How Did You Gain Your Weight??



  • viclee1
    viclee1 Posts: 156 Member
    This is a good thread! It really makes you think! For me it was definately a bunch of things. 1. Genetics 2. Not being taught proper nutrition. 3. Loss of activity (in high school I played rugby, hockey, and did high school rodeo, university came and I studied.) 4. Too many desserts (university year I used to go to grandmas house for lunch which consisted of a full course meal including dessert, then went home to have supper that night I then gained around 15lbs) 5. Got comfortable in a steady relationship. 6. Emotional eating leading up to the wedding. 7. Started battling the bulge even harder during and between pregnancies, 2 pregnancies, 2 miscarriages in 3 years. 8. Stopped breastfeeding, I could eat almost anything when I was bfing, but when I weaned each child (I know I should have learned after the first!) I didn't adjust my eating and easily gained 10lbw +. 9. Birth control, I got the depo shot in January of 2011, and within 3 months I had gained 20lbs (this had happened to me before). As you can see my weight has always been an issue up to 50 lbs. I've gone through times in my life when I've lost and sadly gained. This time though is it, I'm going to get it off and keep it off!
  • gazerofthestars
    gazerofthestars Posts: 255 Member
    Reading some of these posts made me tear up. I can relate to many of these. Congrats everyone for choosing a healthy lifestyle may you have more success in the future!

    How I put on weight: Growing up, I was one of those kids who actually found it hard to put on weight no matter how much they ate... Or so I thought anyway.

    I went from being a healthy 60 kgs (and skinny all my childhood) to 100 kgs within 5 years! It was due to my eating habits combined with my terrible sleeping schedule (staying up late all night studying/playing games/watching movies). I also developed some symptoms of insomnia. Staying up for a continuous 24 hours was a norm for me. And in between I would binge on cokes, chips, pizza etc etc. By the time I was 20 and in college, I no longer was able to associate myself with any social groups and my life and health were in the dumpster. I also got bullied and picked on through HS which just made the situation worse, as my mother was undergoing treatment for a life-threatening disease at the time.

    Eventually, some of these things made me realize how dishonest I was being to myself and that it was time for a change.

    And here I am after a year at 75 KGs, healthy. And loving my life.

    I just wish my insomnia would go away though :(
  • keesh1123
    keesh1123 Posts: 229 Member
    Got pregnant & pigged out basically lol

  • keesh1123
    keesh1123 Posts: 229 Member
    Sad Version: My mother went from a physically abuser to an emotional abuser. Our first "family" Christmas he bought me a cow outfit (complete with a real live cow bell) and paraded me around our family and friends even when i cried.

    I learned to eat to feel comfort and to make jokes about myself before others could.

    Wow. I cannot EVEN imagine....#speechless
  • serenity216
    serenity216 Posts: 512 Member
    I fluctuated first due to stress and then due to a car accident and whiplash I had as a result of it. I was also eating very poorly that whole time.
  • serenity216
    serenity216 Posts: 512 Member
    That's terrible. Those abusers will get theirs one day!
    Sad Version: My mother went from a physically abuser to an emotional abuser. Our first "family" Christmas he bought me a cow outfit (complete with a real live cow bell) and paraded me around our family and friends even when i cried.

    I learned to eat to feel comfort and to make jokes about myself before others could.
  • ThisisMiss
    ThisisMiss Posts: 187 Member
    I was born to a family that had diabetes on both sides of the family and one side had a lot of morbidly obese women. I think I was destined for health problems. I was never thin and no matter how hard I tried, I couldn't get thin, As it turns out, I have PCOS which contributed to a lot of my health issues. As many of you know, it makes gaining weight so easy and taking it off harder than for the average person. It also leaves you with most of the fat around your belly. I know women have been able to still lose weight and get down to a healthy weight, so that's what I am trying to do here!
  • leavingfat
    leavingfat Posts: 64 Member
    Ate a lot. Didn't move very much.

