I'm 56. More blech. Besides hot flashes and cessation of periods, how do you all know when you are starting menopause???

    the hot flashes are a dead give away.... lack of sleep (not just because of the hot/cold thing but just cause I can't sleep).... I have now not had a period for 10 months... I think when you have been for 12 months you are officially post-menopausal.... I'm counting down.... don't want to go through that again..... for the year or 2 prior my periods were very heavy and really made me feel awful. I had never had any issues with them before but sometimes it even got to the stage where I would stay home for a day or so as I felt so "yuck".

    Oh and the other thing I nearly forgot.... is my forgetfulness!! I can't remember what I did last week, what the movie was about I just saw, what the book I just finished was about, what anything.... I have to have lists everywhere... and then I lose them! I am a bit worried as I have decided to go back to university next year.... not sure how my post-menopausal brain will cope :grumble:
  • 1960lisa
    1960lisa Posts: 193
    .... and did I mention the forgetfulness:bigsmile: :bigsmile: :sad:
  • Count me in!!
  • I don't know how to join a group, but please add me. I've been menopausal since I was 24 due to a hysterectomy. Now doctor is taking me off hormones after almost 12 years of them and I'm horrified at what my life will be like (probably not as much as my family mind you). Anyone have any experience of life going off of hormones with nothing but a prayer at sanity? It is harder to keep weight off with the hormones (that was my thought) or au naturale?
  • I'm 5 days from being "in menopause"!! My last period was 11/9/10, and a year ago I thought I'd be happy if I could lose 10 lbs. I'll be 50 in 6 weeks, and I'm currently at my lowest weight since I was 35 and in the best shape of my life, both physically and mentally!!

    If you want to start up a Menopause Group, count me in!! Friend me if you want!!

  • Hi Everyone! I have another post on here somewhere! I am catching up on the post readings. I am 57 years old and I have been going through the change of life at least for 5 years.

    The sweats during the day are not as bad as they use to be. I did gain weight around the middle and ignored it. Then the weight creeping up again toward the 200 again. 200 pounds is my STOP point! I re-evaluated my life style and decided that drinking multiple Mountain Dews a day will make me gain weight, plus all the snacking did not help...So, I am in the process of changing my life style.

    If I do not change my life style, I will gain the weight back. I have lost 18 pounds since August. It does not show up my ticker because I found this site in October. My pants are loose, I am feeling lighter. I have learned to say no! The calories are not worth it!

    We can do this together! Add me as a friend if you like. I love myfitnesspal! Especially now that I can do a lot of stuff on my smart up with the calories.
  • More information to add to this journey.....

    It took almost 3 years to get to the point of no menstrual cycle. I do not take hormones because ovarian and breast cancer run in my family history. Find a little fan, because you will need it for those hot flashes! I have 3 little fans! One for the living room, bedroom and one for work.

    My body went through lots of anxiety (shaking inside) and I lost weight when the hormones were at their worse. The anxiety was really bad, I went to the doctor and was put on medication. I do feel like I am on the downside of this change of life thing...because the symptoms are not as bad as they use to be. ... this is the only way to describe it. doctor did the tests when I said I was going through the change too and the blood work did not reflect the changes.

    I have noticed I have more hot flashes when I am, try to stay calm!

    During my worst hot flashes, I felt like my body was on fire all over. The only cure was to stand in front of a fan. Keep the thermostat on the cool side! You will get through this phase in your life.

    Add me as a friend if you would like. I am serious about losing the weight...I had it in my head that I could not lose the weight because of the menopause thing. can lose the weight!
  • kimiel51
    kimiel51 Posts: 299 Member
    Hoping for a good week ahead for everybody!!