

  • I can't believe no one has mentioned these. Doug, The Nintendo Kid, Reboot, Cadillacs and Dinosaurs, Ren and Stimpy, Kissyfur, and of course the ones that have been mentioned like Talespin, Ducktales, Woody Woodpecker, GI Joe, and He-Man.
  • When I started on here I didn't know how to log my foods either due to working overnight but I figured out that, for me, the best way was to do as stated above and log what was supper to the rest of my family (around 5pm meal) as my breakfast. Then my lunch break at night was my lunch, and if I ate when I got home with the…
  • Thank you. I'll give it a whirl and see which one I like better.
  • Please disregard this. I had no idea that MFP had a built in calculator for this very thing. It's been a while since I've looked around on the site other than updating my journal. I just now found it.
  • First off, yes I'm bumping and extremely old thread and I do take joy in that for some reason. LOL. Secondly, I didn't stay at 199. I wound up ballooning back up to 230. I'm having to restart the journey from here. I'm working out and exercising with partners now so I'm much less likely to lose site of my prize and give up.
  • Hello. There's a lot of good information and great people here to help you.
    in Hey! Comment by maepis July 2010
  • I didn't know that. Interesting. I wonder how many variables it takes into account. Like how many beats per minute or song length. I'll check into it. Thank you.
  • That's probably more along the lines of my budget at the moment. It would probably be good to start with for me then I can upgrade later when the money is a little better. Thanks for the information.
  • Thanks for the info. I'll definitely look into it. I like the Beatles Rockband too, it just gets kinda boring after a little bit. I have all the RB expansions with the exception of the new Green Day one and have wasted countless amounts of money downloading songs for it. Yes, I'm totally addicted. I love music. It's my one…
  • No. Is that something that would help me know? I wouldn't even know where to get one. Possibly Wal-Mart?
  • My wife has suspected that I may be at least border line diabetic but no, I've never had a test done. I have "attacks" every great once in a while to where I get really weak and start shaking. The only way to stop it is to eat something like a twinkie. Happens a lot if I haven't eaten in a really long period of time and I…
  • That is great motivation to start forcing myself to drink it. I have tried doing the individual servings before but I drink so much so fast that it becomes a nightmare. I have a really large plastic cup that I keep in the fridge (of course I rotate them out so they don't get gross) that I just go and take a drink out of. I…
  • LMAO, for some reason that makes me think of the scene in Hot Shots part Deux where the lady keeps ripping her shirt to make bandages so they guys keep making up injuries. Classic.
  • I haven't tried the Arizona brand, but I tried a single sip of someone elses green tea and didn't like it. I don't know what brand it was for sure but I want to say it was Lipton. I'll get some of the Arizona, it's worth a shot. Thanks
  • Thank you all. I've tried drinking coffee before but it seems to have the opposite effect on me. It makes me a lot sleepier. I'll definately check into the fruits and see if I can find a good combination that will work for me. Thanks again for all your input.
  • This is a post I had started a while back which was somewhat along these lines. Maybe it can help.
  • It's nice to know that there are others that have\do experience this. I thought I was just going crazy at first. For the smoking ticker, this is the link to the website.
  • I know this sounds retarded, but many times before I weigh and see a somewhat significant drop in tonage, I feel like I am bigger than ever. It feels like my shirts are just clinging to me tighter and tighter and I just in general feel miserable, much like I did 80 pounds ago. It's nice when I get on the scale and it…
  • This might come in handy for anyone that exercises at home and loves music. My main means of exercise consists of jogging in place on a mini trampoline. I bought it at Wal-Mart for $35 and it has a step and calorie counter on it. I don't take the burned calories as gospel but I figure it's a good ballpark figure. Anyway, I…
  • I'm with you on loving sugar. My main use for it was in a gallon of tea. At one time I would put 3 cups, yes THREE cups, into a single gallon. I had manged to get it down to a single cup and once I started truly trying to workout and lose weight I changed over to equal. I tryed the Splenda\Altern\Sweet-N-Low but they left…
    in Sugar?? Comment by maepis February 2009
  • Here's what I do and it might help you out if you want to try it. I'm a chocoholic too and what I've started doing, and it seems to help me, is I buy the mini bags of Hershey's Kisses. That way I don't have a huge supply just in case I crack. Wal-Mart has them on sale for 75 cents locally. A serving is 9 pieces and is 200…
  • Thank you. I'll check it out.
  • I thought I had seen a post in the past that showed a website that allows you to enter the ingredients and would tell you how many servings the meal made and how many calories were in each serving but I can't seem to find it. Is there such a website or can it be done from here? The main reason I am wondering is because I…
  • Congrats to Obama. :smile:
  • I have successfully stopped using each of these pills without any effect of regaining the weight, although I have gone on to the next pill. With the Hydroxycuts, I don't take them on my days off and don't see any change in my eating habits. I'm sure they work differently for everyone though.
  • Welcome and good luck.:drinker:
  • Yes, you can start with either one. The Hydroxycut Hardcore is just a stronger version that is "supposed" to make you lose weight faster.
  • "Happiness is the little pinch marks on the end of hot dogs, but muffins are a feel good food too."
  • I personally have not had any side effects from the Hydroxycut. It does suppress my appetite but not quite as well as I wish it did. I haven't tried the Ali's because I have heard that they make you go to the bathroom very frequently and I'm not so into that. :laugh: There is another version of Hydroxycut at GNC called…
  • I'm just wondering if there are any others out there that use any supplements and if so, do you get any good results? These are the ones I've tried and the results I've gotten. Trimspa - Didn't really do anything for the weight loss but gave me a little bit of energy. It made me shake a lot and feel jittery. Dexatrim - I…