Breedy75 Member


  • That puts "weight lifting" in the same ball park as Frisbee and Bowling, which seems a tad bit off. The reality is it depends on how much you lift and how far you move the weight,but for a more intense session in think 300k/cal is close
  • It depends on what your are doing. If you are putting out maximal effort day after day, doing heavy compound lifts, etc... Then a rest day is a good thing. If you're doing light aerobic exercises then it's less important. If you feel good then keep it up, listen to your body and remember that rest days are more than just…
  • Tabata routines would fit the bill
  • NIkeFuel Band is Apple IOS only. If you don't have an I-something, I would skip it
  • How far are you running? Did you "work up" to running distances with the minimalist shoes? Check out running or stop by a local running store. Minimalist running isn't for everyone
  • Seriously? Do something. It's going to be a little harder at work, but at home get up and walk around. Do some pushup or some other type of exertion, they tend to kill my hunger.
  • Does lifting burn calories, yes. Does it burn as many as other activities, maybe. Should you only do one, no depending on what your goals are. Lifting is fine and it does burn some calories, how much really depends on what you are doing and how intense you are. Doing some light bicep curls for 20 reps isn't going to cut…
  • For Kendo I would thank Tabata would fit your needs nicely. Essentially set up a circuit of exercises, preform each exercise for a prescribe length of time, brief rest/exercise change, and move on to the next one. Google will be your friend.
  • Protein shakes are meant to supplement what you are not getting in your daily food intake. There are also some that argue there is a maximum amount of protein your body can absorb at one your answer is yes, no, maybe.... If you are concerned about a plateau change things up a bit. Try adding exercise or doing a…
  • Make sure to really squeeze the water out and make sure your crust is thin.
  • It really depends on your goals and what routine you are after/following. Doing heavier exercise day after day while still Doing three lighter and varying worksouts...maybe Any exercise is better than none. It all comes down to finding what programs give you what you are looking for. You need to have pretty…
  • In all reality they will be so muddy dirty that it really want matter what you wear. I wore some of my old Innov8 Flites
  • It actually is a moving pulley that provides the mechanical advantage. A cable routed around a single non-moving pulley is a change of direction and still requires the same amount of force, just direct in another plane.
  • Machines have a fixed range of motion and do not apply to practical real world applications. Doing a lot of weight on machine XYZ is only good for saying, "I can do a lot of weight on machine XYZ." The only two I ever use are the Leg Extension and Hamstring curls.
  • What are your goals? If your not interested in free weights the answer would be that machines are slightly better than nothing. If your not intimidated by them or have some physical condition that limits you then free weights are vastly superior.
  • So you are going to work out for how long each day? To be blunt losing weight comes down to diet > exercise. Running 3 miles might burn 500 calories, but that gets erased with one bad meal. Also, IMHO, if you are doing HIIT 30-40 mins then you aren't really doing High Intensity Interval Training. Anytime I really do HIIT,…
  • Creatine in and of itself does not add lean muscle. It will make you stronger when you're on it and if you lift more weight today, you stand to build more muscle tomorrow, or so the theory goes. Creatine is one of the only supplements that has real scientific backing. Some people have a problem with the texture, others…
  • Generalize much? As someone else mentioned Cross-Fit gyms vary widely in cost and quality. IF you are getting a good deal I would check it out. Worst case scenario is you love but the cost goes up 2x to 3x, so you just do it on your own. Might be hard finding a tractor tire to flip but pretty much every other WOD can be…
    in CrossFit Comment by Breedy75 March 2012
  • Nothing. Bottom line, at least to me,weight loss is a personal goal. Who cares what your friend says if you are happy. The real kicker is that if you lose weight and don't like your body it is fairly easy to gain.
  • Sharp pain with exercise is very likely NOT CARDIAC in origin. The lab work confirms that. Could be a lot of things from the pleurisy mentioned above to an strained intercostal muscle.
  • The vast majority of people will tell there is a metabolic difference. The actually science of it is a tadbit murkier. Google. "Starvation Mode Myth" and draw your own conclusions. As far as a cheat day...I would say it depends on how long you have been dieting. If it is your first week or month I would say no, a little…
  • Honestly for the vast majority of people water is the best after exercise drink. If you are trying to lose weight the extra calories associated with "supplementing" can be a diet killer. Recover drinks such as gatorade were intended for athletes preforming at extremely high levels of exertion and maintaining those levels…
  • There is a strength Training listed under cardio... My understanding was the strength training tab was a more of a journal
  • Fijitas or carne asada is what I usually get. Skip the cheese and don't eat all of your meal.
  • I seconded the intervals. I usually will take an easy mile at ~11min pace and then start at a ~10 min pace for a couple of mins back down to an easy jog and then increase the pace while decreasing the time/distance. I usually work up to ~6min pace for 1 to 1.5 minutes and then go back down. Easy way to knock out a couple…
  • Factored in when you set your daily activity level
  • Sort of yes and no. Calories burnt is a lot more complicated than plugging some numbers and going at it. I work a lot harder and subsequently burn more calories on a treadmill than an equivalent program on a elliptical, no matter what the computer says. IF joint problems are a major concern then I would recommend walking…