I'M FROM WISCONSIN TOO!!! :D :D but i moved to TN a few years ago. anyways, just thought i'd say hi! and glad you're giving it a try! =) =)
thanks so much! that's great to hear!! =) =)
i did low carb 2 years ago and lost 30 lb' stomach flattened a lot! so it's definitely not a myth =) hopefully it will work for you!!! good luck! and congrats on getting married!!
try the mcdonald's snack wrap (grilled). i have the same problem as you: in college, on the go, no time for healthy home made meals. so may want to give it a try. i like the honey mustard one. it's just over a dollar =) i always get it on the way home from classes when i'm hungry! good luck!
hey! don't get discouraged! just take it one day at a time, one meal at a time. and try your hardest to say "no" to all of that deliciously unhealthy stuff!!! good luck!! i just got on this site too, and sunday i felt disgusting adding up all of the stuff i had eaten!! also!!! if you exercise, it let's you eat MORE…
thanks! that's awesome =) =)
thanks! that was a LOT of fun and also encouraging :D :D