marioz49 Member


  • Sorry my mistake. It's not the fat I'm over on, it's the protein.
  • Some great replies. Thanks. I seem to be 100-200 calories under. That is after I have included my exercise. I usually tend to go over up to 50 in the Fat column though.
  • I'm sure that dieting is mostly to do with your mind and your attitude. Once you make up your mind to do something, you do it. I think it is easier too once you have managed to lose weight and you know you can do it. I have already lost 0.6kg.
  • Today is a fresh new start for me too. So I thought I could do without this site huh? Wrong!!! I have put on some Christmas kilos. I need to get rid of them now because I am going on a Cruise in May. So that's my new deadline. To get back to where I was a few months ago and loose some more after that.
  • When I first started walking in January this year, it took me 50 minutes to walk 1/2 the distance I walk now. Now I am walking about 2.7km in 50 minutes.
  • What is the 30 day shred?
  • I went out for dinner on a 2nd date. Not bad at 50 eh? I stuck to chicken though and had a small sorbet for desert. I also only had 1 glass of wine. It is so good that you can plan for dinners out with MFP. I also had 1 gingernut biscuit this morning at a church seminar and was very surprised to find that it was over 200…
  • [quote I actually have a Gazelle for cardio because it is easier on the knees, but I have used treadmills in the past. [/quote] Just wondering what a 'Gazelle' is. I have never heard of it.
  • I did have a manual treadmill once and used it in the summer, but in the winter in the garage it was too cold and I stopped using it. I think if I got another one it would have to sit in the lounge so that I would use it. By the way, I'm in NZ.
  • Also either do not put in exercise on the site or ignore it and do not eat those calories back or you are just washing out the exercise. As per above others agree? do not add your exercise calories into your daily menu plan? I find that doing this motivates me to do the exercise because I add in the exercise at…
  • This site has certainly made my life easier. Before I found it, I was making up my own weekly templates on word, printing them out and then handwriting in my daily menu. This just makes everything so easy. What I also like is that you add your exercise in at the beginning of the day which means that you have to do it!!…
  • I hate getting hot and sweaty...yuk. I prefer walking or swimming just so I don't have to sweat.
  • so just to clarify....should you eat your exercise calories or not? I have carefully stuck to my menu and have been under on my calorie points all week, but haven't shown any weight loss since Monday??
  • add your stories to this...
  • I'm also still trying to work out my food chart for the day. I have figured out that if I have light breakfast and lunches, then I can add more at dinner time. I was also wondering whether I should be eating all of my calories and whether I should add in my exercise calorie points. I am finding it hard to stay within the…
  • I have discovered new foods since dieting; egg plant (high in iron), lots of yummy curry pastes, basil and pesto hummus.....yum
  • I have just discovered that if I follow this eating plan; Breakfast; 1 toast, 1/2 tomato, margarine Lunch; 3 crackers, 1/2 tomato, 1/2 tin of salmon Dinner; chicken, salad, baked potato Snacks; coffee, yoghurt, apple ..then I still have calories left and sometimes can have a glass of wine. This is still only with a 50m…
  • I have just discovered that if I follow this eating plan; Breakfast; 1 toast, 1/2 tomato, margarine Lunch; 3 crackers, 1/2 tomato, 1/2 tin of salmon Dinner; chicken, salad, baked potato Snacks; coffee, yoghurt, apple ..then I still have calories left and sometimes can have a glass of wine. This is still only with a 50m…
  • Yep mee! Check out my group It's loads of fun [/quote] Good for you, but I am not really a dancer. I prefer walking with my dog. I don't really like getting hot and sweaty!
  • Thanks for all the suggestions and comments. So, in a nutshell, if I keep within 50 calories of my daily calorie intake, without worrying too much about the other columns, then is that OK?
  • I am feeling rather proud of myself now. This is my first week back teaching after 2 weeks holiday. I have been tired and trying to get used to getting up at 6.30am again. I didn't get home tonight until after 5.15 and really didn't feel like going for my 50 minute walk. Instead, I had bought subway (which I had put in my…
  • I have been walking every day with my dog since January. I have lost 13kg so far. I did have a treadmill last year, but when it got to winter, it was too cold in my garage to use it. I am starting to enjoy walking and love the fresh air. I think it helps me sleep better. The hard thing for me is going to be walking in the…
  • I like that 'if I bite it, write iti'
  • I have only just turned 50 and I am realising that 50 is a time when you really start thinking about your hair, your make up, your complexion, your weight, your future....I am really determined to loose weight this year and I am super proud of the weight that I have lost already. I have been walking between 30-50minutes…
  • Before I found this site yesterday, I was filling in my own weight loss sheet and writing down most things I ate. Although when I did sort of go off track with my eating, I didn't tend to write it down. Now that I am on this site and can track how many calories I have every day, it is going to be much easier and I don't…
  • It's OK, I just figured it out.
  • Thanks. How do you get your 'ticker' to come up whenever you post something?