
Lo153 Posts: 34 Member
I like sugar. I don't over-use it, but I hate Splenda and other sugar substitutes. I use Sugar in the Raw, and I use it sparingly (a little on my oatmeal, a little in my tea sometimes), but for some reason I feel like I'm being "bad" and that this sugar thing makes me unhealthy. Any thoughts?


  • Lo153
    Lo153 Posts: 34 Member
    I like sugar. I don't over-use it, but I hate Splenda and other sugar substitutes. I use Sugar in the Raw, and I use it sparingly (a little on my oatmeal, a little in my tea sometimes), but for some reason I feel like I'm being "bad" and that this sugar thing makes me unhealthy. Any thoughts?
  • chantybear
    Do not feel bad, I hate splenda, and those wanna-be sugars. Just do not eat to much! :smile: having a little every once in a while is fine, do not beat yourself up for it...! :drinker:
  • tazspastic
    tazspastic Posts: 62 Member
    I love my sugar... more than I should! But if you work it into your meals and find the places that you miss it the most and make sure you have those little things to look forward to in the day it makes it just that much easier to stick with your plan. You have to reward yourself sometime, so a teaspoon in your tea or on your cereal.... I'm all for that one!
  • maepis
    maepis Posts: 51
    I'm with you on loving sugar. My main use for it was in a gallon of tea. At one time I would put 3 cups, yes THREE cups, into a single gallon. I had manged to get it down to a single cup and once I started truly trying to workout and lose weight I changed over to equal. I tryed the Splenda\Altern\Sweet-N-Low but they left a nasty aftertaste in my mouth and changed the way my tea and any other foods tasted that I put them in. The equal is so far the closest thing I have found to tasting somewhat like sugar without any bitter taste left over and without making what I put it in taste different than it should. If I use real sugar now, no matter how little the amount, I feel like I've commited some kind of unforgivable sin. :laugh:
  • Bunny001
    At only 15 calories a teaspoon, I'm not giving it up. LOL!! I'll walk longer just to have the real thing! I want this to be a life long change for me, I've cut back on everything sugar, I just need to understand that it can be in my diet just not in the proportions that it was before.