
I have a huge audition this week, and there's a little black dress hanging in my closet which screams wear me. I went to try it on last night (it fit me 6 months ago), and couldn't even get the zipper to budge. Cue meltdown. I was so aggravated with myself for gaining this weight, and that the dress didn't fit. I'm feeling a bit discouraged too, because I'm having trouble finding the time to work out and motivate myself to do it. I am also going to visit family this weekend, and my family is very into telling me about my weight and how horrible it is and being very judgey, so I already have that at the back of my mind. Any words of wisdom or advice?


  • Forget what anyone says! Your family should be the ones motivating you, not discouraging you. Sorry that you have to deal with that! The dress thing sucks, but try to channel that frustration into determination. Be nice to yourself & when you're feeling badly just say "it's ok" & do your best to not dwell on the crappy feelings. :smiley:
  • fitnessmalak
    fitnessmalak Posts: 45 Member
    Start now. Don't get too down about the dress you can not go back in time but you haven't put tooo much weight on as you wouldn't even get the dress up let alone zip. If you want start today, eat healthily controlling your calories and not eating after 6pm (helps me). As for exercise try to just start off by say 50 star jumps as soon as you wake up, you will feel productive for the rest of the day (what helps me). If you do start before meeting your parents, their comments wont effect you so much as you are already back on the ball.
    I hope this helps :)
    Good luck
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    start with eating in a calorie deficit...
  • PixieMidoriKitten
    PixieMidoriKitten Posts: 21 Member
    Start now. Don't get too down about the dress you can not go back in time but you haven't put tooo much weight on as you wouldn't even get the dress up let alone zip. If you want start today, eat healthily controlling your calories and not eating after 6pm (helps me). As for exercise try to just start off by say 50 star jumps as soon as you wake up, you will feel productive for the rest of the day (what helps me). If you do start before meeting your parents, their comments wont effect you so much as you are already back on the ball.
    I hope this helps :)
    Good luck

    ^ This

    You can't change the dress/weight mismatch at this exact instance, so let it go.
    Get your focus onto getting back to where your are happy with your figure, not how unhappy you are with it.
    The start jumps is a great plan, but I personally can't feasibly restrict my eating to before 6pm because I'm often still at work then.
    I would also add my personal favourite of 30-50 squats whilst brushing your teeth at night (I don't have the co-ordination to do it in the morning)

    Best of luck, and remember it's the future that you cna change, not the past x
  • laurasnyder411
    laurasnyder411 Posts: 172 Member
    Congratulations on your audition! Good luck!
  • fat2skinny50
    fat2skinny50 Posts: 104 Member
    First of all i am so sorry that your family is so judgmental, but try not to listen to them, I know easier said than done. Second: Make today the 1st day of your weight loss, put the past right where it belongs in the past. Everyone as setbacks, the key is to move forward and not to beat yourself up over it. You have this one, good luck to you.
  • eldamiano
    eldamiano Posts: 2,667 Member
    Buy a new dress....
  • mccindy72
    mccindy72 Posts: 7,001 Member
    Be proactive for yourself. Are you eating in a calorie deficit? Weighing everything you eat? You know you can't into the dress for your audition this week - buy a new dress for that - so set a new goal for yourself. It took 6 months to gain the weight to make it not fit, so set a reasonable goal for yourself to get back into it. It sucks that your family is not supportive, but try to look past that. Perhaps they have reasons for that. Put your faith in yourself.
  • He1loKitty
    He1loKitty Posts: 212 Member
    If that dress fit you six months ago, you can't be too far off from fitting into it again with a little effort! Get a food scale and start accurately logging your food! Get out there and exercise. You'll be pleasantly surprised how consistently the weight will drop off of you.

    As for your family making comments, I don't know what to tell you about that. For some reason, people feel entitled to tell women how they should look (act, think, dress, etc.). Ignore them, what matters is what you think about yourself. It gets easier as you get older.