What the hell is going on?

I don't know what to do. Last Friday I decided to increase the time that I spend working out. I've been working out (doing spinning and burning around 750 calories per day) for one hour every day since Saturday and I've been eating clean (no cheats). On Monday i weighed myself and I was really happy since I had lost almost 2 pounds. However, today I weighed myself and I have gained more than 2 pounds. I don't understand anything. How can my weight change so fast? I did everything right. Why am i not loosing weight? I was soo motivated when I saw that I was loosing weight faster but now I'm just disappointed. All that hard work for nothing?


  • em9371
    em9371 Posts: 1,047 Member
    its normal for your body to go up and down a few pounds daily, this is why you should only weigh once a week.
    With less than 5kg to lose, you should only be losing 0.5 per week, its unhealthy to try and lose more than that. If you have increased your exercise, its important to also eat back the extra exercise cals to make sure you are taking in enough fuel for what you are asking your body to do.

    Rest days are just as important as exercise too, spinning for 750 cals a day is not necessary. Cut down the cardio to maybe every other day, and add in some weight training.
  • Limajuliet
    Limajuliet Posts: 54 Member
    I feel your frustration, because I have been there. My advice is to play the long game and keep going. You may have gained for many reasons, probably water retention but keep going. Try to find something positive other than weight loss (Non Scale Victory, or NSV) so that when the scales aren't telling you what you want to hear, you can find the strength to carry on regardless, even if your NSV is just having more energy or a better mood due to the exercise.

    Keep up the good work and you will reap the benefits eventually.
  • edouglas3
    edouglas3 Posts: 13
    weigh fluctuates throughout the day as you digest, get dressed, need to pee, etc. my weight can vary as much as 6 lbs over the course of a day. make sure to try to weigh yourself at the same time each day (I do mine every Sunday when I am brushing my teeth in the morning).
  • JesterMFP
    JesterMFP Posts: 3,596 Member
    The fact that you've just increased the intensity of your exercise makes it very, very likely that your muscles are retaining water. It will come off again, just give it a little time! Keep doing what you're doing, and make sure you're eating enough to fuel that exercise!
  • They are retaining water? How come? Why does it happen? =)
  • DaveC29
    DaveC29 Posts: 232 Member
    They are retaining water? How come? Why does it happen? =)

    When you exercise or do cardio, you break down your muscle fibers a bit... While they repair themselves, you need good blood flow, your body retains a bit of water to go with the extra cells it creates to deliver oxygen to those muscles.

    I run a lot and I have days where I run for 2 hours, will burn 1800 calories, hydrating during and when I am done. The next day, I weigh up to 4 pounds heavier. The day after, it is back to normal.

    So... Hydrate, Look for non scale cues about your fitness (better fit, feeling good, etc.), and if you have to use the scale, look at the average weight over the past 10 days for your actual weight!

    If you watch what you eat, have a calorie deficiet, and excercise- you cannot help but lose weight! Good Luck!
  • KitTheRoadie
    KitTheRoadie Posts: 641 Member
    I found this on the Livestrong website...

    "Although replenished glycogen stores continue to attract water after exercise even in established routines, the process may be more noticeable in a new exercise program if you're trying to lose weight. You may see temporary weight gain, for example, or not lose as much weight as you expect initially. However, if you consistently burn more calories than you consume, water retained by your muscles after exercise will have little or no effect on your weight goals. Weigh in once a week rather than daily to avoid frustration with temporary weight fluctuations resulting from exercise".

    Read more: http://www.livestrong.com/article/406332-do-muscles-retain-water-after-a-new-exercise-program/#ixzz1thnuFwwD

  • gbg49229
    gbg49229 Posts: 57
    I am there with you! this is my advice, set a daily goal of working out, then a monthly goal and then a yearly goal! take before pics and then take pics once a month
  • Smuterella
    Smuterella Posts: 1,623 Member
    its normal for your body to go up and down a few pounds daily, this is why you should only weigh once a week.
    With less than 5kg to lose, you should only be losing 0.5 per week, its unhealthy to try and lose more than that. If you have increased your exercise, its important to also eat back the extra exercise cals to make sure you are taking in enough fuel for what you are asking your body to do.

    Rest days are just as important as exercise too, spinning for 750 cals a day is not necessary. Cut down the cardio to maybe every other day, and add in some weight training.

    Good advice.
  • Amy_nz
    Amy_nz Posts: 145
    Take measurements! The scales are a tiny part of the picture - take your measurements, take them again in a few weeks and marvel at the progress.
  • thank you so much! It really helped! I feel a lot better now =)