Water retention
So I live in SC and it is over 100 every day. I know that I am retaining a lot of water. I am a restaurant manager and am constantly moving. I cannot drink glass after glass of water at work. I don't have the time. But when I get home I am constantly drinking, without urinating that much. Besides drinking water does anyone…
Stumped and frustrated
I am stumped. I have been doing the low carb diet(works best for me), and I have been under all calories, carbs, and fats. Protein has been great! And I have been exactly the same weight for the last 5 days. 177.9! Any ideas on how to progress??
Share your personal stats!
I have only been on the low carb journey for about two weeks and I have lost 8lbs. I have been watching what I have been eating since January, so I did lose some weight just using this wonderful app. I just wanted to know what everyone's stats were and how this lifestyle change is helping. Thanks! Starting weight:200.4…
That time of the month
I was just wondering from the ladies, how much excess water weight do you hold onto during that time of the month. The bloating is ridiculous, and I hate it. I know that I keep a good 3 pounds of water weight during this time and it stinks! I was just wondering how others felt during that time of the month.
Stomach Problems
Ok, I have only been doing the low carb diet since Friday. However, I think I have only had two bowel movements since then. They weren't hard or anything like that, but I'm just worried about not having enough. Is this normal?? I'm just quite confused
Protein bars
So I really want to eat a protein bar for breakfast, but I'm not sure which are actually worth buying. I have the Atkins and south beach ones and I love them, but I'm not sure that is all I need. I just wanted to ask advice. I am trying to lose weight, not bulk up, but I feel like since I normally am not hungry in the…
I am on the birth control nexplanon. It is the implant that is in your arm. I have have it since October of 2013. However, just recently it has sent my period completely out of whack. Since Christmas Eve, I have had my period for 4 weeks total. It is horrible!! The bloating is ridiculous and I have had to buy so many…
Excruciating Back Pain
I need your expertise for something not really having to do with weight loss. I am having horrible back pain. I can't sleep, because I can't lay on my back more than 30 minutes at a time. Then when I move to my stomach to get rid of the pain, I have the same pain that comes on in the same place 30 minutes later. Same if I…
Feeling kinda alone on this journey
So I just started my lifestyle change and weight loss journey on January 1st. I am doing pretty well, as I have lost around 12lbs. Yay!! But I am having a little issue. I live with my fiance and our two children. He said he too wants to get into better shape. He uses this app as well. However I feel like he isn't really…
Carb help
Ok, I do not want to do a no carb diet. I just want to watch my carbs very closely. I know to look out for the pasta, bread, etc. But what are some low carb options for meals and snacks. I love grilled chicken, but tired of having to do that every night. Just wanted some ideas
Night time snacks
I cook dinner around 6 every night because the kids have to go to bed around 7 in order to get up for school. But then by 830, I am wanting a snack. What are some healthy nighttime snack that will fill you up, but not hinder your day of calorie deficit? What do you snack on later in the evening? Thanks!!
Purchasing a new scale
Ok, I definitely need to get a new scale to track my progress. I just have a cheap sunbeam scale, that has paint all over it(dropped a roller on it while I was painting the bathroom). But I was wondering what type of scales you all use? I have heard great things about the weight watchers scale, but it is $40, and I was…
Fitness DVD's
Ok, I am just starting my healthy life transformation. Yes, of course I want to lose weight, but that isn't what it is all about for me. I want to be healthier for my kids and fiance. I don't have the money to spend on a gym every month. I know I can go out and walk(never been good at running ever), but I was also thinking…
Too much protein??
If you are trying to lose weight, is it bad to eat more protein than it says I should consume? I consumed good quality protein(chicken, hummus, and quinoa). I'm just confused
Getting married
Hello all! I am new to this app, and really am dedicated to my weight loss. I have no will power. I could sit and eat a whole bag of chips and not even break a sweat! I'm horrible. I am the heaviest I have ever been, and I am getting married in the spring of 2016. I just don't want to look like a blimp walking down the…