

  • weigh fluctuates throughout the day as you digest, get dressed, need to pee, etc. my weight can vary as much as 6 lbs over the course of a day. make sure to try to weigh yourself at the same time each day (I do mine every Sunday when I am brushing my teeth in the morning).
  • Have you tried looking for diabetic recipes? If sugar is your downfall, browse diabetic websites for tips on where to cut out sugar, use substitutes like splenda when you can, etc. diabeticlifestyle.com, for example, has a lot of recipes that are low in sugar and you can search by ingredients or course. and watch your…
  • I honestly just keep my ipod loaded with the electric six - ALL their songs work great.
  • you guys know that there is a thing under the goals that you can select that you want to GAIN weight, right? not EVERYONE on this site is trying to lose weight, just most of us. I actually have one guy friend who is way too skinny, so he is underweight. he is supposed to gain a pound each weeks, and has a tough time with…
  • it's also possible, if you're regularly burning a lot of calories compared to what you take in, that your body has gone into starvation mode and will be crazy about retaining anything you put into it for as long as it can. the suggestion that m yfitness pal gives you for caloric intake is what should be LEFTOVER after you…
  • I've been knitting for a few years, but I just finished my 6th baby blanket of the year and my hands are killing me so I might take a break for a whole, lol.
  • I like to cook every night, but cook fast, so i try to keep the different parts frozen and then cook them together. for example, i always keep frozen fully cooked ground beef in my freezer to add to pasta or tacos. I make quiches and freeze them by the slice to have for breakfast. try looking for anything called "once a…
  • it's definitely more about food than exercise, but the more you exercise the more you can eat AND the better your metabolism gets so you can burn calories much faster.
  • I feel like this a lot, and muffins are my downfall (420 calories in a big one, YIKES). But that is also how we learn to make better choices, right? and, as shocked as I am about how many calories are in some foods, I am also surpised by how good some foods are for you (light soups have only 80 calories YES PLEASE). and as…
  • allrecipes.com is a great website! you can search recipes by how easy they are to make, how other users rate the recipe, or by ingredients. you can even make a list of a few ingredients you have and look for recipes that use what you've got on hand.
  • "the hitchhiker's guide to the galaxy". as nerdy as it sounds, reading that book was the first time I ever felt I was smart.
  • I just have one - a maple leaf in my scottish clan's colors, to remind me that no matter what happens or who I marry, I am still a part of my scottish/canadian family.
  • i snack on carrots on hot days, they're cold and crunchy and it takes your mind off the ridiculous temps!