Near or post menopausal group



  • pbl1966
    pbl1966 Posts: 207 Member
    I am so glad to find this group. I am 44 in feel like I have been in perimenopause for the last few years. I have experienced night sweats since my first child was born (13 years ago), and have had the craziest cycle schedule during the last year. Looking forward to reading through the back posts. Thanks for being here. Patty :flowerforyou:
  • LegzyK
    LegzyK Posts: 172 Member
    Such a great thread - I don't think we need to do anything formal to start the group. If we just keep posting here when we feel like we want support - or have some tips to share with others - then it'll just keep rolling.

    I was thinking that as well as our physical peri/post menopausal symptoms, many of us are at a stage of life when we have to deal with really big life transitions: our parents passing, a divorce, or children leaving home - all of these things can increase our tendency to be anxious and depressed. And those feelings, in turn, get magnified because of our menopausal symptoms. And we all know that stress of any kind makes weight loss more difficult!

    But maybe it would be good for us all to just share our thoughts about these more general mid-life issues, even if they aren't directly related to weight loss? I don't know about you guys, but I don't have that many female friends that I can share these experiences with directly. And this seems like a safe and supportive environment for us to engage with each other in a non-judgemental way.

    Debs6 - thank you so much for starting the debate. I lost my mom to ovarian cancer 3 months ago - not the same as a brain tumour I know, but I can appreciate the strain that the illness can put on the carer as well as intense loss when they finally pass ...

    Good wishes to all you lovely ladies :flowerforyou:

    Will that cute kitty be joining us?! She seems to have issues as wll! LOL!

    I am 51 and a 5 year survivor of thyroid cancer! I never had any weight issues, until the thyroid hell started. I'm sure the menopause stuff isn't helping either. I had my last period about a year and a half ago, but the hot flashes are kicking my butt! I don't know if losing weight will help those or not, but it's worth a try. I am also worried that if I don't do something I will have more and more issues with knee and foot pain. I am 5'4" and I currently weigh 149. That's not terrible, but not all that great for me either! I always weighed about 120ish, most of my adult life and then along came the 40s and the thyroid crap! I would love to join in a group with all you other ladies!!

    Hello Friend, I also am a "thyriod cancer survivor" over 10 years now, I love this thread, was actually thinking of starting this topic myself. Glad to find so many others I can relate to. At 51, I have been in menopause for a few years now, no periods for 7 months and before that 10 months. My biggest problem is NO SLEEP! hot flashes...body aches...depression...etc. Some days I just feel like I'm loosing my mind. Taking Pempro but it doens't seem to be doing the trick. So...I'm in for sure ladies!
  • Melissaol
    Melissaol Posts: 952 Member
    Im 41years old, I had a hystemoy when I was 35 years old. I was in lots of pain with endermetoris. ( Sorry I dont think I spelled it right).
    Before I had sugery when ever I would stand up I would double over in pain, then when ever I got my periods. I would end up in the ER, my blood clots would block everything. and I would ended up backed up with blood... Very painful.

    After my sugery i started to gain weight. Not realizing how much I gained. I just stayed of the scale and kept telling my self it was ok.
    Then when I found this web site on my phone, I said I can try this. I have tryed everything else, why not. So I started out with 1400 calories, I have lots 22lbs. I work out 3-5 days a week.

    The other day I walked by my computer at which I have pictures slid show on it. I stood there and couldn't beleave whatI was seeing. The next day my husband said that he really didnt realize how much I have lots. But when he seen the pictures he was in shock. He said ( Im really proud of you, keep up the good work)
  • bluangelz
    bluangelz Posts: 33 Member
    I would love to be in. I have been post menopause for about 9 years. I never really had a problem losing the weight when I wanted til after I turned 50. I am now 52. I get discouraged easy especially the last few months. My husband and both quit smoking 4 1/2 months ago. Automatic 15 lbs. We started running and have adjusted our diets with the occasional slip of not so healthy. still have only lost 2 lbs. I just get so frustrated with all the excercise and watching what I eat and nothing to show for it.

