leavingfat Member


  • I think people believe they're motivating or complimenting you, but... "You'd be pretty IF you were skinny." If. To me, that sounds like "You're too fat to be pretty. Sorry you aren't pretty. Maybe you should lose some weight." Which, incidentally, sounds like something a mean person in high school would say. I'd respect a…
  • What amazing timing. I'm surprised you refrained from decking him. (But then, I suspect you're a pretty elegant person.)
  • It doesn't make sense to a lot of people--but if I showed it to my husband (which I will when he gets home from work), it would make perfect sense to him. Me being honest with him about anything wouldn't hurt him--including admitting a sexual attraction to someone else. He loves and respects me exactly as I am, come what…
  • I'm a writer. Not the cool, novel-kind, though. The boring editing, article-writing, blathering on about homes/business/relationships/fashion while I sit comfortable in a skirt and sweater kind. I'm lucky I'm married because, as it turns out, freelance writers don't exactly get health insurance...or guaranteed paychecks.…
  • I'd totally cheat on my husband with someone who was "hotter." Oh, no, wait. I wouldn't. And I don't have to wait to be put in the situation--I know myself really well. I know my marriage really well. I have years of relationships and my own behavior as evidence to back it up. I don't cheat. I'm not that kind of person.…
  • LOL. I wasn't that into the book. I bounce back and forth between vegetarian, vegan and omnivoire and have friends with each diet. (Those friends, unlike me, aren't currently in need of weight loss.) I guess I feel like there's a way to be healthy with most eating choices, but I don't need any of them to include insults.
  • This is fun! Chobani, because I eat it for breakfast. Spinach/Broccoli, because I blend it into smoothies daily. Bananas, re: smoothies (and also because my husband will actually eat them.) Wheat flour, for making pitas, tortillas, bread, etc. Beans! I add black or cannellini beans to almost everything.
  • Ate a lot. Didn't move very much. I mean, sure, there's the whole "reacting to bad events in my life" stuff and the overweight parents stuff and the growing up poor stuff, but honestly? I just ate a lot and didn't move very much.
  • You do look stupendous! It's an incredible change. I bet your daughter is so proud. :)
  • Oh man, I love her recipes! I haven't tried that one yet, but now I'm definitely going to. Her peanut butter breakfast pudding is pretty rockin', too. http://chocolatecoveredkatie.com/2012/02/01/peanut-butter-breakfast-pudding/
  • I think I need to turn it on now, too! I could replay the masquerade scene and the scene in the Escher-esque room when he walks toward her and starts to sing "Within You." YES!
  • He always kisses me and asks if I want to go somewhere as soon as he gets home, even though I know he'd rather rest from his day at work. He also tells me pretty much every day that he's proud of me for eating right and going to the gym.
  • I didn't believe in it at all--was actually INCREDIBLY opposed to it for myself--until I met my now-husband while doing online interviews for an article I was working on. I didn't enjoy the apart part of our relationship very much. I found it lacked the kind of intimacy I was used to and it stressed me out. But now, having…
  • Monday: Chicken/mushrooms, peas, and pasta with a cheese sauce (made with greek yogurt). I probably won't have the chicken because I don't eat meat very often, but I try to make it for my husband occasionally. Tuesday: Stir-fried veggies with rice and carrot-miso soup. Wednesday: Homemade tortillas with black beans,…
  • I LOVE these stories! I was hanging out at a friend's house one summer night, idly doing online research and questioning random people for an article I was writing. My friend and I had planned to go to karaoke, but were too lazy and not really in the mood when the time came. One guy I talked to said that the story idea was…
  • I'm gonna agree with everyone that said Kashi Go Lean Crunch. I eat half a cup of it every morning with my Chobani. So good!
  • Reading through these makes me want to cry...or throw something at someone. I remembered something that I think bothered me more than the random Wal-Mart employee. I met my mother-in-law about two weeks before I married my now-husband. She immediately told him to get rid of me, because a fat girl isn't a suitable…
  • A few years ago, when I was in graduate school (and teaching courses at my college for money), I was doing some grocery shopping. A woman stocking the shelves came over to me and said, "Honey, you're pretty but if you don't lose weight you're never going to get a good job." I just smiled and thanked her for the advice, but…
  • We'd talked about getting married before, but he texted me from work and said, "Do you want to go to Manchester tonight?" (I knew he meant go there to get married.) I said, "For what?" because I was irritated that he was saying it via text. He said, "Let's get married." I said, "I love you and I want to marry you, but I…
  • I'm late to this thread, but I just created one today. My username is laurelexmachina. :)
  • I second starting slowly. I started eating veggie two or three times per week and now I only eat meat once every two or three weeks. It's usually because I'm eating at a friend's house or cooking something my husband is craving. Eating vegetarian, for me, feels great and it encourages me to be more creative with my…
  • I hop on the scale every day to check where I am. I want to get a gauge for how much it's normal for me to be every day. It took some work not to freak out over daily fluctuations, though. I still scowl at the scale when I'm up in the morning, but eventually it goes down again. I only record my weight once per week (well,…
  • Honestly, if you can't find it, just add water to regular coconut milk unless the light is less expensive. If you look at the ingredient list on most brands of light coconut milk, water is the first ingredient. On regular coconut milk, it's the second. So I think the main difference is just the water content. Usually…
  • I absolutely love crockpot meals. You can make more than you need and have frozen meals for future occasions! We make shredded meat for tacos, soups, pastas, chicken and rice--pretty much anything we can put in there. I'm trying to make stuffed cabbage with rice and textured vegetable protein tomorrow.
  • I am allowed to eat way up to 1900 (since I have so much weight to lose) and generally I end up eating between 1200 (which I try to not go under unless I'm REALLY not hungry or busy or something) and 1900. Yesterday I think I ended just under 1300 so today I'm making an effort to eat a little more and end up closer to…
  • You can make a lot of burritos in advance, freeze them in butcher paper and a plastic bag/wrap and then pop them out and defrost/heat and eat. Pretty yummy! My husband takes them out in the morning sometimes and brings them to work.
  • I love a Wasa cracker with a wedge of Laughing Cow Cream Cheese (the veggie garden kind). Also a container of Chobani is delicious and super filling. Actually, I made a red lentil/curry spread today that went really well with the cracker and cheese. I'll share the recipe once I write it up and photograph it. :)
  • A lot of times, I cut down on the servings I'm cooking (unless I'm cooking to freeze/for later.) Last night I scaled down a muffin recipe so that I only made 25% of the total. I don't mind eating a lot of the same stuff, but my husband kind of burns out after two days of the same. My best advice, I think, it to cook things…
  • I like: -http://veganyumyum.com/ -http://www.wouldrathergather.com/ -http://vivelevegan.blogspot.com/ -http://veganlunchbox.blogspot.com/ :)
  • Homemade falafel and half a pita with some veggies stuffed in. Oooh, and the red lentil hummus I made yesterday. It has a touch of red curry paste in it!