Shoes getting worse or I'm just getting old
After a lot of trial and error I figured out many years ago that Brooks Adrenaline shoes worked well for me. When they are starting to get worn out and need to be replaced I start getting slight aches and pains in my knees. Years ago shoes used to last me about 400 miles, then more like 300, then my most recent pairs only…
Coconut water?
I only recently tried coconut water and love it. I haven't done a side-by-side comparison, but to me coconut water tastes exactly like the skim milk left in the bowl after eating Frosted Flakes. I haven't eaten Frosted Flakes for decades but that was what I thought as soon as coconut water hit my tongue. I'm sure coconut…
People who say cardio is "too boring" are full of crap
[soapbox] It drives me nuts when people claim they don't do cardio because it's just too boring. If sitting on a couch watching TV/movies isn't too boring for you then how can running on a treadmill/riding a stationary bike/etc. while watching the exact same TV/movies be too boring? You aren't doing cardio because it's too…
I hate my scale
My scale sucks. I thought I had lost a few pounds while in maintenance. Recently I wanted to see how much our dog weighs so I weighed myself, then picked up the dog and weighed myself again... thought the dog had gained 3 pounds. I thought to weigh myself again and it showed my weight as 3 pounds heavier than it showed a…
Sync with ErgData?
I do a lot of rowing on a Concept 2 rowing machine and use the ErgData app to store/upload data from my rows. Up until recently it seemed like MFP and ErgData played nicely... when I logged a row on ErgData it would automatically show up on MFP under exercise. Now it never automatically shows up. Is there a way to make MFP…
Can't figure out why a certain meal causes short-term weight gain
I know that answer must be water retention, but I can't figure out why a meal that I have every week or so always results in a 2-2.5 lb weight gain (for a few days). It doesn't seem to be high in salt/sodium. Here are the ingredients: wegmans pork sausage (plain breakfast sausage, not at all spicy) canned tomatoes (no salt…
Waitresses trying to sabotage me
I tend to go over and over to the same restaurants for lunch during the week. Now that I have lost a bunch of weight the waitresses keep giving me extra food....a second pita with my kabob.....a second roll/piece of bread with my salad....soup I didn't order....spring rolls I didn't order....those sorts of things. I really…
How to weigh food when eating with family?
I see many on this board stating that they precisely weigh every single bite that goes into their mouth. How on earth do you do this if you prepare and eat meals with a family? For example, you are cooking a dish that includes ground beef or ground turkey and a bunch of veggies and other things. You know the exact weight…
When to lower weight loss goal?
I'm sure this has been discussed a lot before but I couldn't find anything through searching so I must be using the wrong search words/phrases. I have seen plenty of people giving guidelines for what an appropriate weekly weight loss goal is based on how much you have to lose. Do you guys lower your weekly weight loss goal…
How to know if your metabolism is slowing?
I didn't want to hijack another thread with my question so I'll start a new one. Jemhh posted the following wonderful link: http://strengthunbound.com/metabolism-a-practical-guide-for-dieters/ The author mentions that feeling cold all of the time is a sign that your metabolism has slowed. That makes perfect sense to me. Of…
Anyone here able to drop CPAP due to weight loss?
I was diagnosed with sleep apnea 4 years ago and have been using a CPAP machine every night since then. I need to schedule a follow-up sleep study. I am hoping that losing 30 lbs (roughly 15% of my initial weight) may drop my moderate apnea into the mild category where I wouldn't necessarily need CPAP. Is that too much to…
What is the appropriate goal?
As I am getting closer to my initial goal weight/body fat percentage I am rethinking if they are the right numbers. My overall goal is health. Has anyone come across any studies that would indicate a "sweet spot" for good health in terms of weight (I guess that would be a BMI figure, which I don't love) or body fat…