    So yes I would love to be in a group.:smile:
  • milaxx
    milaxx Posts: 1,122 Member
    Hi all, 48yrs old, menopausal for the past 7 years. Not on any estrogen treatments because I'm a cancer survivor. I had a radical hysterectomy as a result of uterine cancer. I was always overweight but gained nearly 100lbs post surgery. I have a few other health issues as well so it's been a slow and steady pace for me. I'm taking it one day at a time. I must say between being over 40 and the menopause losing isn't half as easy as it used to be.
  • kh0215
    kh0215 Posts: 56 Member
    just popping in to say Happy Monday! Everyone working for the weekend?
  • Aries03
    Aries03 Posts: 179 Member
    Bump...and i'm in...peri Meno!!!
  • kimiel51
    kimiel51 Posts: 299 Member
    Good Monday morning! I hope with the new week, that I can get my eating back on track. The weekend was evil with calories, LOL!
  • felicityksr
    felicityksr Posts: 208 Member
    On a completely different note - have any of you ladies noticed that your er umm sex drive isn't quite what it used to be? I'm in a very happy loving relationship! But somedays it seems I've lost me mojo (as Austin Powers would say).

    Hoping that once my hormones quit going bonkers I'll be back to be more frisky!

    Thoughts ladies???

    I know exactly what you mean! :sad:
  • SusiB60
    SusiB60 Posts: 104 Member
    Hi Everbody,
    Saw a mention of this group on another post and I thought I'd drop in.

    I'm 51 and hopefully almost post menopausa!!! :0)
    I've been doing pretty well with losing weight, but have had a bit of a wobble over the past few weeks and not been so good.

    I found since my hormone levels went haywire, I seem to be very susceptible to illness. And it's got worse and worse as the menopausal years went on. (I've been going for 8 years now).
    Nowadays, if there's a virus in a 20 mile radius, you can guarantee I'll get it and then it takes me forever to recover because I get secondary infections etc.
    It's hard to focus on eating well and exercising when you feel like crap so much of the time.

    I'm sorry to say hello with a whinge, but I feel better for getting if off my chest :D

    I'm not giving up and when I'm over this bout of sinusitis I'll get back on track.
    It would be great give and get some support and understanding from people that are dealing with similar problems.
    Feeling it's not just me would help lots I think ...Sue
  • gg24
    gg24 Posts: 58
    "OMG - do I need this group! I'm 54, soon to be 55 and I am struggling to loose weight. I've been doing the 1200 cal/day, running 3 miles/week and having very little success! At my last MD appt my TSH was elevated, but she wanted to wait to put me on thyroid replacement until the next visit to see if it was still elevated. I'm sure that also affects my ability to lose weight. I totally get that I'll never look like I'm 30 again, but I just don't want to be overweight! I'm looking forward to getting to know you and share our experiences! "

    Don't wait. It takes 6 weeks for a thyroid med to kick in. So having to wait many months to check again and then take meds could mean a problem for you. For many of us with thyroid problems it means the inability to lose weight and then it turns into weight gain. Call back and ask to be retested now. Ask for your current TSH number and then have all lab results mailed to your home. You need to keep track. Do your research. The lab numbers DO not reflect what most up to date thinking endicronologist believe they should be. They are saying .3 to 3 TSH but concede that around 1 is ideal. Labs are saying up to 4.5 and some 5.5. This is an insurance company issue and based on old studies. *sigh*

    My meds at the same level worked for 10 years and then stopped working and then I started gaining. My doc did the lets wait and see but didn't tell me I was elevated. I stalled and then gained 20 pounds. I was furious. If you are truly showing high TSH numbers you will not be able to lose weight very easily if at all.
  • Bonita_Lynne_58
    Bonita_Lynne_58 Posts: 2,845 Member
    Good morning ladies!

    Last time I posted I said no TOM for 4 months. Well make that 5 months! How many months before you are considered post menopausal?

    Night sweats and hot flashes getting worse. Hot flashes roll over me in waves. My husband is a snuggler and cold natured. There are times when I move to another room cause I can't handle the additional heat from his body. Poor man will probabaly freeze to death this winter. I want, no I need the room to be very cool, maybe even cold. Not taking any meds yet. I'm hoping things will level out naturally. (Possible a pipe dream!).
  • Bonita_Lynne_58
    Bonita_Lynne_58 Posts: 2,845 Member
    On a completely different note - have any of you ladies noticed that your er umm sex drive isn't quite what it used to be? I'm in a very happy loving relationship! But somedays it seems I've lost me mojo (as Austin Powers would say).

    Hoping that once my hormones quit going bonkers I'll be back to be more frisky!

    Thoughts ladies???