    I mean, sure, there's the whole "reacting to bad events in my life" stuff and the overweight parents stuff and the growing up poor stuff, but honestly? I just ate a lot and didn't move very much.
  • i gained my weight when i got pregnant with my daughter and i never had a chance to loose it so im trying hard now to loose it but lol it seems to be taking forever i gained over the 20 lbs that a pregnant woman normally gains in a pregnancy and its been so hard to get rid of this weight plus i love food and its hard for me to control how much i eat and i love sweets too but i have been working hard at trying to cut back
  • my husband was a cook and he used to cook delicious food for us all the time. i gained weight being married to him. when we got a divorce i lost 40lbs immediately. then in the last two years i slowly gained that weight back b/c i was in an abusive relationship (it started out with emotional abuse but then led itself to physical abuse so i left when he laid hands on me) then right after I left, my grandma died...then my mom died last yr and now I have been stuck the last year being a caretaker for my 92 yr old grandpa. I know what stress is...big time....i am trying to get a handle on things now and lose the weight again (preferably 40 lbs). I am slowly but surely getting there and this site helps ALOT!
  • sevencallmemom
    sevencallmemom Posts: 505 Member
    I was in some abusive situations as a child/teen and ate to try and cope...then my marriage went through hell and I ate to cope...then one of my youngest (twins) was diagnosed with cerebral palsy and, you guessed it, I ate to cope.

    I think people assume I gained a ton being preggers so many times, but pregnancies were the healthiest periods of my life. I took amazingly good care of myself for the babies. It was between pregnancies that I acted a fool with my health.
  • TamImbrogno
    TamImbrogno Posts: 72 Member
    I gained all my weight from being put on medications that made me gain 50+lbs. They make me constantly feel hungry! Despite that I have to do something to stop it so HUNGRY or not I will lose weight lol
  • Letting myself eat (and often drink) as much as my 6'3" husband (who was also eating and drinking too much).
  • Terasome
    Terasome Posts: 3,808 Member
    I'm so sorry some of you have also been abused it makes me sad to think what you have been put through. There is a light at the end of the tunnel, well for me there was.

    As for how I gained 20 + kg.

    4 children in 9 years, gestational diabetes with 3 of them the last one with insulin. No energy, not eating breakfast or lunch alot of the time, snacking on chips, biscuits, coke, chocolate just because it was easier. My brain couldnt be bothered telling me to make a sandwich instead I would buy crap.

    Now I am happy to say I dont rely on any of that stuff, I havent had coke in over a month and have really limited my chips and chocolate intake to one or 2 pieces once a week and a handful of chips even less. Same with biscuits I have gone to healthy alternatives.
  • clydethecat
    clydethecat Posts: 1,087 Member
    combo of medication, poor eating habits, no exercise, mc donalds and ben and jerry's phish food...
  • HauteP1nk
    HauteP1nk Posts: 2,139 Member
    I gained it becasue I wasn't watching what I ate...especially after my father passed away. I was in a sad state of mind and it was easier to eat away the pain and guilt.
  • kardowling
    kardowling Posts: 221 Member
    Took on a full time job, used to be a stay at home, active, long distance runner. Could eat whatever I wanted. Now I sit, and sit, and sit 40 a week. Can't find time to workout like I used to.. I will get back but a MAJOR life change.
  • mangozulu
    mangozulu Posts: 90 Member
    Got pregnant & pigged out basically lol

    I've never been so hungry in my entire life as when I was pregnant! That's what stuck me with 15 extra pounds (stubborn ones:)
  • I ate too much. I was always a very picky eater so my parents would feed me anything to make me gain weight when
    I was young and that led to bad eating habbits when I got older. Simple as that for me.
  • 10acity
    10acity Posts: 798 Member
    My parents did the best they could but to this day are not particularly healthy eaters. And I have a mean sweet tooth! But I have never been thin. I mean, I was a chubby 2-year-old. I just have to work a lot harder than some people at maintaining a healthy weight, and it took me years (22 of them, approximately) to figure that out.

    By the time I realized I was on the fast-train to Three Hundred Poundville and wearing a size 20, something just clicked. I got sick of myself. I joined a gym, started paying attention to what went into my mouth (really, that's all I did) and lost 50 lbs. About 2 years after that, I stopped making time for the gym (which I really had to work at while taking 18 credits in college and working full-time) and did a lot more eating-on-the-go, and about 15 lbs crept back on. It snapped me back to reality, and then I worked really hard to lose another 40 lbs (net = 75) to reach my lowest weight ever. I hit a plateau and got discouraged, having 35 lbs left to lose and not budging for over 6 mos no matter what I did, then I moved. Didn't join a gym (I'm just the gym rat type), devastating breakup, blahblahblah... I just got super lazy and started eating a lot of crap, and it shows. I now need to lose a grand total of *cringe* 45 lbs. in order to reach my ultimate goal weight. But it's gonna happen!