tigerblue Member


  • I didn't go terribly off-track. I can count the treats I had between Thanksgiving and New Year's on two hands. I still gained 5 pounds between mid-December and New Years. Getting back on track has not been hard. I am highly motivated. But getting the pounds to come off is much harder. It always comes on quickly (5 pounds…
  • I am reading this "There are no bad foods" stuff a lot lately from lots of sources. While I know there is some truth to that, I am struggling with eating right to help my blood lipids panel, and for me there are some definite bad and good foods.
  • There is some really good stuff in this thread! Brings back my confidence in MFP!
  • I have recently been put on a low-sugar, high fiber, low saturated fat plan by my doctor. Basically, lots of fruits, veggies,whole grains, and olive oil, some low fat proteins and low fat dairy, and as little processed foods (white baked goods, white breads, sweets, etc) as possible. (also, sadly, no wine or alcohol). I am…
  • A couple of thoughts from a small, older gal: CICO is what drives body weight. So yes, you can eat what you want as long as it fits your calorie goal and still lose weight. BUT. . . . . 1. if you are small or old (or both, like me), you will run out of calories very quickly and be very hungry eating calorie dense foods,…
  • I've gained over 10 lbs since being diagnosed and treated for hypothyroid (Hashimotos) a year ago. I have eaten at a deficit for most of that time, exercised 5-6 days a week, lifting and cardio, weigh and measure food, etc. But still I gain whilst at a deficit. I was reading recently about it, and it seems that even with…
  • Following!!!
  • Exactly right. You have to adjust to what is actually happening in your body. I am just saying that this is one reason some people deny CICO. Also, when your BMR tanks and your calorie goal is super low, it is difficult to create a deficit. I just set my goal for 1080 plus exercise, because 1200 plus exercise was not…
  • I don't deny CICO. I think much, if not all, weight management comes down to it. But I don't believe that all the calorie calculators are for everyone. They are based on averages. So your body may not quite be burning the number of calories predicted by "whatever calculator" you are using. Many will disagree with me…
  • I'm in. January/February resolutions-- No refined sugar (and as few as possible refined carbs) on weekdays. Maybe a glass of wine, but mostly save alcohol for weekend. And no going crazy on weekend, just allowing small treats. The last 6 years of my weight management have been brutal. I've got to turn things around! But my…
  • Since it is, at some point, CICO, exercise can sure help to create the deficit. I am a fairly small woman aged 50, and without exercise (even just lots of steps), I would feel deprived on my "calorie allowance". Sometimes it even feels a little skimpy when I am maintaining.
  • Y'all are saying what I have been thinking! Only I have gained this winter, and now I need to lose 10-15 lbs! But seriously, this is supposed to enhance our lives, not make them worse!
  • I would love to hear comments regarding 3 days full body lifting program, vs. 3 days of working separate muscle groups (for instance, leg day, arm day, shoulder day). Both are lifting programs, and not circuit training with cardio intervals. The workouts are all similar in length (approx 45 minutes) and have progression…
  • I plan for a "normal" dinner (700-800 cals) with my family and a moderate lunch--around 400 calories. Then I use what is left on snacks and/or breakfast. Sometimes I don't eat breakfast if I'm not hungry and just have a larger afternoon snack. When your goal is 1500 or below, it is hard to do multiple meals and have them…
  • Exactly! But I do miss breakfast from a psychological standpoint, not a hunger standpoint. Some days I do IF, especially if I know I'd like more calories left later. I'm currently trying to get back to IF being my norm, and breakfast being the occasional treat! Several vacations fairly close together got me off track. Life…
  • I have always wondered--what about women with PCOS? I believe they have higher than normal testosterone. Would lifting perhaps cause someone who is struggling with PCOS to get big?
  • Donuts everywhere here too. Boo! They are not worth it! So far so good. . . .
  • I've given up--gonna eat at maintenance and focus on fitness goals. Also, reducing sweets and baked goods, and replacing with whole grains, more fruits, and more veggies. Inexplicably, after just over week of eating at maintenance, I am down 1/2 pound. I'm watching to see if it is water, or real. Will keep you posted.
  • I have the same issue--my boys and husband don't all get home and settled until after 6:30, so our dinner is always late--7:30ish. That is one reason IF helped me. I moved my "breakfast" to the afternoon, to keep me from snacking on junk food. Then I could make it to 7 or 8 for dinner. I'm not currently doing IF because I…
  • What I meant was you can add difficulty more gradually if you want. (Or more quickly too, I guess). It is more easily customizable. And what you said is probably true too, as far as results.
  • Good points here and above. For me, it is difficult to add more challenge without it being too much. I am past the "beginner" stage but don't necessarily have the balance, coordination, strength, athleticism, etc to progress to the harder exercises. I did some video programs and ran into this roadblock near the end of the…
  • IF can make managing a deficit easier for some. Some people find it easier to eat two big meals closer together rather than three meals and a snack spread out across the day. There is also some argument for it helping a person's body to manage insulin better which might aid weight loss for some. For me if I had absolutely…
  • Well said! It is also a disservice to discount the struggles of a person whose metabolism is not working as it should, for whatever unknown reason! It is good to remember that all those BMR charts are based on algorithms, averages, bell curves, etc. and that there is no way that my body, height, frame size, organ size (a…
  • Also, competitive swimmers. Although they do some weight training eventually. But they build some amazing muscles using mostly bodyweight and water resistance. I should post pix of my young men! But I think the point is that you are still progressing with reps or time spent when you are using bodyweight. At some point, the…
  • I certainly was led astray in the late 80's and early 90's by what I was told about sugar and fat. And it has been hard to shake that out of my head, since those were my years of early adulthood when I was still forming beliefs, etc. Facts can be twisted to support any agenda. So we have to be careful, and we have to keep…
  • No. I did not lose mine. In fact, now that I have gained a portion of my weight back, I carry even more of my weight in my chest. It just keeps getting bigger.
  • Sunday's are always the hardest for me!
  • It is so strange! My measurements, and the actual size I wear, are nowhere close to the same. I am pretty close to a size 6 everywhere except Target (Macy's, banana republic, etc--I can even wear a 4 in banana republic) but the size tool gave me sizes from 10-16. I have noticed this before when shopping online. I love…
  • You look lovely! Just keep focusing on fitness--specifically start lifting if you haven't yet!
  • When I go on holidays, I re set my goals for maintenance and then do my best to eat within that maintenance goal. It gives me some wiggle room with the confidence that I will not gain to much. And it gives me parameters to keep me going completely off the rails. When we travel, eating well is part of the enjoyment, so I…