Could Use Support
Hey Guys, I have a big goal in front of me that is a little intimidating. I'm getting married in September, and I would like to be under 200 pounds (that's 53 pounds to go before then). I have been going to the gym since January 1 between 4 and 5 days a week (my best friend/MOH has been incredible, she joined my gym and…
If you could give your younger self one piece of advice, what would it be?
I would say not to worry so much about failing. Every time I thought I failed, I learned a valuable lesson that helped make me the person I am today.
Which holiday coming up are you most excited for and why?
Which holiday is your favorite? I personally love Christmas the best, but Halloween is great too. I love seeing all the kids in my neighborhood so excited to Trick or Treat!
What is your most treasured memory?
Mine is one Christmas years ago, our power had been out for a few days, so we had the fireplace running constantly. It was Christmas, and it was the first time my family had spent together with no TV, internet, etc. in a very long time. We all sat around the fire and listened to Christmas carols on the radio, and told…
What is your favorite TV show (on currently, or on Netflix)?
Mine are Parenthood, Scandal, the Mindy Project, Bob's Burgers, and Revenge.
Great workouts that don't kill your knees?
Hey everybody. I've been trying to start running again, but unfortunately at the weight I'm at, it is absolutely killing my knees to run. I'm in pain for days afterwards. Do you have any suggestions for running without hurting your knees, or alternative cardio workouts that don't put so much pressure on your knees? I want…
I have a huge audition this week, and there's a little black dress hanging in my closet which screams wear me. I went to try it on last night (it fit me 6 months ago), and couldn't even get the zipper to budge. Cue meltdown. I was so aggravated with myself for gaining this weight, and that the dress didn't fit. I'm feeling…
Ready to lose the weight
Good Morning Everybody, and Happy Tuesday! I am very committed to sticking to My Fitness Pal this time. I have a co-worker who lost 80 pounds JUST by using this tool, so I'm feeling very inspired. A little about me, my name is Bri and I'm 25 years old. I'm a professional singer who is just beginning to break into the…