    I know exactly what you mean! :sad:

    Oh I notice! But hubby's the one with the tears!
  • kimiel51
    kimiel51 Posts: 299 Member
    Good morning ladies!

    Last time I posted I said no TOM for 4 months. Well make that 5 months! How many months before you are considered post menopausal?

    Night sweats and hot flashes getting worse. Hot flashes roll over me in waves. My husband is a snuggler and cold natured. There are times when I move to another room cause I can't handle the additional heat from his body. Poor man will probabaly freeze to death this winter. I want, no I need the room to be very cool, maybe even cold. Not taking any meds yet. I'm hoping things will level out naturally. (Possible a pipe dream!).
    One year is without a period is considered post menopausal, however, I'm sure that varies with each woman. I'm totally understanding the hot flashes and I too am hoping that I can get through this without any hormone treatments!
  • stroken96
    stroken96 Posts: 436 Member
    I'm Sally (52) and post menopausal, My last period was Feb 2004, and the night sweats were the worst for me. Dr. put me on hormone meds they helped but I'm a smoker and in Sept 2008 The dr's found a 7" blood clot in my left leg, called a DVT, now I need to watch my salt cuz my left leg is larger and boy you can tell if I have the salt. I still get small little hot flashes durning the but not a lot, and I can put up with them. I could use the support with people in my age group. Is there any one from here that lives in Oregon?
    I'm in
    Friend me
    Have a great Monday:flowerforyou:

    Try soy for hot flashes
  • tladame
    tladame Posts: 465 Member
    Hello, perimenopausal here. I'm 41 years old, had my first baby at age 39, then started perimenopause at age 40. Lucky me! :huh: I only discovered I was entering menopause because we were trying for another baby, and my cycles were several months apart. After visiting a fertility specialist, I found out I had literally run out of eggs!

    Luckily I haven't experienced the weight gain (YET), but I do get the occasional hot flashes. My husband is one of those people who gives off a lot of body heat, so unfortunately no nighttime cuddling for us. Oddly enough, my doctor prescribed birth control pills to replace the hormones that I've lost. That seems to have helped with the hot flashes.

    @ nitalynne58 - I believe you are considered post menopausal when you have gone 12 months without a period.
  • Gail3260
    Gail3260 Posts: 354 Member
    On a completely different note - have any of you ladies noticed that your er umm sex drive isn't quite what it used to be? I'm in a very happy loving relationship! But somedays it seems I've lost me mojo (as Austin Powers would say).

    Hoping that once my hormones quit going bonkers I'll be back to be more frisky!

    Thoughts ladies???

    I know exactly what you mean! :sad:

    Oh I notice! But hubby's the one with the tears!

    Yes I know exactly what you mean too!!
  • Gail3260
    Gail3260 Posts: 354 Member
    Good morning ladies!

    Last time I posted I said no TOM for 4 months. Well make that 5 months! How many months before you are considered post menopausal?

    Night sweats and hot flashes getting worse. Hot flashes roll over me in waves. My husband is a snuggler and cold natured. There are times when I move to another room cause I can't handle the additional heat from his body. Poor man will probabaly freeze to death this winter. I want, no I need the room to be very cool, maybe even cold. Not taking any meds yet. I'm hoping things will level out naturally. (Possible a pipe dream!).
    One year is without a period is considered post menopausal, however, I'm sure that varies with each woman. I'm totally understanding the hot flashes and I too am hoping that I can get through this without any hormone treatments!

    Have you tried any of the herbal remedies for the night sweats etc? I take black cohosh which I think helps (maybe I only think that but who cares!!) I did try red clover but that didn't seem to work.
  • tegla
    tegla Posts: 132
    This is perfect! I am 46 and perimenopausal.
    Yes please be-Friend me anyone who would like. I had my period for a month in July this year, then a month.5 without it, lately after I go through my perioda few days later I have a very light to light one for a few days, never had that before. My TOMs had been pretty regular, but very heavy.

    At first my doctor thought I had my TOM for a month because of my thyroid and stress. I also have Hashimoto's thyroid disorder(20 years), so I was going through some changes with that, and going through a very stressful time. So I am not sure what's going on with me, but at my age, it's no doubt a bit of everything.

    Friends please feel free to add me, I'd love to get through these challenges together. I need you!!! : )
  • shuttlebug1
    shuttlebug1 Posts: 41 Member
    Count me in too! I'll be 50 next month, been going through peri for over 3 years. I'll be so glad when this is all over.